Amen 🙏🙌❤️
Ответитьwonderful message
Ответитьwonderful message
ОтветитьThis message is for me. Its almost as if written exactly for me. I am in the separation period right now. God has given me a message in my spirit to move my location. Wow. It’s scary, it’s overwhelming, but I am taking steps to go forward and be obedient. Thank you for this message.
ОтветитьI give God all the Glory and Praise through Jesus Christ of Nazareth Mighty and Holy name and that of the Holy Spirit Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
ОтветитьI'm definitely feeling 'full-throttle' in this mode right now... Thanks for giving me the time to get to know you better God...😊
ОтветитьBefore listening to this ...i was alone a room for ..hours and this came to mind that what exactly is my purpose in this world i then wrote a poem titled the purpose ..i found this video ....thought it was a coincidence but ...God is actually trying to speak to me ...all the signs that were mentioned its like .....this is revealing my life ....i don't know who is reading this but ...know that whenever you come across God's message it's not a coincidence but He is actually speaking to you ..first i thought of not sharing this message but
.no i feel the need to do so ...only when you trust Him and listen carefully that's when He will speak..all we have to do is to differentiate between his voice and our thoughts Amen🙏
I have been in the season of being set apart, walking alone just as this video said. I moved away from family to another state & joined the perfect church for me that God ordained. I experienced the hunger for the word and the spiritual growth that the video is talking about as I gradually learned to embrace this time and learned to DEPEND on God because it was required. I wanted to depend before but now I have to, circumstantially because of trials that come with life in a fallen world tempers & proves my faith (1 Pet 1:7). Pretty much everything said in this video is what happened and was accurate. So I highly recommend following the wisdom given. It will be very, very helpful if you follow the wisdom in it. Thankfully the Lord taught me what was in this video, but it would have been nice to have known what to expect at the beginning of this season. I could tell you the spiritual growth, Biblical revelation from the Holy Spirit, and intimate relationship with the Lord that developed has become my firm foundation of Matthew 7 on which I build my house in Christ. The Lord did lots of healing and deliverance in me during this time, firmly rooting and grounding me in the faith. As I'm wrapping up this time alone, I'm taking the last opportunities to devour the Word (Bible) and strengthen myself in Jesus as God's moving me into ministry to serve others, and the love of God is growing in me stronger and stronger as, by the Spirit's power, I die to the flesh (unrenewed mind & self- governance), pick up my cross, and follow Him. As I follow Jesus, being led by the spirit's power, I'm experiencing the abundant and eternal life of Christ (Jn 17:3, 1 Jn 5) and have been immensely blessed by God. While this season was not always easy, I am SO thankful to God for it. I pray you may be similarly blessed.
ОтветитьI am in it it is tough but I hold to God's word