3 Unconventional Sex Tips for Women

3 Unconventional Sex Tips for Women

Tips from a Therapist

8 месяцев назад

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@stevelopinto4928 - 02.07.2024 04:02

Hey Tya, sure do a Mens video

@TheEtherealgrl - 02.07.2024 04:52

This was AWESOME and super helpful😊

@sakshik14434 - 02.07.2024 11:22

Exactly what I needed to hear today! To any girl reading this; You are worthy, you are enough, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise❤

@wildlyvanessa5284 - 02.07.2024 13:42

I found this video SO helpful!
Oh my god. You Goddess!

I recently met a guy that I seemed to share some great chemistry with.
He showed a lot of interest in me and we had a lot in common.
He was described as “having his head and his heart in the right place”.

But now I think I got played!
I had sex with him before I really felt like I could trust him and compromised my own emotional security. Which should have been something I protected. After we slept together he said “this was fun.”
To which I replied “oh.. that’s what guys usually say when they’re not going to call…”

Probably wasn’t the best thing to say. What I really wanted to know was whether I should treat this as a hook up or not.

I think that if he had really liked me enough to put his arm around me and hold my hand as we walked down the street together then that little display of vulnerability might have prompted some reassurance from him. Buuut it didn’t. His face dropped, and the emotional connection withdrew.
He sort of pecked me on the lips to say goodnight and he has not texted me…

So. I think I got played and I also didn’t honour what I knew I needed to give myself in order the feel safe.

I do literally think it’s his loss because frankly, I could do better. But still… wow! That guy could PLAY.

@certifiedhoarder - 02.07.2024 15:58

You NAILED IT tia. Badumpt.

I was a hedonistic manchild. Thats such a wonderful description. Exactly what i was. Not physically abusive, not a cheater.. just a me me me manboy

Trauma home, taught all the wrong things, porn addict from 9 yrs old, i had no idea. I thought it was a hobby i was entitled to, no one ever really said this is wrong. My grandmother loved her womanizing husbands flirty ways with the waitresses and egged him on to get their numbers and leave them great tips. the best, most loving relationship i ever saw had a biker playboy as the teddy bear provider and everyone gravitated to them as a couple. Being a ladies man was seen in a positive light so thats what i was gonna be.

I subconsciously always selected open legs to cultivate love. Mom taught rejection was the penalty for being bad, and all the mommy replacements i sought out showed me acceptance for being good. Sex is pretty accepting, so the more sex i get the more good i must be. Anything i do or say for more great sex, must be good, they sure sound happy, whats the harm? Im getting rewarded, i will continue what im doing.. all my life, and reap sorrow from it.

I was always recreating my 5yr old, mommy betrayal abandonment scenario where crazy and unreliable felt like home, with women just like her. Im the anxious pre-occupied just like dad, and fearful avoidants cant keep their hands off me for a spin on the toxic relationship rollercoaster. All of this is hindsight. But they were all from trauma, sexual abuse and physical detachment. They were Fight flight freeze fawn cheat repeat, i was co-dependance level 12 always saving a damsel from herself. Always aggravated she just wouldnt stop rebuilding the distresses i unscrewed for her. New her, same story. I fix, they destroy, i fix, they destroy.

2nd marriage just came to an end after 14 yrs and now theres 2 adults and 2 kids to repair.

I stayed away from porn by simply wrestling the urge for 4 years since last slip, but i wasnt free. 7 months ago God set me free by saying very clearly in my head, you love your sin more than you love my son. I knew immediately it was true, and repented.

I will not sleep with another woman ever again until marriage. Btdt. My brain is completely different, i look at hotties now without any sexual thought other than wow shes built right, thats nice. Theres no more dopamine chase. I do still have intense prey drive to walk up to lookers without rings but it has never crossed any lines when i have. Theyre always flattered, never single. I smile and say have a great day.

The relationship pursuits now do feel a little boring because theyre pursuing a forever marriage and not sex. Theyre seratonin and oxytocin, not dopamine and cortisol. The hyper flirtation of my old ways isnt there anymore so real talk has to fill the space but its better. Theres deep connection and understanding, patience, reciprocity, clear intention, peace, soothing, calm. Stability is almost too bland but then ill get some message from a now obvious trainwreck with the 'hey handsome' intro and i know exactly what it is. Some traumatized avoidant needing a man to sabotage her marriage with. Nope, not playin that song again.

There is life after divorce and after porn. A much, much better life. So much better. I reconciled with mom yesterday, dad a few weeks ago. Ending a bad marriage is good in the long run.

@BK-uu4ij - 17.07.2024 05:14

If you want to figure out if a guy really cares about you or just wants your body, just don't have sex until you're married and see how he acts :)

@muma6559 - 21.07.2024 14:52

you're good !!

@muma6559 - 21.07.2024 14:53

oops, ignorance is not bliss !

@thisbeme4505 - 15.08.2024 19:37

Wait! When you said subscribe the subscribe button lights up??!!!? That’s so cool.

@incorrigiblycuriousD61 - 19.08.2024 20:02

Great video. I'm sending this to my daughter.

@jesusgonzales6889 - 20.08.2024 16:41


@lellodidass.6851 - 23.08.2024 08:58

Very inspiring and pragmatic material.

@shanemurray-jw6fc - 26.08.2024 02:59

Great tips thank you

@DustinJohnsonPC - 11.09.2024 01:48

Take it from a guy, this lady speaks Truth. Listen again and again.

@harryteh16 - 03.11.2024 20:18

Hi Tya! U r a guardian angel to women, may the lord bless & keep u

@craigstevens7624 - 29.11.2024 09:45

I am completely impressed.

Just sayin. The act of sensual/sexual interaction happening only once a *trust/evaluation* value has been established rather than simply for a/the climax value as soon as it's available, is nothing that I can ever remember any person promote before... that "responsible" value thatcha asserted, which occurs for me when I have established that a "complete and honest comunicación" value has been established. This critical value to me, is the only way that one even has a chance at a lasting relationship. Ohh, possibly a critically different motivation.

It is only through this ability to communicate that I can feel assured that I will receive the information necessary for me to obtain the critical guidance necessary to be able to know (as knowledge is power) what I need to know in order to establish and sustain my partners happiness/pleasures.

Again simply saying, I need to know if there is something wrong rather than receiving the "ohh nothing" response or within the sensual side of things the "if you're paying attention you'll know" response which to a point, becomes one's ability to read through the inabilities within communication.. the need to be a detective so to say.

Thank you so very much for presenting in responsibility toward partnership rather than simply another, presenting the ways by which to be the best attraction for the day/evening.

@RyanRaya-o9f - 01.02.2025 01:25

Show me the videos
