This in 2024, but with ChatGPT
ОтветитьJoe Biden's law school days?
Ответить“hey bro, do you remember mr. butthole’s class?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьForgot about what an awful straight man Chris Parnell was on SNL.
ОтветитьFfw - we need an AI one.
ОтветитьThis sketch was not funny at all.
ОтветитьWhy does "more from Rachel Dratch" just show a man's ass cheeks lol
ОтветитьAnd now there’s AI…
ОтветитьOmg I did NOT recognize Seth
ОтветитьYou had me at "Hotmail"
ОтветитьNeeds a newer version with the same guy but with AI 🙏
ОтветитьNo high school student should ever be accused of plagiarsm. Teachers who would inspire students to plagiarize there high school term paper are failures. I could probably be accused of plagiarish for my history class term paper. I wrote it on the stock market crash of 1929. I carefullly wrote my paper so it would appear to be my own, but what else could I do but plagiarize. What did I know. The teacher knew the ideas were not in any way shape or form my own but gave me an A+ for being a carfeful and resourceful plagiarist. Every student in his class was lucky he taught high school history and none were anytning like these students. The worst students were better students in his class. I suspect that Walter Whites student would have been respectful and courteous in his class. None would have been like Pinkman or the students in the back of the class. If Walter White were teaching in a high school class anywhere in America, parent would move there so there childeren could sit in his class.
ОтветитьThis is why I could never make it as a teacher.
That; and my brain injury
Now they just use ChatGPT
ОтветитьCan’t help but hear jerry smith
ОтветитьSeth is good in this. They should have let him do more sketches
ОтветитьThis classroom set reminds me of Mind your language sitcom
ОтветитьThis is "Grammerly" in 2024
ОтветитьGod Ashton Kutcher looks exactly like Andrew Dismukes in this sketch. If it weren't for Seth (and Rachel, and Chris, and Amy) being in it, I would have thought this skit was newish 😂
ОтветитьFun fact: a former principal at Parkersburg High School in WV would end up plagiarizing one of Ashton Kutchers speeches in a graduation ceremony.
ОтветитьI hated Lit term papers.
Ответитьthis is good because of how subtle the comedy within is. honestly the straighter the actor plays the character the funnier it is.
Ответитьa machine called the associated press lol
ОтветитьAfter watching HBomberguy's video, this vid feels more funnier.
ОтветитьThis is funny?
ОтветитьSNL sucks.
ОтветитьAI changed the game.
ОтветитьStupid games. Stupid answers.
ОтветитьHow did Seth Meyers ever get a job? He reminds me of somebody that works at Taco Bell
ОтветитьSo the whole group got Fs
ОтветитьBack when Jerry Smith actually had a job
ОтветитьThis is literally how students are in school. 😂
ОтветитьThis literally feels like something that Drake from Drake & Josh would do.
ОтветитьIt would have been funny if the report about the book 1984 was a report about the year 1984.
ОтветитьNow today's melenials.
ОтветитьReminds me of Welcome Back Carter. The first lady's eyes are classic here.
ОтветитьConsequences of plagiarism Loss of credibility, Legal consequences, Reprimand, and Loss of credibility
ОтветитьThis skit may now be out of date with AI in the mix.
Ответитьwow what a stupid skit
ОтветитьI'm a high school English teacher. This was scarily accurate.
ОтветитьPoor teacher. Wait until ChatGPT papers come in.
Ответитьunfortunately this is accurate
ОтветитьJerry Smith would be a wonderful professor
ОтветитьIt's 2025 and I just had a conversation with a student very similar to Danny's
ОтветитьParnell is hilarious
ОтветитьThis is funny 😂