Why Peter McKinnon Is BAD For Film Photography

Why Peter McKinnon Is BAD For Film Photography


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PerSimmons - 15.07.2023 18:04

This was cathartic, glad somebody else was thinking it. Echoing what you said at the end, he's in it for the views and the novelty. Him and his two-second- attention-span audience will soon realize film photography is hard and there are no shortcuts. That moat is what I selfishly love about the medium.

Travis Harris Photography
Travis Harris Photography - 13.11.2023 22:26

This is why I stopped making videos on my own channel. I started to realize people just wanted me to talk about gear or see the beautiful models etc.. and I knew that this was not what I supported or wanted to turn into. So, I get where you are coming from and took some balls to come out in the open and lay it all out there. But, as someone who (before the pandemic) was "rocking and rolling" on my way.. I stopped believing in my own "message" and had to stop to re-think how I wanted to continue (if at all). Here I am, still 3 almost 4 years later still thinking, lol.

grimfist79 - 13.11.2023 18:50

I like PM, discovered him probably 2018. I definitely picked up stuff from his early videos. Still think his mobile photo stuff is pretty good. I agree he is all about lifestyle, veiled ads and merch nowadays but this is what growth creates. To the point though. Before I started this vid, literally 1st thing I thought was it will be about his influence and dominance. I might be a fan, but my critical hat went in exactly same direction and I can see all his tricks, pun intended. He seems to jump on fuds and make them his own and then moves onto next thing.
I actually stsrted on film before digital was affordable. Taught me a lot, even if I never was pro photographer or even amateur one. Just occasionally like to snap something.

Reuben - 10.11.2023 02:25

I was hesitant but damn, very accurate. Makes sense.

BetaFax - 04.11.2023 01:32

All press is good press? Good video. If I had the time, or was able to be articulate enough at this moment, I’d make a comment on how it would be on the film community to capitalize on any newcomers.

JerzyRugby - 04.11.2023 01:25

This is the first time I read the name Peter McKinnon, and I'm (back) into film since 2 years. What did I do wrong? ;-)

KAVVKA VISUALS - 02.11.2023 18:21


Chris Hardy
Chris Hardy - 01.11.2023 16:06

That close was amazing lol.

Alanpods ______
Alanpods ______ - 31.10.2023 13:15

I literally have no idea who this person is.

Macon pancakes
Macon pancakes - 31.10.2023 01:00

I like the perspective. You made a good antenna out of him to air your frustrations. Only wishing it didnt come with the seemiingly jealous and condescending "You look like another pissed off rapper who never made it" 8 Mile vibe. lol. Got my sub though! It's always too go have someone who see's against the grain in one way or another.

Night Phoenix Press
Night Phoenix Press - 29.10.2023 16:32

If Peter gets that new audience many will seek others that shoot film. Peter was never the only influencer I or most people watch. If we like something we want as much info on the topic we can get. People will be looking for others who shoot film so it’s actually the opposite of what you’re saying. Even the algorithm doesn’t like this. Also, making your content personality based is just good for business. I wish I could’ve been better at that.

PD1JDW - 27.10.2023 17:55

Here’s what going to happen, and you see this already happening.
He’s gonna attract a lot of people to the Film Photography. And demand for film will go up. Some new labs are going to open up. To ride the wave and hope film is here to stay.
Company’s like Kodak Fuji Ilford and Agfa are going to produce more film.
The smaller companies like lomography etc are willing to do the same.
At the moment we start to see supply shortages in film stock. And here is where the wave starts.
Now all these new photographers are going to notice, this ain’t all it? Or is it?
Do they really wanna trade the eas of use of digital?
Suppliers are still producing and these new photographers are already abandoning film. Maybe a few stay.
But what we get is a collaps in price. And if we don’t buy all the film stock.
These companies are going to go bankrupt and might not get back up again.
And thus….. Film is then officially dead.

Paul E
Paul E - 27.10.2023 13:13

If you want to really learn about photography quit watching you tube and take some classes. Not on line, in person. There are few channels that will really teach you anything. It's all about quirky personalities and keeping viewers entertained. And some reading about the outstanding photographers from the past, the 1800s and 1900s, not 2000s, might give a foundation about the craft.
However, if you just want to be part of the scene and dangle whatever camera some talking head says is the greatest this week, carry on.

HÜZI - 26.10.2023 08:08

Unpopular opinion, Peter is cringe.

Diddy boy
Diddy boy - 25.10.2023 23:46

Film photography are different from digital photography.

Nigel Swan
Nigel Swan - 24.10.2023 02:29

Pretty accurate assessment, honestly. I stopped watching years ago (like 3 months after i discovered him) when i realised he couldnt actually offer anything that would help my photography.
I had similar thoughts when I saw him using film, glad this video is out there.
Not to say Pete himself is a bad guy, as im sure hes not, but the gravity his channel has may be to the hobby's detriment.

Matt Charnitski
Matt Charnitski - 24.10.2023 01:21

I agree that his content has become more personality-based as of late. I watch much less of his content these days than I did back in 2017 but I still check him out. But I don't really see a problem with him using his platform to document his journey with film. If he garners interest in it, then that opens up the door for someone more experienced with film to better meet the demand that Peter is helping to generate.

Aaron Tester
Aaron Tester - 23.10.2023 20:39

I got bored with him a few years back. He produces slick quick videos with (insert punchy music here and perhaps a few magic tricks). I think people can take away little from his videos because he is more of a lifestyle influencer who happens to be a photographer, rather than produce a video with substance. But, it's that popularity that sells unfortunately. Of all the photo bros he's the one with the least to say.

Kemish Leon
Kemish Leon - 23.10.2023 20:14

Peter’s videos are boring as hell… I really miss his old videos.

jjonestowne - 22.10.2023 19:28

Honest and accurate. Good calls.

thesecretlifeofmichal - 21.10.2023 22:27

Subscribed man, well said. This is what has been nagging me.

I watched him, when I started with photography in 2018 and also tried to copy his look, his style etc. Guilty too.
After a while, I was truly bored by his work, video and photo - both contents were lacking.. Content. Something deep, something to go on, something to make you truly think. He also created a generation of Sony fanboys, street ninjas and f16 landscapers, copy pasting each other in everything from the exact same photo spots, to composition, to edits. I truly detested that.
The only thing he is good at is to pull you in and get you pumped up about photography (at least he used to back then). I always said to my friends, who were curious about photography: use him to get excited, if you need someone to do so for you. Then, when you are comfortable, you will not get anything else in value. Move to other content, more deeper and thoughful.

I couldn't name what bothered me about his switch to film.. Felt like a girl telling you, how she suddenly loves Star Wars, even though you know, she laughed at nerds liking it a few years ago.
It felt like a poser thing, like bangerzZzzzZZ and B-Rolls weren't enough and I felt kinda like a gatekeeper - but we are still a small community, with cool people, who don't have two minute attention spans for video Tuesdays, who care, who truly create and actually bring something to the community. Peter is just not it. Peter is a shallow level kind of a guy, who just needs to spew content after content after content.. I believe, he can switch people to film, but they need to switch ASAP to channels that you named to get a real look at gear reviews, film reviews or actual approach to the film photography. And there is an actual content to be viewed.

Northern Wind
Northern Wind - 21.10.2023 06:30

oh and by the way if you actually watched that video he was "pumped" that he fails so he can learn and become a better 'FILM' photographer. It was actually encouraging people to take up film photography to become better artist.

Northern Wind
Northern Wind - 21.10.2023 06:15

I use film (Nikon FM2N, Mamiya C330, Hasselblad 500CM) i shoot dslrs (Nikon D850, D750) i shoot mirrorless (Nikon ZF, ZFC, Z30). been into photography for 40 yrs. I watch videos to inspire me to try new things. Peter is one of those guys that because he uses different cameras and does a variety of styles it keeps him engaged. I am as well ill go fir months and use only my DSLRs or film or mirrorless, but that does not take away for any of the others while im not using them. Peter is by definition a content creator, if his influence causes just one or two people to take up film or digital photography im ok with it. the other 5.8Million who take it up n then drop it...who cares. its because of people like him that film is becoming popular and the hobby is growing, just by adding 2 or 3 at a time makes our hobby better. FYI its because of Peter i actually found your channel...so maybe dont look a gift horse in the mouth....just saying.

J. Urda
J. Urda - 19.10.2023 22:36

If McKinnon bothers u just go to watch Grainydays. Who cares about style, when you just can sell all you own and buy Mamiya 7.

Through My Green Eyes
Through My Green Eyes - 19.10.2023 22:25

I watch and enjoy Peter's videos from time to time, but it hasn't been the same since he moved out from the office he shared with Matti Haapoja.

Doug MacMillan
Doug MacMillan - 19.10.2023 18:35

I agree. DId a little looking and I've decided PM is a flaming twit.

O Level Math & Science Tutor
O Level Math & Science Tutor - 19.10.2023 11:39

i used to watch his videos for how nice his videos are, but i got sick of him because it's filled with selling merch. i dropped watching his vids after he went into film photography. His content is nothing suitable for beginners, and he probably is "pushing" newbie film photographers to buy the expensive cameras, and accessories that newbies may not need at all.

Him - 19.10.2023 06:23

just found this channel today, 2k likes for the video & 6.72k subscribers, GREAT JOB. thats over 33% of engagement!!!

EmusicF - 19.10.2023 00:06

I agree 100%, I unsubscrided to McKinnon channel a few years ago...and no you're not too arsch!

lookmanostrings - 18.10.2023 21:57

I'm just here to give a thumbs up to the McKinnon roasting lol.
I saw some of his videos years ago and they were interesting, then he quickly became unwatchable to me. He's kind of like the James Corden of photography: insufferable.

Jess Robson
Jess Robson - 18.10.2023 16:55

Never watched his channel before and I've only watched a few of his videos on film. If film ends up a flash in the pan for him, then eventually most the disadvantages mentioned here would go back to our "post-covid normal." If it doesn't, the value is in drumming up interest in the industry. I'd love for manufacturers to see film worth investing in again.

As for him potentially making poor tutorials/reviews due to his lack of experience, his videos seem to be about him finding the experiences many of us have with film. He seems almost humbled. He'll eventually learn you're lucky and be happy with getting two great shots on a roll.

The guy's coming from digital as a giant. I find it interesting to watch him navigate this frontier.

Good video, it'll be interesting to see how it goes. 🙂

Wandering Ambience
Wandering Ambience - 18.10.2023 08:47

I’m my opinion, I can’t stand him actually. Comes across as a douche just getting out of bed gir likes and clicks. In other words disingenuous. The opposite of you basically.

Jeremy Bork
Jeremy Bork - 18.10.2023 07:00

I doubt Pete is inexperienced. He glosses over things because his audience are not seeking specific technical knowledge. They follow his film style and storytelling. He evolved as his income evolved. While I agree he has changed a lot which is why I moved on from his content, he moved from details to personality and lifestyle because his goal was to find success through content. Not that he sought to be the best educator out there. With that said, great video! Perhaps, soon your camera shelf behind you will grow as well. Then, we might see your raptor videos. lol. I am now following you to see if that becomes true.

Joel Peters
Joel Peters - 18.10.2023 06:20

People who love film photography aren’t going to flock towards Peter’s channel. Secondly, I believe Peter’s hook that keeps people coming back is his personality and there’s nothing wrong with that, but budding film photographers aren’t rushing to hear Peter’s words of wisdom since he admits he’s a newbie. The people who do watch are there to see his journey (and again, there’s nothing wrong with that.)

Pierce Alexander Marks
Pierce Alexander Marks - 18.10.2023 06:01

Hey man, great video. So glad to see someone not pulling punches.... McKinnon is NOT a good artist, and so many people just eat up his content because it's the equivalent of AI generated content: it takes all the techniques that have been popular from 2010-2016 and combines them into the same photo over and over. The online photography community is general is just a kind of consumerism. Reading about the pictorialist movement in photography has inspired me. I would like to have a group of photographers with similar ideals sharing their work. Maybe one day.... Subbed to you.

Alex Dahl
Alex Dahl - 18.10.2023 00:12

predicting graindead to be the next big channel

Stefan Zubal
Stefan Zubal - 17.10.2023 23:21

As an amateur photographer, Peter used to be a must-watch content. But, recently, his content has moved to the out orbit. Maybe I sensed, without knowing, some of the things you mentioned. I am gravitating to film because I inherited my mom's Brownie Reflex. A few repairs and I ready to go :)

Tommy Rosati
Tommy Rosati - 17.10.2023 22:45

I agree with you. I unsubscribed to PM a looong while ago. He's more of a social media personality, than a photographer/videographer in my view.

Side-note: I HAVE purchased his variable ND filter. Though REMARKABLY expensive, it actually IS pretty good.

Temporal Effects
Temporal Effects - 17.10.2023 19:46

I agree that his videos could start to dominate somewhat over those of smaller film-oriented creators, but I don't see it as a big problem. Many enthusiasts will actively look past the largest creators, if only to seek out other opinions. Smaller creators come across as more genuine, more creative, and more trustworthy, largely since they are less beholden to sponsors. Also, using Google Trends as a measure, Peter's popularity peaked in 2018-2019 and has been on a steady decline since then. This tells us that while he is still popular, people are viewing their photography-related content elsewhere.

Zombie Rofl
Zombie Rofl - 17.10.2023 17:23

I hate to say it, but you are pretty spot on.

foljs - 17.10.2023 16:01

Vloggers like McKinnon is what's wrong with photography in 2023 in general, film or digital. Shallow content, all about the flash and fizz, the same stuff covered by 20 1M+ viewers a-listers, always selling sponsored gear and their own BS branded stuff, ...

Daniel Frias Fotografia
Daniel Frias Fotografia - 17.10.2023 14:56

There's currently nothing to learn on his channel... sorry.

PETER FRITZ - 17.10.2023 14:38

You’ve really lifted the veil, here. Compelling viewing.

gray division
gray division - 17.10.2023 13:40

Thank you, spot on, Mckinnon is not just bad for film photography, he is bad for all photography and cinematography. Check out his "PHOTO-FRAUD" video. He repeatedly refers to a photo with deep, or a lot of depth of field, as having "no depth". This is not him misspeaking. He says it several times. This is a clear misunderstanding of the terms used for a core aspect of photography. It may seem a small issue, but sometimes misinformation can become the basis for a persons understanding of a concept, and with 300K+ views that is all too likely the case.

Sébastien Gerber
Sébastien Gerber - 17.10.2023 11:11

The only good thing is that if only 10% of his followers jump into film photography, it will help to keep the medium alive for a few more years (months ? weeks ? ) and maybe, just maybe, help to decrease the prices a little bit ? (no i'm kidding, we're getting f*cked on that one until the end of times).
