The Deities Of Ancient Civilizations Long Lost | Lost Gods (Full Series) | All Out History

The Deities Of Ancient Civilizations Long Lost | Lost Gods (Full Series) | All Out History

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For as long as there has been human civilization, there have been Gods. Travel back thousands of years to the rise and fall of six ancient civilizations - the Egyptians, Greeks, Celts, Romans, Maya and Incas - to reveal the mysteries behind their ancient Gods.

If you're a history fan who loves binge-watching, this is the channel for you! From the pyramids of Ancient Egypt to the Trenches of WW1, we'll be publishing the best history documentary series for you to sink your teeth into.

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@HasanMehedi-hb4tm - 22.12.2023 15:33


@danielpeterson1286 - 03.12.2023 20:34

Who edited this! All the swirling and speeding up of the camera is giving me a headache.

@lukeyznaga7627 - 02.12.2023 20:22

GAve you a thumbs down, because you DIDN'T REALLY talk about a lot of old, lost gods. Man, I can go to the library and get more accurate info on lost gods INCLUDING old gods of civilizations of Sumer and surrounding empires OF THE TIME, amen?

@BubuH-cq6km - 29.11.2023 00:02

another misinformation and disinformation video with the PC Approved stamp of Zahi Hawass the scammer and con artist peddling Fake History

@kortam6065 - 12.11.2023 06:58

Genesis 6 read and then book of enoch then u will realize who where the so called Gods

@ZWD2011 - 11.11.2023 21:40

Ergo: It must be an inconsequense that people assume the current deities are eternal.

@westho7314 - 06.11.2023 10:42

Entertaining documentary, .though the unnerving spinning camera and flashing freeze frames as special effects reallly make many parts of it totally dizzying & unwatchable, better absorbed with eyes closed as an audio book.

@Bigpunz67 - 04.11.2023 09:51

Sorry dog but I’m not listening to tech support for 3 hours

@carissa8283i - 04.11.2023 03:12

Thanks for the video. Great job

@elijahgrady2256 - 03.11.2023 22:07

I always said that Greek back at that time were black, paintings on Wall of that newly discovered tomb shows every bit of that.. At one time this globe literally were walked by us only , we literally built the world. All of the engineering, precise carvings , precise math and measurement, sculpting and civilization . people went and still are going well well well and beyond out of their way keeping the truth out of the light but the more tombs they're finding the more it shows who were really here running earth . those tombs don't lie

@Mason_Dixon - 03.11.2023 17:44

I'd stop coming too if you gonna throw a fully feathered chicken in a fire. What is that? Does seem to be any good you care or love. You may as well just stand and piss on the fire

@jeffdee - 01.11.2023 07:44

Nothing about Mesopotamia? Nothing about Central America? And it doesn't even get halfway through the series before it stops talking about ancient religions and becomes all about Christianity? What a shameful bait and switch. Thumbs down.

@supertrucker99 - 31.10.2023 07:30

Zoroastrianism predates egypt

@just1certifiable - 29.10.2023 23:15

...and they just keep doing the same over and over. All the blood sacrifices might have worked short term, but it didn't seem to bring whatever was promised for them in the end.

@jayathakur8643 - 28.10.2023 23:43

I am from India... we still have versions of God's from Indus valley Civilization.... Just look at our population of worshipers of the old pantheon.... Then, there is other countries in South and East Asia.... Europe and America is NOT the whole world 😅

@herbthompson8937 - 26.10.2023 13:44

All hail Marduk and Ashur!!!

@wilddesigns857 - 25.10.2023 16:45

I never really understood why the ancients were obsessed with immortality. You would think that was something unfamiliar to them at that time. The idea of living for ever. Most people would accept their mortality. Makes you wonder if there was some type of divine influence after all.

@aethelwulf7819 - 25.10.2023 06:02

The thing is those gods never died! They never disappeared! We simply stopped listening to them. We replaced our native gods with foreign entities from the Middle-East. However, there is a paradigm shift underway, whereby people are beginning to remember their old gods whilst shunning the poison of the desert.

@youdontknowmemom8119 - 25.10.2023 05:34

Egypt was a lush country until the 2 factions of the Annunaki started fighting each other with nuclear type weapons. And that was some time between the flood of the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean. And present day. So you could guess 7 to 8,000 years ago. That family fued caused the Annunaki to decide to leave the earth human population to themselves. Then the handing down of rule to the earth kings happened. The deserts of Egypt and the Sahara and the Sinai still have traces of the isotopes left by a nuclear blast and the sand has a lot of glass in it. It takes a 3000 degree temp to turn sand to glass. Soooo. The Sumarian cunniaform texts that have been excavated out of the ancient desert city's. Where the true story's of the Annunaki before them. I think they went to the far side of the moon. And inside the interior of the moon. Caint prove that. But that's someplace that they are unlikely to be bothered by the humans from earth. IF and that's a big word. There where a few Annunaki that stayed on earth. Maybe they made their own niches as the so called gods of the remaining religions. And the progenitors of the so called BLOODLINES.

@jackgoldman1 - 24.10.2023 06:11

2000 BC. The Earth is at the center of the Universe, placed here by all powerful sky god who will return. 2,000 AD. There is no special place for Earth. Creator God is in the breath, beating the heart, digesting the food. Creator God is in the Quantum Field. One with the sub atomic invisible Universe. The science of 2,000 BC does not agree with the science of 2,000 AD.

@ronsimpson8666 - 23.10.2023 06:43

History is convoluted.
20 years to build Pyramid. BS!
Giza being a tomb!? -> BS!!
It has 2 openings facing east/west. Shafts have two metal probes. Etc...
It's a machine and no matter how many people spread the lies.
People are awakening to truth, and can easily see the many lies.

@ernestopediangco5354 - 22.10.2023 19:52

Always these " programs " program the viewers with contrived conclusions re: the time frame of the building of the Pyramids and that it was somehow primitives done in a few decades and by slave labor. Those are hypothetical naratives at best. Egyptology is an establishment institution that controls details to fit the agendas of western civilization / Roman controled history which erased more history than was ever revealed. These media produced programs maintain certain contents while avoiding other contents , many are scientifically evident such as the water erosion surrounding the Great Sphinx, has damaged the Sphinx while it was exposed in far ancient times and shows several rebuild repairs by subsequent Pharoahs who would have had to excavate thousands of years accumulated sands that buried it long after it was open to exposure to water climates. The exposed head was very eroded while the body was buried and so reduced. Then... it was reshaped only on the exposed head and took the shape resembling a Pharoah but not confirmed who it actually represented or how many times it may have been reshaped. There should be no conclusions promoted but ongoing studies with critical thinking open minds free of establishment constraints and push back. My theory is the pyramids predate the origin of the ancient gods of Egypt who were survivors of the great flood catastrophy that they and other predeluvian civilization lords and humans survived to reboot civilization. The divine line of hybrid decendants of these ancient teachers and so called gods of the former megalithic builders with globwide shared capabilities and similar historic accounts that became religions, became the post deluvian gods of Egypt, Sumer, Indus culture / Asia and ancient continents we named Las America's. History avoids connecting the dots of history and evidences to avoid certain conclusions that western culture gas been rewriting and forcing the narratives that support their own corrupted religions that they lord over since the times of Roman manipulation of history and the 4 religions of Abraham which all have root sources from the ancient religions aka history !

@jafojafo5412 - 22.10.2023 15:15

When are you gonna stop with that nonsense… it’s well know that Egyptians didn’t build the Giza pyramids. They are pre-flood built …

@danvasse8075 - 22.10.2023 13:35


@Sherinjim - 21.10.2023 22:17

Built to LAST. Though fire that melts rocks, though mile high tsunami's, and 100 feet of mud. They KNEW all is cyclical..

@charmawingingitlewis1259 - 21.10.2023 21:07

The worst thing is to see and hear aliens tell a story that suits their limited mindset! Eternal life has nothing to do with the flesh and Madu Neter clearly stated that....there would not be an African who associate it with an finite system such as money. Mummmification is reverence of Ancestral Ka not a means of holding unto the light....we African understand the challis of light!
😂😂😂the Greeks Knowledge whorshipped the African, deitified them and made them their panthion of Gods ! Sound great and imagery perfect put very much crap!

@coosettem2045 - 20.10.2023 13:13

Leaving out a lot of recorded facts from ancient historians. New twist of European whitewashed documentary. Referring to modern England king, Henry the eighth disrespectful and unnecessary. I hear your negativity. Nothing about the indigenous people of the continent, their cultures and lifestyle like done with previous videos.

@briandstephmoore4910 - 20.10.2023 09:27

If you jockey a camel are you then considerd a camel...?

@briandstephmoore4910 - 20.10.2023 09:26

This channel is perfect to listen while falling asleep. Or watching if your blind!

@Resurgam1901 - 20.10.2023 05:51

Unwathcable due to the obnoxious sound effects.

@user-ku4ct4ho2v - 19.10.2023 09:05

Now Where was this?

@user-ku4ct4ho2v - 19.10.2023 09:02


@scotthcomyns3426 - 18.10.2023 05:21

Some people still worship ancient god's?

@obwan398 - 17.10.2023 16:52

They thought they threw the body's in the water well and they. Were gone but too much rotten meat comes back to y'all

@dr.calebrobbins.3177 - 17.10.2023 13:05

The image of the god where the bowl for human hearts is breathtakingly magnificent and hauntingly beautiful ... Not that difficult to imagine the mbaying of the waing crowd. One can almost hear their voices.

@lacey3880 - 15.10.2023 01:10

British museum, needs to return artifacts..

@trevorluarks567 - 13.10.2023 07:33

Atlantis then Sumer was before Egypt by the way

@trevorluarks567 - 13.10.2023 07:31

I'm surprised people don't see that parts of these buildings were added to structures that were already there way before the pillars were added which really isn't a feat compared the one stone block oblisks of Egypt the land of khem and many other regions across the globe. Greeks talked of the same pantheon of gods that originally spoken of in the land of sumer just different names but with the same abilities and characteristics,great show tho. MYSTERY IS ONLY HIDDEN TRUTHS-Thoth the Atlantean

@WA_S_S_AW - 12.10.2023 08:13

I’m thinking Isis did not bring Osiris back to life. He died. Isis got a look-a-like. Get certain individuals to go along with it or be beheaded. To cement a dynasty; that decision was probably made pretty quick.

@Melina.1985 - 12.10.2023 00:17


@johnclark1612 - 11.10.2023 02:59

He had a beautiful mud hut he lived in next to the pyramids of the finest mud from the Nile to appear he built them slaves scribbled his name on the pyramids he didn't built but assumed so.

@bertshutler5973 - 08.10.2023 16:47

Gaius Julius Caesar never gave himself the title Pontifex Maximus, he was put in that position by Marius.

@linetterivera3380 - 30.09.2023 18:35

look at their skin color. not yt

@chaddavid-conspiracyfact8974 - 24.09.2023 12:24

The historical timelines as we are taught are mostly untrue. His-Story is written by the winners. Mainstream "academia" is a tool of indoctrination. Our realm seems to go thru resets every few hundred years. There have been at least 2 we are aware of, but speculate theres an event every 400 years. Carbon dating is far from reliable. Using geo layer strata is also snake oil salesman parlour tricks. We are waking up to the lies. Been indoctrinated since birth and its over for a lot of us.

@pepesantahukotak8969 - 05.09.2023 06:54

❤❤ Ada yg sudah tau pedang kerajaan Saya gabungan dari kerajaan England, Eropa, Jepang, Belanda, Egypt, China, India, Indonesia. ❤❤

❤❤ Dari di mahkota simprug ada yg sudah rau semuanya. Harus kaya raya dan berkuasa kembali seluruh kerajaan Islam asli di seluruh dunia dan Raja Ratu Islam asli harus kaya raya dan berkuasa kembali. Sukses dunia akhirat. ❤❤

❤❤ Tu kan yg mirip Mirna atau pembunuh psikopat cantik terfitnah bukan di kasus mirna (lupa namanya tetapi tau wajahnya) dan Jessica anak Saya tu. Keturunan kerajaan Islam. ❤❤

❤❤ Benar" konspirasi si maling dari Uzbekistan. ❤❤

@pepesantahukotak8969 - 05.09.2023 06:51

❤❤ Terungkap Jepang bukan setan. Kerajaan di Jepang adalah Islam. Makanya sering sujud kepada Allah SWT. ❤❤
