The Restoration of Colonial Williamsburg - The City That Stood Again - (2021) Documentary

The Restoration of Colonial Williamsburg - The City That Stood Again - (2021) Documentary

Quest Capsule

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@karenchwilka3556 - 31.10.2022 19:00

Your videos are great! Your voice and information you provide are wonderful. The music is excellent.

@GhostofSicklesleg - 28.12.2022 04:52

A very good watch, I subbed your channel as well. Liking the Williamsburg content

@loisfolk5492 - 31.12.2022 10:23

My dad took me there. It was very impressive.

@stephenburns3678 - 31.12.2022 14:02

Thank you

@yoyo8303 - 04.01.2023 17:40


@barbaradzitko1826 - 06.01.2023 03:05

Beautiful narration of a familiar story. Thank goodness for the Rev. Dr. Goodwin and Abby and John D. Rockefeller.

@RBGreenBee - 31.01.2023 21:12

Getting ready for my first visit to the area. Thanks for the documentary!

@marcybrooks3425 - 30.03.2023 15:31

I see this as a perfect allegory for what America needs today. To rebuild the foundations which brought about the once greatest nation in the world.

@marcybrooks3425 - 30.03.2023 15:53

Thank you Scott. This is really professional. It makes me love Williamsburg more than ever.

@Barbara-ty8dj - 30.03.2023 16:11

Scott, what is the piece of music you inserted for Goodwin’s college education? I recall hearing it in a film about louis xiv.

@jshonert - 13.04.2023 19:00

You curiosity and deep passion are absolutely gorgeous. I love your work. Your wife – girlfriend is beautiful and quite patient. My ancestor, John Waller went to William And Mary where he got his surveyors license. Because of you, I found out George Washington, got his surveyors license at William And Mary when John Waller joined th Virginia Regimentin January 1777 in front of the Williamsburg capitol building, he became captain on general, Washington’s military staff, so, undoubtedly they had become friends in the Wren building! Thanks for making my day! ❤❤❤❤❤

Jeffrey Hancock Shonert
College of William and Mary
Class of 1972

@ronnielloyd4514 - 16.05.2023 20:23

I am 74 years old. Fifty years ago my wife and I got married. We first came to CW around 1973. Since that time we have returned around 30-40 times. I cannot explain the joy it brings me to walk along DOG street. To visit the buildings and the Taverns. KAT and CCT are two of my favorite places to eat. Walking behind the Raleigh Tavern and buying a baker’s dozen gingerbread cookies. Sitting on a bench and watching people walk and talk about what they have experienced and enjoying the sounds of CW.
Whether we make it back or not I will always have the memories of my favorite place to visit.
Long live Colonial Williamsburg!!

@dr.donnahoffman5223 - 02.07.2023 20:18

My great grandfather in the 1770’s and his son were Burgesses in the House of Burgesses, along with the founding fathers. I am so proud of that ancestry. Colonial Williamsburg is my favorite place on earth. I love this video. Thank you so much Scott.

@UncleSam-bu9gz - 05.09.2023 01:38

My favorite place on Earth!

@joannelwatson5066 - 07.09.2023 06:14

I first visited Colonial Williamsburg for my 30th birthday. Little did I know at that time, that I had many ancestors who lived and died in Williamsburg. I can remember standing in front of The Market Square Tavern and wishing that I could go inside. Maybe someday

@elizabeth-gl8ki - 23.09.2023 03:44

Well done!

@gigmcsweeney8566 - 02.10.2023 05:21

Thanks for this very well-made and informative video, which really evokes the atmosphere of the place and brings back so many happy memories from my childhood.
I stayed in Williamsburgh for several months between the autumn and winter of 1967/8, when I was seven years old. I was there with my father, visiting from the UK and staying with his uncle and aunt, who lived in Bryan House, which is on Duke of Gloucester Street, right opposite Bruton Parish Church and next to the Raleigh Tavern.
I have many fond memories of that time, and of the kindness of the people who worked in the various traditional crafts, who made sure I didn't get too lost as walked around the town in my tricorn and knee breeches on my daily travels, usually before getting on a tour bus to go and watch a film on the American Revolution in Jamestown, which I recall starred Jack Lord, who played Steve McGarrett in Hawaii Five-0.
With the exception of the television and refridgerator, and the various other modern electrical devices, everything in Bryan House was made by my dad's uncle, who was a cabinet-maker, and his aunt, who was a seamstress and who, like most of the other people who lived in the historical part of the town, wore period costume on a daily basis.

@dianealbrecht496 - 14.11.2023 20:35

I first visited Williamsburg in 1978...haven't stopped yet. Honeymooned there! I just love it there, especially in the fall. So glad it was saved & restored!

@susanschaffner4422 - 07.01.2024 02:36

Well done. I visited as a child. A fond memory.

@Thuled_you - 29.01.2024 04:17

I grew up in Charlottesville and also spent some time living in London. Williamsburg was a staple of my childhood. Thank you for this great video.

@scottjones1109 - 09.02.2024 07:45

I first came to Williamsburg in 1965 as a 13 year old and the visit initiated my life long interest in both our colonial/revolutionary history & the architecture of that era.
And I have returned many times since - in fact, I'll be heading back in just a few weeks, still grateful to my Aunt & Uncle for introducing me to such a wonderful place.
Beautifully produced video here - I learned a lot about how this little piece of paradise came to be.

@nicoledeloncrais5940 - 15.05.2024 16:54

Dearest Scott and Sharron as a fellow lover of pioneer past I thank you with all my heart for your efforts 💖. God bless 🙏

@heatherva - 20.05.2024 18:22

I'm so lucky to live one hour from Colonial Williamsburg. Sometimes me and my Fiancee will go there on a whim on a Saturday. Its a great time.

@itsjaderlund - 22.05.2024 14:05

Dude I live in the city of Williamsburg , this assembly is amazing . I actually watched the whole thing .. 💯

@lillianrowe4055 - 26.05.2024 22:36

We visited the beautiful and interesting Williamsburg.

@judyn6639 - 04.08.2024 03:19

Wonderful documentary on Colonial Williamsburg, thank you! ❤

@vernhedeen9807 - 15.08.2024 09:23


@bw1357 - 22.08.2024 06:26

My first vist was 1969 in 4th grade. Been back many times taking my wife and son. Stationed at Ft Eustis I was able to take many of my fellow Army officers and showcase my youthful "back yard" to my new friends from all over America.

@katyshepard6402 - 30.08.2024 05:07

Colonial Williamsburg is my Go To place at night when I need to find calm, peace, meaning, and tranquility. I walk silently and slowly absorbing all the history of the past. At times I swear I can hear the old sounds of history.

@Liiljuju - 09.10.2024 23:55

Hey, I'm here to say fu** you for the people who closed down Colonial Parkway. That was my favorite place in the world and you demons close it for three years. wtf? We all went out there to enjoy the beach. Keep your controlling fingers out of nature I hope someone sues you. I saw my first UFOS out there, I heard bombs going off from the Navy across the water, it has to be something more than just construction. I think it has to do with who is in the administration right now. It's one of the most underrated area ever

@carlosbosque7395 - 14.10.2024 01:54


@elizabethbarton3047 - 12.11.2024 09:58

Ive loved everything Colonial America, architectural history and restoration since I was young. I'm excited to find this video!!

@melindadouglas1673 - 16.01.2025 06:00

Wonderful documentary about saving Colonial Williamsburg! I’ve visited many times and I’m part of a FB group that shares pictures daily. I bought a great book about restoring Colonial Williamsburg Before and After with some amazing pictures of how bad some of the building were before restoration began. The rebuilding of the Palace has such an interesting history. That’s worth its own documentary! Thanks for bringing attention to such an amazing place!

@andrewfischer8564 - 16.01.2025 23:42

in the early 70's i went there quite often.. its been 50 years i need to go back... . i brought my grandparents bees wax candles... i may still have them.

@ideallife66 - 17.01.2025 18:32

Goodwin's letters speak to me and give me chills. I feel as he did of the past as I walk around my own town or Church at night. I feel like a Kindred soul

@Augustes1 - 17.01.2025 19:47

I remember the place well

@eileenmurphy2019 - 17.01.2025 20:13

I first visited as a teen with my folks and later with my kids. I listened specifically in hopes of hearing about the contributions of the architects, most especially George Fletcher Bennett.

@joycebell6912 - 17.01.2025 21:47

1958 was my first visit to Williamsburg it was amazing with the living museums preforming the crafts of the past like spinning, candle making and
the blacksmith shop.❤

@jshonert - 18.01.2025 06:26

The videography and your beautiful commentary with a great speaking voice and totally natural and affable camera style along with complex writing and researching make this a magical piece. I have a hard time putting this down —Ihonestly think you can take this 😅totally professional package and use it to pitch a much longer documentary for PBS or American experience. Once again this show is so thrilling. I will have to look at it a second time and please give my love to your other half with great love and respect, Jeffrey Hancock Shonert, College of William And Mary class of 1972❤❤❤

@TerriAnnNiemeier-dy3no - 18.01.2025 21:10

I would love a great study of Gov. William J Hardwoods true reasons for building the Mental Infirmary as the Women were often deamed insane, as the Men raped n slaved African Americans. The Filthy closet of the 5 Harwood brothers were domestic violence was a control society factor.

@equine2020 - 19.01.2025 21:25

Been there. To sit where Washington sat. To walk the strrets our forefathers walked.
We lucked out. The revolutionary reenactment troops were bivouaced there around the green. I was even invited to have lunch with 2 of them. I love history & started asking questions about their reenactment.
What a great day.

@kellydietz6720 - 20.01.2025 05:01

Thank you, I wish I could see it in person. I'm so very glad to see it here❤

@vernrosquites5998 - 23.01.2025 01:21

This is a counterpart of “Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar”. Historical homes built in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries were transported, rebuilt and restored meticulously and sent to the province of Historical “Bataan”. Mostly built during the Spanish and early American colonies. Recently, it was declared by Unesco as heritage homes, overlooking the stunning west Philippine sea. See for yourself if you want to experience and go back in time.

@christinel.4921 - 04.02.2025 04:52

This was fantastic!!! Thank you!!! I enjoyed it immensely ❤

@douglaswhite9777 - 06.02.2025 17:04

The greatest days of my life was when I went on vacation and I went to Valley Forge, where so many brave America lost their lives and died of small pocks another diseases and pneumonia and frozen feet frozen hands and still stood their ground, and tried to unite together and stay together and suffer during the hard winter many left, but they did return to fight again because they knew that the democracy this republic was worth fighting for a fledgling nation that gave the best they had to create a better world, tried their best and gave the ultimate and all through history so many brave men and women have given the ultimate and the animals of our history. I cannot count the thousands upon thousands who stood the ground and shed their blood for this nation alone, but the greatest part of my vacation was to go to Mount Vernon and as you know during during the Civil War was burnt to the ground years later
Was rebuilt after
the Civil War they rebuilt it. On The lower foundation stayed where it was, and they just rebuilt over the foundation where General Washington vault where the father of our country lies and when I went to Washington, the greatest papers I saw were the Bill of Rights the constitution the declaration of independence this made us a nation And so many other things that were in the area that they kept those papers it was like looking at the holy Grail of freedom and Yorktown where so many good American fought and died to preserve our freedom and bringing and end to the conflict and through the yoke of a king off their backs but one great thing I remember the most was standing right where Patrick Henry stood. I believe it was called the House of Burgess, but I’m not sure it was the seat of government the American parliament that was a active parliament to make the rules and laws that were handed down right where the great Patrick Henry stood when on the day he said, I know not what path others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. I will never forget those immortal words what he was saying I would rather die a free man then two be a slave of a king or dictator he was truly a real, potentate, we must always stand for freedom. It is our duty and our respect for those who gave so much for this country. I served in Vietnam and I swore my oath to the constitution and I have always kept it and well well, my men did the same. I have 37 of the best men I knew who gave their life for this country on the Vietnam memorial with the other 62,000 Americans who did the same and gave their best and gave the ultimate for their nation and for the freedom of all mankind we cannot turn our backs on this republic if we do we break fat with so many who gave so much for it. We must stand strong every day and pick up our sword against evil and vanquish evil that has come to our White House and to those who are the enablers of the dictator in charge already we are being threatened with a possibility that if we band together in a rally in Washington that we will be fired upon by our own American troops, the author has been given by Donald Trump by listening in what he was saying the other day I will not hesitate to fire upon Americans if they rally against my power not the words I’m a president, but the power of a dictator the day my country turns into a dictatorship will be the last day of my life or I will not stand and take a dictator as a leader, Nora King for fathers through the yoke of a king of our back a long time ago, and it is our duty, the strong and the memory of so much sacrifice of those who gave so much over the years for this nation do not break faith with them otherwise did they die in vain for nothing is that what that sacrifice was made for when we are not willing to sacrifice ourselves to preserve it, God bless and protect all long live the republic. Please forgive any spelling errors where they will not intentionally.

@doughollandsworth8002 - 28.01.2022 23:28

Great Job Scott, I have been coming to WB for 40 years and I truly love it there. Your video was very down to earth and very informative. I enjoyed it very much. I am a member of Colonial Williamsburg Burgesses Society, so I see a lot of media on CW and I would tell you and others this is one of the best things I have ever seen about the Restoration of CW. Thanks
