Stumpy Nubs James Hamilton

The best craftsmen don't measure like others do Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 805,618 1 год назад
Why the world HATES American table saws (Are they wrong?) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 491,710 5 месяцев назад
Do you use one of these with your table saw? STOP IMMEDIATELY! Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 322,677 5 месяцев назад
I discovered an AMAZING 2x6 trick for woodworkers! Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 370,351 1 год назад
The jig that changed how I build tables and workbenches Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 615,293 2 года назад
A game-changing NEW way to sharpen! (Scary SHARPER!) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 368,462 1 год назад
The Clever 10-second woodworking trick I use to impress people Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 1,019,713 4 месяца назад
The fast and easy half-half-half drawer construction method Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 424,643 4 года назад
How simple wood screws are no longer the same (Spax, GRK, etc.) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 176,937 4 месяца назад
The easiest way to handle a HEAVY sheet of plywood Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 125,068 7 месяцев назад
How America RUINED the world's screws! (Robertson vs. Phillips) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 1,291,128 11 месяцев назад
The mysterious hidden groove joint Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 75,490 4 года назад
Will my shaky hands end my woodworking career? (A very personal video) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 82,125 6 лет назад
The HARD lesson I learned about wedding rings Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 456,936 11 месяцев назад
The best woodworking idea I've seen in years Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 79,370 2 месяца назад
Clever ways to make better table saw crosscuts Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 257,296 6 лет назад
This sawdust myth needs to be debunked! Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 495,656 9 месяцев назад
This stuff changed my mind about MDF projects Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 819,233 2 года назад
Use the BACK of the blade! Your saw will cut straighter! Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 216,492 8 месяцев назад
You've never seen a wood finish like this! (Cures in 2-Minutes!) Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) 1,026,854 8 месяцев назад