what it feels like to be in your own head (playlist)

what it feels like to be in your own head (playlist)

Lost Sounds

1 год назад

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@shi1omi - 05.06.2024 00:11

хочу потеряться

@llano_trike6780 - 15.05.2024 23:28

la verdad esta musica, hace que tenga una conexión especial con mi creador, me hace sentirlo mas cerca y poder hablar con el y sentirme escuchado, en un mundo que juzga lo bueno del ser y aplaude lo malo de nosotros mismos, quiero un mundo donde nadie juzgue, donde todos seamos hermanos, donde el dolor no exista, donde el amor sea el eje fundamental de nuestras vidas, anhelo encontrar el amor, aparte del amor que da mi Dios y mi Madre, que son los mas dulces y especiales para mi, confieso que también añoro el amor de una mujer que me vea con ojos de admiración, cual perrito mira a su amo y así mismo yo mirare, porque cuando nunca te has sentido amado, es difícil continuar en un mundo corrupto y lleno de materialismos. donde te juzgan por ser especial pero te quieren por ser patán!

@godisgreaat - 29.04.2024 19:17

guys i give yup on everything and yes iam happy now

@bad5795 - 25.04.2024 04:29


@Keyproquo - 24.04.2024 16:15

It's going to be alright...🥲

@daniomg_1234 - 24.04.2024 08:15

whats the name of the gender of this music?, I love it

@CobyMeyer - 19.04.2024 12:41

It feels like I just want to give up on what my life
But I can't give up because I know that God is great and he's always by my side ❤

@Sorriel.J - 12.04.2024 18:29


@deepnight23 - 11.04.2024 08:10

I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you 🤗💝

@Pawcio2115 - 05.04.2024 17:05

Great playlist

@p-tech8166 - 05.04.2024 00:08

For those who are feeling lonely talk me my dear i know what it feels like when nobody asks you that what your doing in your life what are your feelings what is your current mood ...... It hurts my dear friend

@zlmanuel8773 - 03.04.2024 02:08

I can't take it anymore. I'm losing the battle.

@silvanasiqueira5825 - 02.04.2024 06:22

viciei nessa música perfeita

@user-cd2xo2cb1h - 31.03.2024 21:29

I feel sad all the time, i dont have siblings i homeschool i have no friends every person i meet just ends up hating me or leaving me, i dont like my life i want a different one but then im stuck thinking and thinking knowing i have no choice but to go through it, i want to kill myself but i worry about my parents 💔 😞

@LuzitoSk - 25.03.2024 19:52

Jesus Love's you

@silvanasiqueira5825 - 24.03.2024 07:17


@eveon6571 - 16.03.2024 04:50

Escuchar esto con audifonos es otra onda

@longwellgreensportsfootbal5993 - 15.03.2024 00:36

Reminds me of an early summer morning as a child smelling the freshly cut grass covered in dew when there weren't so many cars around on a sunday and being able to hear the full dawn chorus goodnes i miss those wonderful carefree days ❤ love you all stay strong 💪 ❤

@lovecraftbaby8119 - 12.03.2024 04:50

idk for me it's not that calm 😂 one big meme compilation

@amaurydavid4592 - 10.03.2024 18:23

damm this image is beautifull where did you find it ?

@baptistedoiby - 10.03.2024 08:11

Stop thinking and go gym ❤💪

@Exause - 08.03.2024 13:11

jus gimme my moneyyy

@mosheeyoto3022 - 08.03.2024 07:52

I don't even know what to say....but just know I feel a sense of relief and that's a great feeling

@user-qm6oy1xk8k - 06.03.2024 03:38


@Dusk_Spear - 02.03.2024 16:31

life is torment

@hannahcathmd - 02.03.2024 05:11

Jesus loves you all and died for you ❤️❤️❤️

@ales_2k307 - 26.02.2024 12:27


@lemon3257 - 26.02.2024 03:16

This is very calming. I quite like this. It's nice for just thinking or studying to. Subscribed! :)

@doritogacha123 - 16.02.2024 04:36

I don’t know anymore.

I’m not helpless, but I’m not hopeful.. I barley have the strength to type anymore, let alone plaster a heavy painted smile all day, everyday

I’ve noticed myself losing track of time, to the point where I genuinely widen my eyes at a realization that “shit… it’s already Thursday? Friday is so soon..”

Days and happy moments go by too fast

And sadness lasts so slow

But life goes by both ways at the intersection, suffocating the driver as the car bashed into the wall that made them chose a way..

@spakky5073 - 08.02.2024 22:54


@Lumiwasnthere_ - 04.02.2024 09:09

12:51 pm. i met a guy online 6 months ago. he was a like a prince. he gave me the world on my hands, and then he left me to die in my lonelyness. we met in Madrid- Spain on December 25th. we had a fight cause i catched a lie he told me since we met, and made me cover every single mistake he did on the past. he ended up our friendship on december 31th. i loved him with my heart. i trusted him, i did everything to make him happy. he told me how much he suffered in the past. and in a try to make him better, i ruined myself. when i tired to fix all our things, on a call, he told me he accepted being friends again just because he was bored, but he never really found a meaning in being friends again.
we're now on january 4th. i send him a message to end up our friendship.

''Hey ____, I know you and I haven't been on the best terms lately, but I don't want you to take it personally. I've been doing some thinking lately and I've come to the realization that I'm wasting your time and that I'm better off on my own.

I've decided now that this whole friendship just isn't going to work for me anymore, and that I need to move on and start over...So, if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna remove myself from this whole thing we had going on and start fresh.

I hope you'll understand where I'm coming from, and I really hope you've found someone better to care for you, just like i did or even better. I'm really sorry if this all comes out as sudden as it is, but I just need to move on with my life. I hope you understand why i took this decision. and all i have left, is saying thanks to you for all the past and the good memories.

if you dont wanna keep my gifts of when we met irl, you can give them all to mari (his other bsf, she is my friend), or just save them, you choose.
however, you told me you only accepted this all because you were ''bored'' and even thought it was hurtful to hear, i have to accept that things will never be as before.

you were right all this time, and we both know is just going to be even worse to be together, knowing damn well how it ended last time.

im doing this for my own safety, and my health. i dont know if this will make you sad or not, but honestly, is not something i should care anymore.

take care of your friends, and take care of yourself, please.

there is nothing much more to say. i know things ended pretty.. bad. however, i enjoyed every single part of our friendship until the end. but i now know that they will be only old memories of the past.

thank you for everything you have done, and thanks for the lesson you brought to my life.

well.. i dont know if im even going to be on any social media at all after this message. i dont know if i'll be here to see your reply, but, well, things need to have an end.

i love you, and i did since the day we managed to met eachother.

take care of haru (his new bsf), i know his sould is pure and that he will be good for you.

goodbye, _____. have a good life, and please, dont bring up bad memories. i would preffer you remember me as tom, the guy u met online and who u met irl for the first time.''

im still waiting for his answer. even thought i know damn well he will ignore me. i know he doesnt care about me anymore. i know that if i die, he wont care. and im fine with it. im fine with leaving all i've done in the past.

i wont reveal his name due to privacy, but.. i can only tell one thing. we could have everything together... but he made me a shit. he broke my heart like no one ever did.

im genderfluid, he's gay. our relationship was just part of my imagination.. while he used me to make himself feel loved. and still, i made myself fall in love.

i really liked him.. but now everything has just ended.

for you, reading this. go away from that toxic relationship as fast as you can, don let your attachment win. please.. dont allow yourself to end up like i did. a lonely boy, attached to someone who never loved him..

ATT: a person of the internet, ''Tommy.''

@eduardoguzman7044 - 30.01.2024 07:23

Estoy triste

@hma_dwa4200 - 30.01.2024 04:40

I am sorry I WILL NOR REMEMBER IT realy?

@hma_dwa4200 - 30.01.2024 04:38

worry because our relationships with god not good and maybe we are kufar or doing alot of sins worry until u become one of them u will say who are they? Those who see them on number one of great

Maybe u do not aggre with me but ok we are people we always do not agree with each other

In the end, I advice u and me to nlt listen on this music because it is like magic also, it can make u sad with his sounds

@remizyt - 29.01.2024 04:49

Remember God loves you

@putri-wz9gd - 28.01.2024 05:01


@peacefulcity01 - 27.01.2024 05:31

Good vibes and energy🎶🎵🎵

@iMakeKnviesFly - 25.01.2024 04:51

this is literally amazing! thanks!

@rexx40404 - 24.01.2024 06:00

what feels like inside my brain is pure utter chaos. I wish it was as peaceful as this.

@moxifoxi7710 - 22.01.2024 16:33

Just get stoned and stare at the stars. Then listen to this. Trust me on this.

@FullerTube - 16.01.2024 09:35

I’m just here to have this provide some ambience for angst roleplays 😭

@ChezkaBree110 - 14.01.2024 05:13

Im so tired ...i keep getting compraed at tat it makesnme feel worthless , i mean many people do like me its just that i get compared to and it makes me feel like im not enough .Even to my parents i know im not enough .As the oldest sibling its even harder bc of the responsibilties .As president of my school its even more coonfusing how am i going to survive this .Ik im disapointing people in my school .They dotn understand that i cant make certain things happen for them bc i dotn have that type of power, and ik its not my fault, but it still hurts .i cant even revise properly for 8 exams next week bc im sick and have other things to prioritise .when is it going to end ?

@flashsmoke7002 - 10.01.2024 23:29

This is someone elses head wtf

wtf is this shit



@pleasedonat-ls5ev - 07.01.2024 00:09

Это самое лучшее что я когда либо слушала, и да, попробуйте эту прекрасную мелодию в наушниках😮

@BingtheLizard - 05.01.2024 01:25

Just hurts so much for so long.
