TÜRKÇE! The Turkish Language is Fascinating

TÜRKÇE! The Turkish Language is Fascinating


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ZXMYFAA - 29.09.2023 15:58

Bizim bir ara* ülkesi ya da ara* ırkı olmadığımızı gösterdiğin için çok sağ ol, ayrıca dünyada 500 milyon üzeri TÜRK popülasyonu var

Yalçın Kızılkan
Yalçın Kızılkan - 22.09.2023 16:56


Yalçın Kızılkan
Yalçın Kızılkan - 22.09.2023 16:56


Saydullo Darmonqulov
Saydullo Darmonqulov - 09.09.2023 06:40

What about 35 millin uzbek speakers
8 million kyrgz. 18millin kazak 40 millin ughur

[BIG] Valiant Edits
[BIG] Valiant Edits - 08.09.2023 20:27

Evet ayrı dillerdir

Modou DIENE - 30.08.2023 00:15

Turkish is an agglutinative language likewise my language "Wolof".

Esra Özdeş
Esra Özdeş - 29.08.2023 15:11

If the language is from Turkish Language familiy, we can understand it in One month. But sometimes they use other languages because of the region. So they include for example Russian language. At that time we can't understand. To understand Ottoman writing language, you shoud know Arabic and Persian. İnfact Ottoman form is simple but mixed words from other langues makes it harder. Nowadays our New generations don't use lots of them, the ancient words. Sometimes when we use a common ancient word, they don't understand.

KorSariel - 27.08.2023 16:21

Ты указал слишком малое количество тюркских языков.

çörek - 26.08.2023 13:29


Progression Matters
Progression Matters - 26.08.2023 11:11

İnteresting topic about Turkish:

it is possible for a Turk who is has full control in turkish vocabulary to speak with using less/more arabic words or using less/more turkish words when she is speaking turkish.

For example, in Turkish when we say "hello" we generally using "selamun aleyküm" or "merhaba" which both are comes from Arabic, obviously. But also we can choose "esenlikler" which comes from Turkic origin

Using arabic/persian words much more, it's like trying to speak Ottoman Turkish.

Anonim 99
Anonim 99 - 25.08.2023 21:54

7:07 amınakoyim bunu suriyeli mi seslendirmiş?

Olim Eshnazarov
Olim Eshnazarov - 24.08.2023 11:34

Kaşkarli Mahmudun "Divani luğatut Türk" eseri 1000 sene önce Kaşkarda yazilmiş. O kitabda yoğurt ayran kelimeleri türkçe kelime olduğu yazıyor

manos pergas
manos pergas - 21.08.2023 22:59

There is also a minority in north Greece

Fatih Bilgin
Fatih Bilgin - 20.08.2023 15:59

Ataturk replaced Pershing and Arabic with inglish ,french and some Mongolian .He wanted influence Turks to European culture mainly French ang inglish with a secularism he was smart he knew he could only achieve this with changing languages.

damon feidias
damon feidias - 17.08.2023 05:08

Greetings from Zulu! We love our turkish brothers!

Siamo Tutti Uguali
Siamo Tutti Uguali - 17.08.2023 01:31

Question what is the language family of Turkish I have Turkish freinds and they Have some same words as Spanish like Pantalon Pants And Patron Boss But turkish is not a Latin language?

avalanche156 - 12.08.2023 15:42

It's strange, that you haven't covered the influence of French on Turkish language. Roughly 10% of Turkish nouns come from French.

محمد بلال ظفر
محمد بلال ظفر - 11.08.2023 19:24

For Urduca speakers, Osmanli Türkçe çok kolay than Modern Türkçe. Because of Persian and Arabic languages.🎉

simantov 4U
simantov 4U - 11.08.2023 05:47

i live in germany and have a lot turkish folks in my hood. and they are so dare to speak it in public. itś the most terrible sounding language i ever heard. even russian sounds a bit better.

hilal öztürk
hilal öztürk - 29.07.2023 17:20

hello, i am from Türkiye. We can easily get along with someone who speaks Azerbaijani Turkish. we even imitate this dialect often.

personal mobile
personal mobile - 28.07.2023 07:14

Learn Kurdish Guys It's Amazing 🥰

Nijadperest - 27.07.2023 20:10


Eva Beyza
Eva Beyza - 26.07.2023 03:29

We can understand Azerbaycan language generally. As a Turkish I should say that it is easier to understand while they speaking than while they writing in Azerbaycan language. Now I am learning Ottoman language. We have many common words and I know how to read Arabic words. Even though many Ottoman Turkish words are not spoken in Turkish nowadays. Older people can understand better. Generally we know more English words in Turkish but they know more Arabic or Persian word in Turkish

John - 24.07.2023 23:40

Why Turkish language doesn’t have alphabet?

Vibes of Islam
Vibes of Islam - 15.07.2023 10:40

What about the other branches of Turkic language family. You only focus on Oghuz branch which are interchangeable in some way with the others. Describe the other 5 branches also. What about them...????

Haydar Sayin
Haydar Sayin - 12.07.2023 21:41

Türk topluluklarının hepsi de Türkçe konuşur. Yüzyıllardır başka dillerin etkileriyle farklılıklar oluşmuştur. Dilin yapısı değişmediği için değişik, kelimeler kısa zamanda öğrenilir.

Green Rabbit
Green Rabbit - 12.07.2023 17:42

I went to my favorite Döner shop and said "Iyi günler! Bir Falafel lütfen, tesekür"
His face lit up and he joked "Everyone is studying german, why are you studying türkish!?" (I live in Austria in an immigrant district) 😊

Sharma Pillalamarri
Sharma Pillalamarri - 11.07.2023 20:05

I lived one year in Turkey and People are so noble affectionate and I was treated with great respect as if I was their own family member!! Regards to Turkey and to all Turkish People!!!

Gomes - 02.07.2023 00:39

Paul du bist der beste ❤❤❤❤

Valentin Marin
Valentin Marin - 25.06.2023 15:19


Valentin Marin
Valentin Marin - 25.06.2023 15:18

Gloria 🇬🇷❤

Valentin Marin
Valentin Marin - 25.06.2023 15:17

I don't know because you speak so much of the languages ​​of barbarian peoples that have only brought suffering to the Christian peoples that were in the Balkan peninsula and the cultural disaster that the loss of Constantinople at the hands of that miserable Turkish people has meant. The Mongolian and Russian Turks have brought nothing good to Europe...absolutely nothing...

pelasgeus pelasgeus
pelasgeus pelasgeus - 24.06.2023 13:09

Turks are Mongols and their language contains many many Greek and English words that are adjusted to sound Turkish. What is the fascinating then?

mona lisa kinda melisa.
mona lisa kinda melisa. - 23.06.2023 16:59

as an half azerbaijani half turkish i would like to add that it is rude to call azerbaijani people azerbaijani or azeri turks because azerbaijani is not a dialect it is a language completely by itself.

CrynS Xan
CrynS Xan - 21.06.2023 11:07

Turkey is an Arabic country actually.

Entiqe Ibrahimova
Entiqe Ibrahimova - 18.06.2023 15:17

Ok hi everyone. I'm azerbaijani and i want to answer your questions.
Answer of 1st question: ok then, i think every Turkish languages are dialect each other. Because every turkish peoples understand themselves. And we're writing with some alphabet. Right some turkish people write with Khiril alphabet but they also write turkish words. I hope you understand
Answer of 2nd question: that's my option if you don't agree with me i'll understand. If i live in that time i think i don't understand Arabic alphabet. Because in this time turkish peoples don't use Arabic language and alphabet any more. Also a lot of Turk doesn't like Arabs. Because they suffered us a lot of pain. If you want to understand this you can seach that. For exlample you'll seach Azerbaijan's national hero Babek or Gulustan and Turkmanchay contracts.
Whatever thanks for this video and thank for read this comment☺.

Vasanthakumar வசந்த்
Vasanthakumar வசந்த் - 17.06.2023 17:33

I am an Indian from Southern part and I speak Tamil as my first language which is a Dravidian language. Tamil is also an agglutinative language so Turkish may be easier. It is believed that Dravidian languages shows some similarities with Altaic languages which is surprising. 🇮🇳.

unknown - 15.06.2023 00:25

I am a Persian and I can say that half of our Persian words and literature are made up of Arabic and Turkish

Comrade Mostafa
Comrade Mostafa - 14.06.2023 21:57

i think ottomans turkish was better because with that language turkye would have better realtionship with persians and arabs instead seperating themself....
you don't bacame noble with this seperation🤫
may be that wasn't a good work to do mr Ataturk😐

Emraan Naimi
Emraan Naimi - 12.06.2023 21:36

You have forgotten another Turkish dialect, it's called Uzbektele!

Gosh M.
Gosh M. - 07.06.2023 08:57

Thanks for the video, you should get your facts straight, there are more than 40 million turkish speaking population in İRAN, called “Azerbaijani Turks” or in short “Azeris”.

Jim Londos
Jim Londos - 05.06.2023 07:01

There is nothing civilized and democratic in the Turkish language.Everything is derived from the Greek language. The only Turkish contributions to humanity is genocides, expatriation of indegenous people from their ancestral lands, and attrocities of killings of innocent people.

latilda tv
latilda tv - 04.06.2023 19:18

Thanks bunch for such a great video. 🎉 Hello from Turkey ❤

latilda tv
latilda tv - 04.06.2023 19:18

The answer of the first question is that: yes they are similar language, but of course in times the style of using the language has changed because of the area. But for a turkish it is really easy to understand each other 😊

latilda tv
latilda tv - 04.06.2023 19:15

İf we try to read ottoman language, we can understand %60 of it. And it depends how old are you . Because the usage of these words are getting less in times. Elder people can understand all of it 😊
