David Leffel Painting Workshop - Making Brush Strokes

David Leffel Painting Workshop - Making Brush Strokes


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Bozo Clown
Bozo Clown - 10.10.2023 03:44

Good luck to those who follow him .

Donnie Bobb
Donnie Bobb - 05.01.2023 18:45

I come back to this video about once a year. Happy 2023!

damo - 05.01.2023 05:28

So true. That is why John Singer Sargent was the best Master ever.

Walter van Dijk
Walter van Dijk - 13.09.2021 14:07

I watched a couple of demos from Leffel but there he does exactly the opposite of what he is teaching here starting with very random uncontrolled and fiddly brushwork not at all coming from the shoulder with even pressure .....

JiveDadson - 02.02.2021 00:05

Get the book Brushwork Essentials by Mark Christopher Weber. I took a five-day David Leffel workshop in Taos, but it was the Weber book that was a life-changer for me.

Danthemanzxc - 31.12.2020 04:31

A living legend. We don't even deserve to hear his voice. We're nothing. We're no where. We're lost without David Leffel. Thank you for enlightening our sad, frivolous little lives.

William Bougart
William Bougart - 06.12.2020 18:19

every stroke is important. give it life. is it a stroke of light which wants to be seen or is it a stroke of shadow which wants to be hidden. light keeps you warm shadow keeps you cool. your stroke becomes the atmosphere.

Elizabeth S
Elizabeth S - 03.11.2020 20:15

Best definition of a brush stroke, discipline your movement

Photography 360
Photography 360 - 24.08.2020 02:39

A specific piece of business.

Jay J. Jackson
Jay J. Jackson - 10.03.2020 17:48

I usually paint with both types, blending or even, brushstrokes depending on the painting.

Bard Art
Bard Art - 09.03.2020 21:04

Hes like Dumbledore and Schmid is Gandalf of Painting🤗

Great Quotes Daily
Great Quotes Daily - 11.09.2019 03:12

I promise to paint specific brush strokes.

Elizabeth S
Elizabeth S - 12.07.2019 20:41

"In this clip from LAAFA's upcoming David Leffel video series" which video is this? Is there a DVD?

Great Quotes Daily
Great Quotes Daily - 24.06.2019 20:03

I don't know how to make a brush stroke! I can't do it!

Painting Tutorials, 2d & 3d Products Mockup Design
Painting Tutorials, 2d & 3d Products Mockup Design - 21.06.2019 00:08

can I download the video and share it to my instagram accredinig the artist and the L.A academy of art? since the links in Instagram are disabled ?

Norah Blount
Norah Blount - 07.05.2019 18:53

He doesnt say not to blend, he says to use a single stroke from the body for your initial lines, not to be staccato about it. In his short clip about edges he demonstrates edges by blending.

Bardotte - 18.11.2018 11:56

Keep saying brushstrokes ....

Geno Bourn
Geno Bourn - 30.09.2018 02:30

Great Artist! Has his own technique. ( Not the only technique!) Yes, very close to Rembrandt's..but not Rembrandt's! You can learn alot from a painter like him. But why would you want to paint the same way? When you go to higher learning.. siminars, classes, schools.. you concentrate on different ways, techniques, color theories, etc. Hopefully it will help you in/ on your style. A artist should never put down another artist! Monet, Van Gogh, Wyeth, Letrec was always criticize and look at their status today. When I walk into a gallery, museum, someone's home and there is alot of art work around I am instantly drawn to what talks to me. What charged MY emotions. Not what is politically correct! Everybody has different likes, emotions, etc. No one can tell you what to like. What is not good! I am a realist painter with a impressionist style. Look at Richard Schmid, Casey Baugh, Michelle Dunnaway ....All "Super Great." Because they don't use a brush stroke the same way something is wrong? NO!!!!! This artist's wife is well known and she has a different style!

Brent Taylor Art
Brent Taylor Art - 01.09.2018 02:24


jburowz - 28.05.2018 18:45

There are quite a few critiques of the instruction he uses here. If you watch this guy paint, he obviously blends his colors both on the pallet and on the canvas. I would contend then that he is trying to help his students (probably not masters) think outside of their normal modality. Think of when you learned how to drive. Someone taught you how to hold the steering wheel, right? That may or may not be the way you hold it when you drive today, but it was helpful for you to learn that way before you go and experiment with other ways to hold a steering wheel. I think he's giving good instruction for people new to the medium of paint.

John Castle
John Castle - 12.05.2018 16:20

Yet when you see him paint he strokes and smoothes with his little brush ,when I paint ,one brush stroke is done with one brush then thrown down ,I hold twenty brushes in one hand ,I make kidney shape palette out of cardboard ,which rests on my arm ,so when it's too clogged with paint I make another ,when my brushes are all used , I clean them and start attack again ,I never paint from photographs ,and I think of something that makes me angry to use that energy ,I see every thing firstly as form ,Sky ,trees ,face, still life ,and I draw the shapes that make up that form and I simplify the canvas into two main shapes ,a vase of flowers on a cloth ,the vase and the cloth become one mass of paint ,colour and shapes the flowers and background become the other shape making just two shapes ,my paintings have energy and vibrancy ,To be an artist go to a real gallery and have a really good long look at how great artists paint ,it is the only way to understand ,never stop experimenting .

gatt be
gatt be - 10.11.2017 22:28

this silly old fool actually thinks he knows something new

Max Nelson
Max Nelson - 09.11.2017 09:27

It is said that no one can teach you how to paint, but only how they paint. I don't believe he means to demean other methods. He is trying to impart to those who are listening how he paints. I have been in the gallery in Taos that carries his works and when you see them you never forget them. Great artist but hard to decipher all his teaching psychology. Any of his artist critics would give their painting arm to be able to paint as he does. If you like how you paint then go for it.

Painting with David Wood
Painting with David Wood - 29.08.2017 13:39

Not sure I completely agree with all he has said, about what
makes a good brush stroke, especially about the constant even pressure. There
are many great painters whose brushstrokes, when it was appropriate, tapered or
lessened is pressure to achieve an end result...you can't have a one
brushstroke fits all mentality when painting.

A C - 25.08.2017 13:16

Where has this guy been all my life?

Sammy smith
Sammy smith - 28.06.2017 13:40

Soooooooooooooooo overrated.
Hey all you Leffel fans, good news!
Rumor has it he is now charging one thousand dollars a day.
A three day workshop would be ONLY $ 3,000.00!
What a steal! What a deal!
Spaces are limited. [wink]

FranklinsLighthouse - 07.06.2017 06:40

YEEEESS! Finally, Truth.

Bryan Coombes -Realtor
Bryan Coombes -Realtor - 30.04.2017 03:26

After watching this video 7 years ago, it changed the way I painted. Great artist

Marc - 11.06.2016 22:12

He is absolutely correct. I am going to Malibu in July to see his retrospective show. His instruction has proven invaluable to me.

Apollo Newton
Apollo Newton - 07.01.2016 22:20

very insightful and inspiring. this guy seems like a cool dude.

Dreamlife Films
Dreamlife Films - 04.03.2015 02:32


JMC - 24.02.2015 04:30

In my opinion David Leffel is the closest we will get to a master the stature of Rembrandt in our life time.  I am a guild member of Bright Light Fine Art, where I can watch his videos and those of Sherrie McGraw for a minimal yearly fee. I love his teaching. I was privileged to meet him at a Portrait Society of America conference several years ago. He is generous, humble, kind and brilliant.   

truthfalse30 - 15.06.2014 22:25

Brilliant teacher!

Brighid K
Brighid K - 30.05.2014 06:23

Is David implying that artists who "blend" are not painters (or artists!?)? I think that if he were confident in his skills he wouldn't need to talk down about other artists and simply show his craft - which should stand on it's own without the ego. I was excited to start watching his videos but the ego and elitism in this clip really turns me off and I won't be clicking on any more. 

ART Ellipse
ART Ellipse - 28.04.2014 08:09

good teacher... good artist

accesskb - 18.01.2014 20:48

hi.. I would love to buy this dvd.. please could you send me the link or tell me the title of this dvd?

ART Ellipse
ART Ellipse - 16.09.2013 10:36

good video

tawanaxxi1 - 22.07.2013 02:06

............brush strokes...lol .....kidding me. You could use a stick and still get it to look good.

GildedFish - 09.03.2013 05:45

I see this guy getting a lot of flack but I believe he has an important message that does not need to be dismissed. His point is all about control. You must be able to control your brush, which is hardest in broad strokes, and not to depend on blending but of placement. He is talking the basics, not the tips and tricks picked up over years.

Mario art
Mario art - 07.03.2013 11:37

I'm afraid I must agree with portervillelouis, Terrible yes but not necessarily wrong. David appears to talk in absolutes like there is only one way to hold a brush, only one way to make a stroke. There are many ways of each, a brush must not be held too far back or forward but must be comfortable allowing it to become part of your hand. Even pressure of a stroke? No way, Even pressure is fine but often at the start you push down and less pressure towards the end. There are no absolutes!

K. Calisir
K. Calisir - 07.02.2013 20:56

Brrravo, braveheart... :-)

Rosane Artes e Vida
Rosane Artes e Vida - 31.01.2013 21:27

thxx a lot. But ias my English is terrible, its so hard to me get the meanin of things...

portervillelouis - 28.12.2012 20:26

TERRIBLE TERRIBLE ADVICE ON HOW to apply paint. The Great Masters [ David is not a great master] used all approaches, creatively, with imagination, trying all things to get effects . Rembrandt DAUBED, SCRATCHED, WIPED, USED A PALETTE KNIFE, his fingers, rags, and a great variety of brushes and tools. DISREGARD this terrible advice on HOW TO HOLD YOUR HAND, that destroys creativity and joy in painting.

Michael S. Vieira
Michael S. Vieira - 21.12.2012 02:39

I love David Leffel!

Feyzi Korur
Feyzi Korur - 05.12.2012 01:10

I am not sure if you are asking this, but ARC stands for Art Renewal Center, which is an online art museum.

Rosane Artes e Vida
Rosane Artes e Vida - 20.09.2012 08:22

what does it mean ARC ppl?

Ann Salty
Ann Salty - 17.08.2012 04:55

David Leffel is great. His explanation of making brushstrokes in a painterly way is what a lot of artist need to hear who strive for that. If you like to blend, great, but that really isn't a painterly approach. In general, painterly painters do not blend much, if at all. Do a google on 'painterly painters' for a better explanation.

d low
d low - 05.08.2012 22:39

here he goes again discreditng people who use a different technique than himself... he just said people who blend see their subject this way... but because that is painterly they arn't painters even though thats how they interpret their subject... your a moron leffel

drctka - 11.05.2012 19:03

I thought that too! :)

drctka - 11.05.2012 18:58

Have you seen his paintings?
