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@jimjones6166 - 21.12.2021 20:59

This really raises some questions. Garda must release full footage ! There are so many unanswered questions.

@seoul_mate - 04.01.2022 01:00

Thank you so much for making this video. This case has intrigued me for years. Because no one realised something was wrong over the weekend, we don't even know if something happened to Trevor on the street or back at his apartment. This power outage back at his flat is weird.

@zakmartin - 25.01.2022 06:45

Hi Mick,

I hope you recovered from the dreaded lurgi.
You gave a fairly comprehensive review of the case, but I think you went slightly wrong on one or two points.

You show a map with the two possible routes Trevor Deely would have taken to get to his apartment, but we know he didn't take either of these routes, since he was caught on CCTV when he turned left into Haddington Road. He didn't continue down Baggot Street, which was the shortest route to Ballsbridge. You have based many of your suppositions on the assumption that TD was heading home, but we know from the CCTV footage that he was not heading home. If he had been, he'd have turned right when he got to Baggot Street Bridge and continued straight down Baggot Street.

This also goes to your point that his route home should have taken him along the "embassy route", in which case he would have been picked up on multiple CCTV cameras. Again, we know from the CCTV footage that he didn't take that route.

This also more or less answers your question as to whether he made it back to his apartment. We can be reasonably confident that he didn't, unless he took the much longer route home via the Aviva Stadium (and why would anyone opt to take the longest route home at 4 am on a cold, wet and stormy night?)

You say the two men at the gate couldn't have been colleagues because they never came forward. But how do you know they never came forward? The fact that the Gardai didn't release their names doesn't mean they never came forward. If it was felt that they had no connection to Trevor's disappearance, there would be no reason to make their names public, especially as they worked for a bank (their identities might be withheld for security reasons). The same explanation/justification could be made for not releasing the full name of the security guard.

You say these men were standing outside the gate in the rain for 20 minutes, but this is incorrect. The assertion is that they were only waiting outside the gate for less than a minute, before they were admitted by the security guard.

Incidentally, these men are invariably described, in media coverage of this case, as "standing outside the gate looking towards the building", but in fact the building is to the left of that gate, so they would have been looking into the yard.

I agree with you that there are huge gaps in the timeline of this case, and missing CCTV footage. And I don't just mean the footage from TD's workplace and the bank at Haddington Road. Then there is the 3am "delivery" that no one seems to find unusual. Do banks normally get things delivered at 3.30 am? Delivery of what? Paper clips? And then there is the (unanswered, as far as I'm aware) question as to why the "security guard", Peter, apparently didn't think it was his business to investigate a suspicious-looking man loitering for over half an hour at the front gate, or report him to the police. Some security guard.

@megarichie007 - 19.03.2022 13:19

two theories for me Mick!! 1) he cam across very dodgey Charathers who got into an altercation with him bundled him into a car took him off somewhere and shot him :( Theory 2) he got chatting to a guy maybe the guy behind him on CCTV who friended him invited him back to somewhere close for drinks etc trevor accepted which gave this guy time and space to do what he wanted!! very very sad this story...

@Uksoapfan - 30.11.2022 19:54

I have also followed this case with interest, and watched the Donal McIntyre documentary as well as Leroy Blevins review of the footage. The man who was waiting for Trevor outside the back of the bank was stood there for half an hour before Trevor arrived, and Trevor arrived at around 3,35am. So Trevor must have planned to go into work on his way home. He may have told his colleagues sometime before 3am and they tipped the man (man in black, MIB) off. Also just before Trevor got there, the man was on his cell phone and checked his watch, then Trevor walked past, also on his cell phone. The man then stood facing the same direction as Trevor as Trev walked past. Then he followed him a few seconds later. It appears Trevor did not know the MIB. Trevor was probably being followed as he left Buck Whaleys. As said, so many unanswered questions and loose ends in this case. Trevor was later followed as he left, not going down the "embassy" route but probably down Baggott Street. He may have been offered a lift, or held at gunpoint or knifepoint and told to get in. Then taken somewhere.

@OrangeSapphire-dm6rm - 18.12.2022 02:49

Poor trev

@BeBooBoopBeepBeep - 11.02.2023 12:31

Just struck me, what if he witnessed something at an embassy that he wasn't supposed to 🤔

@RadioEspial - 17.04.2023 21:03

The parents of a man missing for 22 years still believe he will walk back through the front door of their family home.
But Michael and Ann Deely have endured a challenging year where no fresh leads over son Trevor’s disappearance has emerged.

With Thursday marking 22 years since he was last seen, his sister Michele said the ordeal has taken a particular toll on her father.

The 48-year-old mother-of-two added: “It’s been soul-destroying for all of us but dad in particular.

“My parents are not getting any younger and they need to know where he is.

“It’s a huge burden but hope he might be alive keeps them going.

“They won’t accept anything different until they get proof.”

The last image captured of Trevor was on CCTV on Haddington Road towards his flat in Ballsbridge, South Dublin, at 4.14am on December 8, 2000.

Footage captured a male dressed in black outside the rear entrance of the Bank of Ireland on Wilton Terrace where Trevor worked. At 3.34am, moments before he approached, the man stepped out on to the footpath and followed him before conversing with him.

The Deeny family will attend the national missing person’s day event in Croke Park on Wednesday, before a prayer service near the family home in Naas, Co. Kildare.

@paulmcging5760 - 05.07.2023 22:51

Castlebar somewhere in the Midlands???😆

@liammack3635 - 30.10.2023 15:18

This is probably the best coverage I have seen in this case to date. Trevor's case sticks with me always because we are of similar age and I was out myself that night and I remember the weather that evening into night, I was soaked to the skin when I got home. I remember his '' missing posters'' up in all the pubs and shops and over the months we would all glance at it and talk about how he still wasn't found and then every Christmas after that when the new appeal would come out. Fair play to his family and God love bless them.
Would love if they released more of the CCTV from the gate after Trevor entered the bank. Which direction did the man in black go after Trevor went inside? Why did the man stand where a camera was obviously looking down on him when there are other alcoves and places to stand in the area, He was open to the rain in his position.
It is so eerie to see Trevor followed down Haddington Rd . It bugs me as to why he took that route. The rain was so heavy that night he would have been soaked by that stage anyway and to get home and warm you would think would have been his main objective.
I really hope the family gets some closure soon.
Your coverage is the best I've seen. I'm going to re-watch again later to take it all in.

@murdered33 - 07.11.2023 18:36

Good point mick about the Karl Pender scenario, if a new investigation was to take place, surely it should start with the last person who spoke to Trevor, and then work outwards

@kelly2180 - 11.11.2023 07:10

The thing I found a bit strange was the fact that the gardai didn't check the phone records of the colleagues inside the building. You can see on the cctv that the man in black is on his phone before Trevor gets to the gates. Just to eliminate them from being the person's that could have been on the phone with him. Maybe they did.

@Elk-ie - 01.12.2023 18:08

I keep wondering who the two men are that walk behind the lighted cab across the road as Trevor is opening the gate … instead of focusing on Trevor and the MIB, slow the footage down and watch what’s going on in the background. Two men walk behind the lighted cab - and the first is holding a large golf umbrella, the second appears a few seconds later. Could they be the two men that appear at the gate a minute or two after Trevor- could it explain why they seem so indifferent to the MIB. … because they know each other.

@Elk-ie - 07.12.2023 13:33

I worked off Upper Baggot Street for many years, my friend worked on Upper Baggot Street so we car pooled - we would park on Haddington Road and whoever finished work first would go sit and wait in the car for the other to finish work - it occurred to me that Trevor may have done something similar - I initially thought he must have entered a property to get out of the elements but a parked car would have also given him shelter.

@seoul_mate - 07.12.2023 23:36

Now that the MIB following Trevor has been identified and ruled out, I wonder if this is not a tragic incident of a young man inadvertently falling into the canal and whose body has never been recovered. Like for Kris and Lisanne, it is easy to come up with all sorts of crazy theories when the truth is often more simple and, dare I say it, boring.

@Elk-ie - 17.12.2023 01:07

If the gardai were able to have the footage enhanced again to the extent they could identify the person on Haddington Road, why have they not done the same with the person at the first and second gate?

@Mike75575 - 01.01.2024 23:55

Ok on the cctv timestamp 3;34;35 the guy in black walks after Trevor and gets to the big gate before Trevor. ?? So did Trevor stop between the 2 gates and let the other guy pass him ?

@brittany9414 - 13.10.2024 15:56

Hang on, is it true the 'man in black' was identified in 2023 and police are confident he had nothing to do with the disappearance?

@bernardmclarnon6613 - 20.11.2024 10:06

It's not rocket 🚀🚀🚀 science to solve this
Did you know Trevor friend allowed they played Phone Tag who plays phone tag while out enjoying yourself at a Christmas party this certainly was someone covering their tracks as his friend was contacting his friend about a serious thing
Did you know that Trevor apparently called this same friend and saying everything was ok and I'll speak to you later i was wondering what was ok as this call was made after Trevor was heading home
Did you know his friend left his phone down in the kitchen this is odd as I think this was a covering his tracks
Did you that his other friend from naas was in Queens university Belfast and he set up Trevor on that Alaska Date and Trevor then decided to go to meet her in alaska and of course this girl allowed not to come to Alaska as she was busy i think Trevor was ordered to do a runner as his life could have been un danger
Did you know Trevor was in is place of work at 4am did you know Trevor work colleagues three of them were outside the bank did you know those work colleagues didn't say they where outside the BOI till the CCTV footage was enhanced and 17years to come forward saying that was those three work colleagues did you know Trevor was meant to meet his two friends in a pub in naas that Saturday night and apparently they waited for a long time waiting on Trevor but Trevor didn't arrive
Did you know those friends didn't make a call saying they would be going to another bar and his friends didn't call Trevor that's very odd surly if you where to meet a close friend you would try to call him very odd
Did you know Trevor 2 apartment friends where on vacation that weekend
Did you know Trevor ESB was off that week end
Did you know Trevor best friend collected all CCTV in the area where Trevor went missing odd behaviour
Here what I think
Trevor was followed by someone after coming back from Alaska the people whom followed Trevor went either to Belfast or London airport
What young man does his Christmas shopping on three weeks before Christmas
I will add to this later as it's interesting what I've to say
Trevor I hope your found safe and well
That's all for now

@TheDoctordonnanoble - 26.11.2024 22:16

re: the second man at the gate. look up his work colleagues. apparently one went back for trousers 90 sec after td and were too drunk to give a witness statement on what mib looked like. pull the other one

@RadioEspial - 01.08.2024 21:15

Sad news. And another relative who passes away without answers.

Michael Deely, father of Trevor Deely, is survived by his wife Ann and his other children Mark, Michele, and Pamela.

Michael's funeral service will take place on Saturday at the Church of Our Lady and St. David, Naas arriving for 10am Mass.

His son Trevor vanished in the early hours of December 8th, 2000.

In 2017 gardai released images of a man speaking to Trevor Deely at his work place on Wilton Terrace in Dublin and they then thought the same man followed him down Haddington Road.

Due to advances in technology, gardai have now established that - in fact - it’s two separate men in the footage and they’ve identified and spoken to the second one.

Although the second man has now been identified, the first has not so mystery still surrounds what happened to Trevor.

He remains one of around 900 people who are long term missing in Ireland.
