Combination vs Double vs Try squares- Choosing the right one

Combination vs Double vs Try squares- Choosing the right one

Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton)

2 года назад

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@RXRSawdustStation - 25.05.2022 21:30

Excellent video! I especially liked the rap line at the end! :-) Thank you, James!

@Oldiesyoungies - 25.05.2022 22:07


@mykalimba - 25.05.2022 22:12

I don't know what a double square is for, but I know that four, double-squared is 256!

@brentfowler2317 - 25.05.2022 22:21

Lol, I love the Dr Seuss, square, squares skit at the end of this video. Hysterical, great video. I'm going to have to check out, Bridge City Tool Works. Anyhow thanks for another great video. Take care.

@fredbosch5392 - 25.05.2022 23:10

So they had combination squares in the 17th century?🤣🤣

@Guds777 - 26.05.2022 00:08

It's hip to be square. Is a hammer better than a screwdriver. It depends...

@dp1381 - 26.05.2022 00:52

I agree with most of what was stated in the video. However, one drawback to the double square is that when you take a measurement that positions the body of the square near the middle of the rule, it is very easy to lose track of which end you used to take your measurement. It's very easy to then use the wrong end of the rule to transfer your dimension. For this reason, my favorite square is one that wasn't mentioned in the video: a 6" combination square. It's worth spending a little more for a high quality one, too.

@danvalleskey - 26.05.2022 01:37

I picked up a 6 inch combination square. Love it! Fits the hand better, just as accurate as my big Starrett.

@HepauDK - 26.05.2022 02:39

As a former fitter, when I want absolute precision, I reach for my 70/100 (4") and 100/150 (6") knife edge squares.

@negotiableaffections - 26.05.2022 02:44

nice little poem Jim.

@christopherbiomass7155 - 26.05.2022 03:22

Don't be a square.

@bitfreakazoid - 26.05.2022 04:48

It's hip to be square...

@kortazone - 26.05.2022 07:47

My opinion? iGaging combination square plus a Groz 4" square. I can't think of of a time where I wished I had a double square.

@MrErViLi - 26.05.2022 09:09

Any chance for a link to the double square?

@PhilippeElsass - 26.05.2022 10:38

Nice short video.
BTW a whole lot of affiliate links in the description are either dead or lead to unavailable products.

@richardmonson8657 - 26.05.2022 12:58

My wife watched this and wants to know why on earth does he have all those tools behind him. “He has 20 of the same thing.” As a novice woodworker skill and technique is only part of my hurdle. Thanks for your videos.

@harlanbarnhart4656 - 26.05.2022 14:02

In my shop the most used square by a wide margin is a vintage 9" Lufkin double square. I find 9" the perfect compromise, less clumsy than the full size 12" combination yet big enough for most furniture scale work.

@thomlipiczky9021 - 26.05.2022 14:45

I have two 6" combo squares in my shop pouch; one has metric markings. I also have a 16" combo square, which i have nearby. I rarely use my 12" combo square. Instead, I have a speed square also close at hand, or sometimes in my back pocket. This allows me the 45 degree capability and a somewhat accurate quick reference for other angles. I've not yet had the need for a double square, but who know? Those Bridge City tools are awfully pretty...

@Stoneycombe - 26.05.2022 15:04

But surely a double square is an "Oblong"😀

@MarcosElMalo2 - 26.05.2022 15:09

“And like me . . . “

I have to watch the video again because I was laughing too hard to focus.

Edit: I liked the poetry at the end. Let me try!

There was an old man from Nantucket. . . .

@jaykaknes1133 - 26.05.2022 16:05

Can’t have too many tools

@docjohnson2874 - 26.05.2022 16:55

Bridge City tools are great in design and beauty....sadly, made in China

@VoeltnerWoodworking - 26.05.2022 17:28

Great video as always. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and what works well for you.

@jakefloer6973 - 26.05.2022 18:15

I carry a small belt around the shop and always keep a 6" combination square with me. Im constantly using it. I can honestly say though I never even thought twice about buying a double sided square like that. Iv seen them but never given it a thought.

@loucipher67 - 26.05.2022 19:17

I want them all :)

@martinnewbery3032 - 26.05.2022 19:33

I have a combination square and wondered how I managed without it but coming from England where is a metric only one. Centimetre on one edge of the rule and millimeters on the other edge.

@David-hm9ic - 26.05.2022 22:06

As a builder of larger R/C airplanes as well as doing some woodworking, I knew that I needed a double square the first time I saw one. It's so much more appropriately sized for building airplanes than a combination square. It's the first tool I grab for marking and measuring. Would love to have some of the beautiful Bridge City tools but for now my PEC blem is doing the job.

@johnkelley9877 - 27.05.2022 04:18

I never heard of a double-square until now! Thanks for sharing this.

@michaeltobin2014 - 27.05.2022 06:39

I’ve even looking for a 300mm (12inch) double square but can’t find one in Australia, I would depth gauge With one end and square off on the other side.

@Habibulla.M - 27.05.2022 09:01

Nice. Hope i need not know any other model of squares... Everything shown.

@histershellac2842 - 27.05.2022 17:41

Bridge City! woo hoo!

@chuckzechman7390 - 27.05.2022 19:11

I recently purchased a 6" Empire (made in America) combination square. It's become my go to for many shop needs. And the price was right at about $15.00 at a local hardware store.

@AndreaArzensek - 27.05.2022 23:32

I have small 4" Starrett double square and I love the little thing. I use it all the time

@robertpearson8798 - 27.05.2022 23:45

I have a sudden craving for date squares.

@ralfoide - 28.05.2022 10:41

Wow! Not only I didn't know that old timely hand-me-down tool I got is a "combination square" (says Craftsman on it and it has some kind of bubble level on the handle and a small removable pointy metal bit), but I had no idea I could do all of these extra operations with it. Been using it as a small straight rule.

@fatherofdragons4880 - 28.05.2022 10:57

I use the combination square for all the things you listed the double T does. Perhaps I've commented too quickly again lol

@10FingersWoodworking - 28.05.2022 15:35

You used to advertise for a company for helical cutter heads for tabletop planers. Do you still feel that this is a good company, and do you mind reminding which company it was? Thanks.

@apokalypz08 - 28.05.2022 18:51

You gotta rap career ahead of you. I hear there is a battle down at the square, so be there or be square.

@francoismarleau3089 - 29.05.2022 14:46

That was square!!! Merci!

@daveturner5305 - 29.05.2022 22:13

I think that I'd also like to retain a fixed square. It can be used to check the adjustable types for squareness due to potential wear.

@jordanethridge2357 - 30.05.2022 06:25

What king of mechanical pencils do you use

@michaelmassetti3126 - 30.05.2022 10:55

2 squares are better than one. And it's hip to be square.

@williampennjr.4448 - 31.05.2022 15:10

So what about a t-square? is that the same as a combination square or some version of it?

@stevenrayhoward - 18.06.2022 22:44

I cannot recall the last time I used my Tri-square. I'm with you, James... my apron carries a double square and the combination square has its place on my bench.... even so, I make use of my speed square quite a bit. Great informative video! Thanks so much! Oh, nice script for Bridge City (good folk they be)! -- Woodprobie

@timsilva5110 - 28.06.2022 16:29

I agree get two squares one 12 inch combination square and one 6 inch double square thank you

@jeremykemp3782 - 12.10.2022 11:24

Great video

@aaronk9995 - 13.10.2022 03:38

Bridge city makes high quality tools but they are very expensive and even charge for shipping (which makes them more expensive)

@warped_woodwerks - 28.02.2023 18:46

I bought ALL 3 of the Bridge City try squares. When I received them, they were NOT square, and they had foam\gummy substance, melted on them.
I reached out to Bridge City, mentioned my concerns (sent pictures), and they were of no help. They mentioned how I could square the squares, and clean the gummy\sticky substance, but never offered replacements. I just received the squares, too, so it wasn't like I used them.

My issue, how could I accurately check square, then properly readjust, if I didn't have a square square to check them too?

What is the point of buying "squares" if they aren't square, especially squares Harvey\Bridge City says ARE square?

I've had these Bridge City squares for a few years and they've been sitting in the corner, collecting dust. Sorry, but my experience has been a sour one, with Bridge City.

It might be time for me to throw these Bridge City squares in the trash. Waste of my hard earned money. I can't recommend Bridge City Tri Squares.
