Did the turbine blade detach or attach??? 11.12
ОтветитьPhilippines 434
ОтветитьLukaas videos are a great source of misinformation when describing the events. Language problem, or just ignorance?
ОтветитьAmazing stuff but @ 24;45 a video shows an aircraft at Madera Airport but I see this plane w/ 2-tone Blue paint scheme on it's top
while next to the runway is the Sea. Strangely to me, if the plane lands in the water, the 2-Tone Blue will hide the aircraft within the
waves? Not important to the content here but it struck me. Nice video
Rip tire
ОтветитьWhy is it everytime theres a 727 involved in an incident its almost guaranteed to be Aerosucre somewhere in columbia...
ОтветитьNever would I ever fly aerosucre
ОтветитьThis guy constantly mislabels so many of what he’s describing like you can’t have a ‘ Hurricane
‘ in Germany”
I swear plane spotters are getting more and more annoying
ОтветитьThose pilots with the compressor stall while taking off is really impressive. It is insanely difficult to control a plane with only one engine
ОтветитьRemember when they said travelling by air is the safest way to travel,I'm starting to think this is no longer true .
ОтветитьThe “climate” protester needs to educate himself.
ОтветитьSeems like American Airlines just can't win in any of these videos.
Ответить제주항공은 없나?
ОтветитьFirst clip made me wonder, can you declare a mayday when you're still parked at the gate?
ОтветитьThe luggage incident at Ohare ITNL looks gnarly
ОтветитьA hurricane in Germany? This AI?
ОтветитьHey, as long as Aerosucre never gets into the passenger business, you'll have entertaining content forever lucaas
ОтветитьToo much cocaine cargo again in that Columbia plane.
ОтветитьA big thank you for supporting the series for over 5 years!