Cedar Roof Sales Secrets - Live Door Knock and Insurance Tips

Cedar Roof Sales Secrets - Live Door Knock and Insurance Tips

Lee Haight

4 года назад

2,300 Просмотров

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@donshelby4919 - 13.11.2020 07:10

I have seen a number of your ads for your program, gotten numerous emails. I ordered your book. I have been close to subscribing until I saw this in your email of 11-8-20..."This election has dominated my mind over the last couple of months.
Now that it is over I applaud the Biden Harris Team.
Even if they won by cheating I guess thats what it takes to win.
If they are declared winners I will support America's president.
By now you know there is no evidence of cheating in the election . Your comment was divisive and revealing about your own character. I will not put money in the pocket of someone I don't trust. You lost me. You may not care. So be it.

@americasroofinginc1598 - 24.11.2020 04:59

Come on lee 😂😂😂😂

@dannyb5401 - 29.11.2020 23:20

So I hear homeowners cant even get cedar shakers insured in florida dod you hear that?

@MichaelR0se - 12.05.2021 08:18

Little off-topic but where do you get that chalk from or whats the name of it?

@KyberDigital - 29.05.2021 21:25

Dropped a gem in there - 28 splits per 100 sq ft.

@chind0na - 21.08.2021 21:20

What's that metal tool for ?
P.s. Get a Goat ridge hook.

@kurtsmith4657 - 18.04.2024 14:52

Lee verbatim....I can see enough damage that they owe you a full replacement. Thats a bit of a stretch.
