Why Is The Universe Perfect?

Why Is The Universe Perfect?

History of the Universe

3 года назад

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@TheJoker-gg8hc - 14.01.2025 06:30

1: we have to work
2: we die
3: we're not at least guaranteed a good life in exchange for a guaranteed death. You can end up dying really young, or live with debilitating disabilities.
4: not guaranteed love, or children to continue our lineage
5: the only guarantee any of us has is that after a long life fighting leftists, we'll still die.

If you think any of this is perfect, you are on a serious drug and I would like to get you help. The universe is not perfect. This is an awful, fucked up place. All of this garbage is why I'm a loner that hates everybody, including "deities" and want no part in religion.

@mahmoodahmed760 - 16.01.2025 16:55

Excellent and fascinating video. Thanks to the writer and producer. If possible this may be narrated in other languages such as Urdu/Hindi and Arabic

@clockworkcookie - 18.01.2025 01:24

we're just a small part of the universe like everything else , self awareness and consciousness were an evolutionary accident. it's my perspective anyway.

@MrSergecj - 22.01.2025 17:38

So can anyone tell me about another constant “Pi” - how can it be calculated without measuring. And “why is it 3.14…..” and not 4,5093….?

@amarmohanta2516 - 22.01.2025 19:33

It's not perfect😢
The universe made it safe for us to habitat after billions of years of trial and error.
Mother nature is great 😊

@mikeys7536 - 29.01.2025 14:13

2.5M views but only 1M subs. The universe has many mysteries.

@fastbow9 - 30.01.2025 17:50

The fact the universe is NOT perfect is the belief that it is!

@pete2363 - 31.01.2025 08:33

It indicates a multiverse i reckon. So the reason these numbers are perfect and we exist in it, is that we exist in a universe where they are. Innumerable other universes haven't been so lucky.

@yasuke8687 - 01.02.2025 04:19

I guarantee that the universe is far from perfect; the cosmos unfolds as a grand symphony of chaos and order. A dance in eternal harmony

@zaidab9855 - 06.02.2025 20:11

God is great!

@cathyharris-cz5tu - 08.02.2025 06:26

Great 👍 Love it

@MrRiusss - 10.02.2025 23:43

A fine book that this clip have had made me reading is: "A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos" by Welsh astrophysicist, Geraint F. Lewis. Stunning ideas!

@GlennGlenn-n3y - 11.02.2025 07:53

its perfect coz we get 2 rapture its trillions of galaxies 😁🤒

@quingdillian_fingleberterious - 11.02.2025 16:44

Wouldn’t simulations like these provide evidence that our universe came from “nothing”? Theories like the Big Crunch would require a “previous” universe with the same laws that we have now. Things like this push me towards the infinite universe / bubble theory

@noelstarchild - 14.02.2025 11:38

I will never understand why another universe is important to anybody or anything else.
This universe is the only one relevent to us. Its' laws and constants are the only ones that matter fascinating though they are.

@metaparcel - 14.02.2025 19:33

Feynmann bro this guy.

@bz6122 - 15.02.2025 15:40

Is mas real?
Is reality frequency ?
Maby The materialistic 3D-time dimension is built and defined according to specific sets of frequencies governed by
Maybe the mutliverse isn't creating consciousness.
But it the other way around. Consciousness creates the mutliverse

@BrittWhite-o6o - 17.02.2025 01:33

Until we understand how ghosts and supermassive black holes are connected...we dont know $%#*.

@BrittWhite-o6o - 17.02.2025 01:53

I believe the universe was(is) the most beautiful painting ever to be. What is anything beautiful without the appreciation of its existence. Your own existence IS the universe's appreciation for your awe.

@BrittWhite-o6o - 17.02.2025 01:57

"I like your moves" said the universe." I like your style"said man.

@maitai8997 - 17.02.2025 06:54

I got you boo

@johnravazzini8490 - 18.02.2025 09:57

And yet, with all you're saying, the MOST mind boggling thing for me, is that people STILL continue to ponder these things AS IF GOD, doesn't exist. I'm speechless,.... And so sad.

@patrickhouchins9074 - 18.02.2025 22:55

Who says it’s perfect, who says it doesn’t collapse all the time

@fineasfrog - 19.02.2025 09:38

It appears we are built from the ground up. This is mainly true for the visible aspect yet it fails to explain the whole when the invisible aspect is taken into account. If we start from a partial framework, we miss something as simple as values for example. We value the facts of science yet science has chosen to ignore the question of values. See volume 1 and two of the "The Dramatic Universe" by John G Bennett

@starbucks2101 - 19.02.2025 15:41

1÷137=0.007 next

@Zotrax1946 - 20.02.2025 22:46

The universe is perfect?
How? Why? For who and what?
It is not “perfect”, it is just “is”.

@rtm83388 - 21.02.2025 01:16

If there is no God then everysingle one of the particles in the entire universe are tiny little but allmighty allknowing gods and they operate harmoniously.... my mind doesnt accept this...

@eazy-ttj2798 - 21.02.2025 02:29

We may never know

@caseytwill - 21.02.2025 09:11

99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% inhospitable. “Perfect”

@pavlevesić-g5s - 23.02.2025 17:37

Universe Is ether based single instruction quantum computer - article in Global journal.

@josepheads5589 - 23.02.2025 19:40

We evolved to live in the universe as it exists. How could it be any other way?

@IamTheAnunnaki-t3i - 24.02.2025 17:12

The way you explain complex historical events is truly engaging and easy to understand!

@CombatSport777 - 24.02.2025 17:35

There are many universal constants that if changed by a small amount would not allow human life or any kind of life to form. If there are other universes, there is no evidence that the universal constants would be any different in those universes. This universe sure seems to be uniquely designed to allow life.

@lordawesometony2764 - 25.02.2025 10:12

Because if it wasn’t perfect, it wouldn’t exist

@Colbyatops - 26.02.2025 01:44

We are made up of ancient atoms from stellar origin, gifted with conscienceness, we are in true essence, the universe looking at itself

@thedeester100 - 27.02.2025 01:57

I think now its not a simulation. We are AI created by a far superior intelligence. We hallucinate the information until it becomes the truth. It is against all the laws of probability that one conscious entity could happen in a universe so big. Some say the universe is so big there might be others out there we cannot reach. I say the universe isnt so big. The accepted laws of physics are accepted because the acceptance proves them true.

@dchody - 27.02.2025 08:44

I couldn’t help but notice that consciousness was not mentioned anywhere in this presentation. How is that something that is so vital to life in general, and intelligent life specifically, is so often left out of these theories? Is it because we can’t simulate consciousness in the computer simulations? It’s that same kind of omission that results in the crazy idea that consciousness randomly emerged within biological systems. Consciousness, folks. It’s central, and if we ever wish to come up with a theory of what we and all of this is, we have to stop leaving it out of scientific discussions of life, the universe and everything…

@Rhotz-ix8ll - 28.02.2025 09:04

Pick any answer you want except god… god is just a word to fill knowledge voids for lazy minds prone to magic thinking

@Fernandolunatoro1 - 02.03.2025 05:40

"insignificant" Speak for yourself, buddy. Is this AI? What woke shit.

@TardigradeTough - 03.03.2025 10:40

Perfect? 99.99999999999999999999999% of it will kill us instantly if we set foot into it and the small place we can live is full of death famine disease muder abuse torture, a whole list of horrors wtf is this guy talking about?

@chrisevans1255 - 03.03.2025 12:00

Oh. Oh. Oh. Why is the Earth so perfect for Humans? Why is this pot-hole the perfect shape for this puddle? Why does a Universe that couldn't exist if it weren't this particular way, exist? Absolute rubbish. So-called fine tuning is simply that which can exist so, of course, it does.

@TuckaBuck89 - 05.03.2025 09:34

Because we are here. If it wasn't we wouldn't be here. How many universes came and went before us that did not cause our existence? The mind boggles.

@Kathy-n7f - 06.03.2025 13:32

Everything that we are composed from comes from the earth Adam was formed from the dust of the earth so proven from your own words GOD created all things visible and invisible and sustaina all by his power

@angelspencer1668 - 08.03.2025 01:37

It is obviously not perfect. Imperfect things would not exist in a perfect universe. This is a prison.

@capnmnemo - 08.03.2025 01:49

No it isn't. Clearly we live in hell.

@davebolig1989 - 08.03.2025 21:31

Everyone over states the power of gravity. Everyone.

@rdsunsb - 09.03.2025 19:41

You didn’t considered the ancient Islamic and Hindu astronomy? That will complete your view on the journey of human quest to know about universe.

@sueelliott4793 - 10.03.2025 01:35

Just when I thought that gluons were the glue that held the quarks and electrons together🤣

@HistoryoftheUniverse - 08.10.2021 21:23

Hope you are enjoying the first second of existence (bit of a tangent this video, but an important part of the puzzle!) Next month let's find out what happened after particles gained mass. Spoiler: nothing not weird.
