Versus Series: Plo Koon vs Shado Vao

Versus Series: Plo Koon vs Shado Vao

Rob Terra

3 года назад

4,396 Просмотров

Welcome everyone to the third installment of the Legacy Era Mini Marathon! I'm very excited to share this with all of you as it turned into a real fun match the more I analyzed the two characters. Plo Koon has been one of those characters you all have wanted to see me use so hopefully you feel I did the character justice. As for Shado he's just very cool and a combatant I've always found fascinating. But anyways, without further ado I present, The Kel Dor Vs. The Twi'lek.... Plo Koon Vs Shado Vao

Latest Versus video-​​
Season 3 Finale-


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