I'm in due in 8days and thank you for making this video.
ОтветитьThat’s so funny because I didn’t have an epidural and the nurses kept trying to pressure me into one! When I wasn’t even hurting!
ОтветитьGirl carry tampons AND pain reliever. That first period pp was very painful
ОтветитьI had my boys 5 and 2 years ago but this video brought all the fun memories haha! Very informative!!!!
ОтветитьHemorrhoids??? Omg I didn’t know this was a thing that could happen.
ОтветитьI'm due in September the main thing I'm afraid of is tearing
ОтветитьYou should do a coffee video. What's your go to coffee drink at home? Starbucks? Mcd? Dunkin? Where ever you get your coffee fix. do a ride with me type video!
ОтветитьJust had my son a month and a half ago, and I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said in this video.
ОтветитьI'm a sucker for children and want My own so bad but I'm only 16 :') Lmao My Mom would kill me if I get one before I'm 25
ОтветитьIf you don't breastfeed use frozen cabbage leaves in your bra. This helps with pain.
ОтветитьCute baby!!! I had morning sickness and postpartum depression with both dds.
ОтветитьYour son is so cute! Holding your finger ❤️❤️. Great video I’m due in 7 weeks! It’s weird because I’m not really scared or nervous right now.
ОтветитьCan you use tampons as well after giving birth
ОтветитьYou know how they give you a medal and put your name on the wall at the hospital when you deliver without an epidural? Wait, no they don’t do that so just do what’s best for you!
Ответить“Be flexible”. 💯👍💚
ОтветитьYou were asked to talk about Hemorrhoids and you really just said, "yes they are a thing", you didn't really discuss how you handled pain relief for them, how you tried to treat them, or anything like that. We know they are a thing! Giving advice on how to treat them or what helped yours go away would've been nice :( Sincerely, the 9mo pregnant person who has like 5 Hemorrhoids and is sick and tired of nothing working for pain relief or treatment.
ОтветитьI love and appreciate that you made this video. I've lost 5 pregnancies before getting pregnant naturally with my little girl. I'm currently 32 weeks 5 days. I'm definitely excited, nervous and scared of birth and delivery. I want to do it naturally. Baby kicks and movements are definitely the best feeling in the world. I first felt baby move on valentine's day lol (best gift ever)
ОтветитьGod bless you and you’re family. While the losses you suffered must have been very sad, now you can enjoy your little angel.
ОтветитьI am feeling your pain on miscarriages. I lost 2 before having the 2 precious boys I have now. The pain of losing a child is so painful and I am so happy for you that you have your precious little boy now. Keep the faith for sure!!! God is good all the time and he gave us our miracles.
ОтветитьLoved your video, my daughter is 23 long time ago, You made me cry ten times!
ОтветитьDear friend, the “world” doesn’t give you babies, the Lord does. You need to get born again. Do you even know who’s Jesus is? I would love to tell you about Him!
ОтветитьA mother should have the labor experience she wants. Epidural or not it is Your choice and shouldn't be shamed for it.
ОтветитьI wish I could have experience a lot of these newborn things. My baby was early and in the NICU so nothing was like a “normal” birth story.
ОтветитьI'm with you on epidurals. I'm not so scared of the pain as much as I want to be able to take naps and feel calm during this whole process. But we'll see. I don't want to get too attached to any birth plan, and I want to be able to adapt quickly if things come up.
ОтветитьI am 30 weeks pregnant with our baby girl after struggling with infertility for 2.5 years. I never thought I'd be here and all of the things you said had me sobbing. Infertility was the hardest thing I've ever faced. Thank you for speaking about it because I felt seen and I hope others who struggle too get to feel that. This journey was so hard.
I also love that you are talking about the No Birth Plan birth plan. I just want this baby here. No matter what we have to do and epidural, yes please. My hospital and OB seem like they know what they are doing. I trust they will take care of us.
I am 8 months and I am so scared of giving birth why because women tear. I hope my delivery goes well 🤞🏽🤞🏽. Thank you for this video ❤️. I needed this 🙂.
ОтветитьI love your videos 🧡
ОтветитьWow your 6 month old is so quiet and not ragingly active, my daughter is 6 months and she just wants to go go go. She's a good girl, just grabs at everything and crawls into every crevice she thinks she can fit into
Ответитьgreat video.umm i had a question where did u get this side table from looks pretty
ОтветитьYour baby is so sweet
ОтветитьI love videos like this because my SO and I are getting close to the baby stage, and I feel like I know nothing😅 Thank you for making these honest and insightful videos!
ОтветитьI’m so afraid of giving birth!
Ответить7 weeks to go 🥺🥺
ОтветитьI know this is obviously older and you’re getting ready to have your second baby now, but being 30 weeks pregnant now, this helped a lot of my whirling questions and worries because I do worry about the pain of delivery, but thank you for this video. ♥️
ОтветитьThanks really good!
ОтветитьI'm due in two days with my first. I appreciate these honest answers! Feeling kicks and first kick felt by partner got me crying 😹 Guess that's it and I'll be crying at everything, all the time from now on!
I also don't have a birth plan for the same reasons as you. I'll go with whatever we need ❤️
I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. My bleeding pretty much over and I had to get 4 stitches. I did get the epidural but I didn’t need any Tylenol or extra meds after the birth at all. The text couple days I did feel like I was hit by a car lol but not bad enough to take pain meds to recover
ОтветитьOmggg when Miles looks at the camera 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰
ОтветитьHemmeroids are THE WORST!! My gyno said I would have them forever now, and while that may be technically true, by 2 months or 3 months they “went away.”
ОтветитьLooove your videos. Thank you. And Myles is soo cute
ОтветитьI know this video is old but im a new subscriber and a new mom currently pregnant so im so glad you made this video with your first baby! Thank you for your honesty and transparency i will remember to tell myself its a phase its temporary! 😊
ОтветитьIt always saddens me that women who choose to have epidurals are “shamed” by anyone. It’s your body + your baby + your choice.
ОтветитьNurses and doctors try to rush the whole thing
ОтветитьMy brother in law had to slap a knife outa the doctors hand after he decided with out warning he would c section for a quick paycheck ... The dr. was thrown out into a hall and cursed at..... Beware
ОтветитьDon't vaccinate
ОтветитьThank you so so much! I have 1000 fears about being a first-time mom and they are all about the birth process. Your honesty and openness are amazing. We also lost our first baby and then tried for 4.5 years for this little miracle. Fingers crossed in March 2022 we will be holding him and it will be all worth it :) Thank you for ALL of your content and what you do <3
ОтветитьDelivery is also about the baby that is being born. He or she are also in a lot of pain. Some women with epidural might be pressured by medical staff to push harder or more often than is needed for the baby or more intense than the baby may endure without pain. When the woman feels pain that is not going to happen, she will go through labor in her natural rhythm and level of intensity, because her pain puts boundaries on the speed of the process. That is why I decided to give birth to all of my babies without an epidural. And yes, that may hurt(
ОтветитьMy favourite stages of being pregnant was finding out what I was having and the ultrasound check up’s, seeing my baby’s growth 💙💙
ОтветитьI find it infuriating that men have no problem sticking their dick and face there but when it comes to their own child they can’t look at it.
ОтветитьI know this is an old post but very much needed for me right now…thanks!