The CATASTROPHIC Lore of Mega Man Zero

The CATASTROPHIC Lore of Mega Man Zero

The Black Mastadonte

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@haqqrasheed3115 - 12.02.2025 23:41

Milan was like "zero help me," and Zero was like "heard you,". Epic line Bro. Carry on!

@Angeloflight1415_LastelleCrea - 13.02.2025 22:34

Mega Man Zero also brought me into the Mega Man series. I admit I played the Mega Man Zero Collection for the the DS but I enjoyed it so much that the series became my main special interest for a while. LOL

@GuilhermeSantos-qw5yl - 15.02.2025 00:44

OH MY GOD. I knew nothing about this game and I love the lore so much. It really is the coolest so far. But my favorite part it's that every lore just build itself upon another. I love how everything connects from the very first Megaman. It's really great.

@muldoon_downunder14 - 17.02.2025 13:27

Wow. Now that I think about it, all of these catastrophic events happened because of Dr. Wily's need for vengeance. His hatred lasted generations and moreso to come.

Just like what Maria Renard said in Castlevania: Nocturne, "Most of what's bad in the world is because of stupid old men!"

@SenshiSam - 18.02.2025 03:00

Megaman Zero's story has a mayor plot point:

RETCONS EVERYWHERE. That's why you would find so many contradictions. Some of them come from interviews.

@wrathjacobcurtis.6092 - 19.02.2025 01:20

My favorite Boss is Thetis from Mega man ZX but I enjoyed fighting many different megaman bosses over the years.

@gizmobuddy805 - 20.02.2025 07:27

Ah dude, I still regularly play my zero carts alongside Metroid

@Snowfireblues - 21.02.2025 01:16

The detail people forget to mention in these retrospectives, is that the world after all the catastrophes of the Maverick Wars and then later the Elf Wars, is SOO devastated that there IS NOWHERE ELSE IN EARTH where humans can live. Which is why Weil's punishment was so brutal, he is forced to wander the wastelands he created for the rest of eternity. That man for nearly 200 years wandered a planet Earth SO OBLITERATED there was nothing for him to remotely enjoy, nowhere to make shelter, and no one to have as company forced to watch as society grew in this utopia that as he suffered endlessly (untill Omega returned)

One last thing. Cubit Foxtar is a HE. We all collectively fell for it. But joke's on him, femboys rule

@johnnyguzman6888 - 22.02.2025 00:30

Beautiful done documentary. Made me buy megaman zero collection on switch 🙏🏼💕

@aubreyknight7563 - 22.02.2025 02:15

These lore videos are dope

@tausifturja - 22.02.2025 05:01

Amazing breakdown and honestly I learned a few things. thank you

@kerryvanskonsol792 - 22.02.2025 14:29

Ciel is not reploid, she human science

@didistone8482 - 22.02.2025 16:03

Thank you. This game series will always be in my top 5 best game frnachises

@billythenarwhal1579 - 22.02.2025 21:29

Why is nobody talking about how Elpizo is just Funny Valentine from JJBA.

@jinshootingstar - 23.02.2025 02:38

Amazing video, bro.

@PixelPioneer2773 - 23.02.2025 05:28

I thought I was the only one who nerds about this shit

@brendanw1867 - 24.02.2025 08:25

Dude, you are looking fly today!

@vidman5000 - 25.02.2025 15:33

Great vid. My favorite part is chapter 1, where you lore dump the backstory which is glossed over in the games. Great job.

@JoseLopez-bo8tk - 25.02.2025 23:14

I love your yapping, never change. I love megaman. My first game ever was Battle Network 3, so learning more about the series is always great.

@Courageheartcreations - 26.02.2025 09:51


roll didn’t fade from the world. The concept of her programming ended up used when experimenting to create ciel

@SquadOfSquids - 27.02.2025 13:08

I really like the take regarding the laws of robotics. I have to raise a little bit of a question, though. This is only to my understanding, so I could be entirely wrong. But wasn't part of the reason why Light considered the original X to be so potentially dangerous was that he wouldn't be bound by the laws due to having complete free will? I feel it stands to reason that's the case, even if it was never said outright, and also a cause of the few Mavericks in the X series that weren't subject to the virus, and just were evil because they had some personal beef against X and Zero or loyalty to Sigma. Again, I could be entirely wrong, and your take does work as an interesting explanation for Copy X's behavior if Reploids are still beholden to the three laws. Though the first game does also explain briefly that Zero is different to Copy X in being resurrected, not copied, and that Copy wasn't a perfect replication. I believe it's Ciel that explains that Copy X's imperfections are potentially a result of how he came to being. Thus his actions being more flawed logic. Which again adds credence to his being bound to Asimov's laws if that's actually the case and I'm wrong about that aspect. Apologies, I'm not the most eloquent, and I absolutely mean no disrespect! If I'm wrong and Reploids are still bound by the laws of robotics, then sorry for the wall of text. The X and Zero series are just a couple of special interests of mine, and the philosophies of both, if you could call it philosophy, are super intriguing, regardless of how they're interpreted. Always glad to see others' interpretations of the implications of the storylines! 😁

@enriquemeza5291 - 27.02.2025 18:48

Yo, credit where it’s due but your pronunciation on most names is spot on man. I sincerely appreciate you giving other cultures the respect they deserve. Most people, especially Americans, don’t even bother trying. I respect you greatly man. Great content.

@Protoman023 - 28.02.2025 00:58

If you haven't done it yet I'd love to see you do a video on protoman

@joecavanaugh5762 - 28.02.2025 02:54

I’m really enjoying this mega man lore series. This zero one is my favorite so far. Thanks for making these!

@h0ly208 - 28.02.2025 19:10

The MegaMan Zero games are straight out of my childhood. I never played the other MegaMan games, but I played the hell out of the Zero's story. The story is what kept me playing. Maybe I should go back and play them again..

@AntonLouko - 01.03.2025 00:13

thanks for this video. I recently saw a stall selling megaman zero at my local animecon and it felt so nostalgic. I always thought megaman zero was the best megaman branch to play right after starforce/battle network.

@corvusbright - 04.03.2025 09:34

My favorite Megaman series, it's hard to pick a favorite boss out of any of them but Harpuia is usually the coolest fight storywise in each; that said if I had to pick i'd go with the Einherjar Eight Warriors all in a row in the final mission instead of one singular boss; It feels right to fight them all like that. It's my favorite boss rush or final level in any platformer game.

@lavuntecolquitt - 05.03.2025 04:43

MAAAAN you snapped off on THIS. This history was CRAZY and Now im hyped. Keep rockin it and rest up my dude

@mikepanda117 - 05.03.2025 07:14

Dude...the whole x series is fucked. Like in x4 they destroy a city in the opeming scene

@mikepanda117 - 05.03.2025 07:15

40 seconds in and i see a black abomknation. Id never see anything like that in amy ankme nor in life. Ugh. Super cringe

@illusionizeZero - 05.03.2025 11:13

I remember beating these as a kid zero was the reason i got into megaman and i cried at the end of 4 i felt like i lost a family member

@MagusGoldstar - 06.03.2025 01:54

Yo these videos are amazing! You have a real knack for diving deep into lore and coming up with treasure! I hope you keep making videos

@vao519 - 06.03.2025 08:58

Maybe Fefnir didn’t lie about sending Bombs not being his thing, Maybe it’s “I tried it once, not my thing” kinda deal

@fraydizs7302 - 06.03.2025 23:35

You wanna hear a tragic story?
MMZ4 was the very first Megaman Zero game I EVER played as a kid. So... yeah I was NOT happy to know how the story ended as I went back and played the previous ones.

@butterknife1699 - 07.03.2025 02:02

Relationship between Zero and the Guardians in a nutshell:

"X. Come get yo kids."

@JeffOf813 - 07.03.2025 03:55

Reploids are called reploids because the technology for it is trying to replicate megaman.

@JeffOf813 - 07.03.2025 04:40

Random question to the creator, as someone who uses the term "whillin" correctly (dont know how to spell it) does it annoy you as much as it does me, when you here people say it wrong lmao, its more prominent than people saying it correctly, i blame nick cannon lol.

@jimmytheonlyone - 09.03.2025 04:27

I, absolutely have to agree, that intro is unmatched. As soon as that music popped up and the pan started, it was like a reset.

@mobgabriel1767 - 09.03.2025 16:12

i think its kinda funny how the only canon megaman series with an beggining and end is the one that stares Zero...who was a wily creation

@BasilBard - 10.03.2025 23:35

It is worth noting that X saying "I no longer cared about fighting enemies." was a grammatical mistranslation. It was intended to be "I no longer cared about the enemies I fought." He'd gotten jaded, his empathy dwindled.

@NASephiroth - 11.03.2025 02:05

This series hits hard!

@V1rtue_ - 12.03.2025 03:19


@TupacShakur69 - 12.03.2025 05:07

Awesome video! The Megaman series has been a big part of my childhood and it was awesome reliving those moments through this video.

@TheBlackMastadonte - 27.11.2024 04:07

Thanks so much for watching, fam. Be sure to like if you enjoyed it and comment who else you'd like to see me cover in Honest Gaming History

Edit: Cubit Foxstar is a guy, not a girl. My apologies for the mistake
