You have done an immense service to our professional posting this. Thank you. I have learned a great deal in watching the videos on your channel. Please continue to host these amazing forums and to post the videos.
ОтветитьFascinating insight into the coaching side from one of the best.
ОтветитьFantastic stuff!
ОтветитьAn absolute joy to watch. Not only does he have such great knowledge of the golf swing, he understands people and has never been afraid of telling it 'how it is'. Best golf coach full stop. Thanks for posting!
ОтветитьI'm not a teacher but I found that incredibly interesting. Shame the audience was populated by lifeless mutes.
ОтветитьBest golf coach of all time
Ответитьgreat knowledge, great personality and most importantly... honesty.
ОтветитьIf I had not read his book "The Pro" I would have never known what a hard time Butch has had in his life with most of it self-inflicted. But somehow he got through it and became the man we admire today.
ОтветитьThanks for putting this online, really great presentation!
ОтветитьPublic prayer... nice. I'm surprised.
ОтветитьYou have to teach from the center line. Which is from the ball to the flag or spot they want their ball to be, their shot has to be that straight. For high mid and low handicaps.
ОтветитьI loved this...thanks for sharing.
Ответитьthis audience didn't deserve listening to B.H. Dead audience.
ОтветитьNice talk by Butch. Keeping it simple. Pity no microphone for audiences questions. Butch tried his best to keep the audience going.
ОтветитьWhy not just get paid to play illegal golf? Leave those 7-11's alone
Ответить" I knew I was in trouble when they started the seminar with a prayer"
How many times did he call DJ dumb? Lol
Reminds me of something Phil once said, "to be good at golf you either have to be really smart or really dumb" 😀
Listening briefly to Butch made me recall how much I hated working at a private club. Absolutely hated it.
ОтветитьEverything Butch says is correct
ОтветитьWhat a poor audience. Golf pros are boring people no wonder they cant react well. If Butch was in front of golf fans the place will be roaring with laughter.
ОтветитьI don't like how arrogant Butch is. Talking shit about Dustin Johnson like that. This guy is but a privileged son of a golf pro.
ОтветитьButch and I are gifted... He and I share that gift of seeing 60 things simultaneously.. And the errors shine out like the 🌞. It's cool I JUST realized he's the 1% of people who like me, see this ENTIRE world in a different way. I'm wondering if i should find a part time job for using my gift of VISUAL perception.. other than golf instructor.. and Where's Waldo (or "Find the difference") lol world champion, what else can i use this gift on? 😎 Maybe aviation inspector?.. That'd be sweet. Suggestions?
ОтветитьDick Butkus had 22 career interceptions, but was not able to pass protect, got it.
ОтветитьFrankly, I don’t find anything of merit here. While he spends 99% on stories it still would be interesting to see his swing theories. A breakdown of some golfers. Kinda used car sales like.
ОтветитьSo, if golf was illegal Butch Harmon would rob liquor stores??
What am I missing here?
This guy comes off as a total D-Bag! The difference between him and Harvey Penick is like difference between Kopeka / Fowler type golfer (Harmon) and true men of the game like Hogan and Nicklaus, who love the game for the right reasons and don't hate people who aren't born with natural talent ot silver spoons.
ОтветитьWould be happy to listen to Butch talk all day, spouting old school, common sense wisdom so freely, and so clearly 🙂
Ответитьmost golf instructors are like chriopractors, they just want you to keeo coming back to fund their retirement and you never get any better