Another Fatal Night Engine Failure.  N298PM

Another Fatal Night Engine Failure. N298PM

Probable Cause: Dan Gryder

1 день назад

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@trappedinkalifornee - 16.12.2024 09:32

Hahahahahaha… AOPA GOD…..FLYING IN GOD MODE….the rules only apply to those who choose to apply them. Elon himself could not pay me enough to fly into that mess……I’ve done my combat time.

@QueenRenne - 16.12.2024 09:34

HEY YOU’RE BACK!!! 😅👍🏾💯💙

@joefin5900 - 16.12.2024 09:46

Solve the Gary Caladori crash, Dan. Merry Christmas.

@thomassawicki2065 - 16.12.2024 09:53

Miss Amy and Dan.
Beauty and The Beast .

@michaelmcfeely6588 - 16.12.2024 10:03

re: Baron crash at Catalina. There were two CFIs on board. Was the second CFI in the right seat? They should have shared the workload and employed good CRM. One pilot maintains climb, and the other pilot messes with landing gear and circuit breakers.

@AbandonedClassicsOne - 16.12.2024 12:23

Dan - I know Part 121 is not your usual thing but have a listen to the American 321 out of LGA a couple of days ago. Bird strike, declared a mayday and diverted to JFK with an engine out. Were told by the incredible NY controllers 'caution wake turbulence' due to departing 330 and the request for a straight out if they went missed was denied for the same reason. Told to make a 90 degree left turn instead! Had the 330 aborted, the 321 would end up with an unnecessary EO go-around. ATC got to do better with a mayday aircraft.

@greenbeenie2 - 16.12.2024 12:46

As a instrument rated pilot, in my opinion, the first THREE things you should do after take off is FLY THE DAM PLANE, FLY THE DAM PLANE AND FINALLY, FLY THE DAM PLANE. Just my opinion....WE ARE GETTING TERRIBLE WITH "STICK AND RUDDER" SKILLS !!!!!

@offshoretinker - 16.12.2024 12:52

I wonder just how many of the pilots dying this year subscribe to this channel?
Probably none, as if they had done they would be alive today.

@paulparsons3416 - 16.12.2024 13:16

Go get them Dan, you wouldn’t believe the number of asshole Cowboys out there that continue to do this!……….

@johngreydanus2033 - 16.12.2024 13:17

The drone thing is easy; what big event is looming? New Years Eve, they are practicing for a huge countdown to midnight show, probably with Taylor Swift singing Auld Lang Syne. FAA knows and this explains the stone walling by all agencies, top secret.

@greenbeenie2 - 16.12.2024 13:19

DAM!!!!! I THOUGHT THAT SENACA WAS A B 17 WOUNDED, COMING IN FROM A MISSION...low and insane tight turn to final????? if ANYTHING would happen just then, he would have been SOL. there is NO REASON for such a low, tight turn.

@paulparsons3416 - 16.12.2024 13:27

And he had the nerve to wear a cowboy hat

@barrie888 - 16.12.2024 13:49

great stuff friend

@randynopasri - 16.12.2024 14:31

"DB" is fun ~ ! OSHKOSH really needs a FISK facelift for sure !

@thomasmckendry8566 - 16.12.2024 14:32

Rumor has it, KOSH went full stunning and brave 2 years ago

@frankprio4490 - 16.12.2024 14:41

Ive done it 5 everything from a a an Archer....and in our C23 Beech. Its fun......the key is to get there early....but sometimes there is fog and not great visibility. Ehat er didnt like was waiting for the schoolbus to pick us up to get over to the takes a long time to get into the show. Also, waiting at 7pm to get out......we lived in Chicago and only needed to get back to KMDW. I just drive up now.....

@gtm624 - 16.12.2024 15:48

The drone situation is crazy. I live 10 min from picatinny and still haven’t seen them yet.
We know as pilots what happens to us if we bust a tfr nordo. So them saying they don’t know is total BS.
There’s a foreign military installation on our territory preparing to strike. We’re about to get punished for the election.

@ProPilotPete - 16.12.2024 16:46

I don’t understand why since we have ads-b they can’t call out N-numbers, perhaps no replies but positive control with vectors. Line them up on a 3 mile final, stabilized approach.

@AirJockey100 - 16.12.2024 17:52

I have no desire to fly into Oshkosh

@terrallputnam7979 - 16.12.2024 18:17

Dan, I see young people on FB standing beside a plane where they just got their PPL or first solo. I congratulate each one and tell them to always use their checklists and to watch your channel and get familiar with AQP and DMMS. I hope this keeps them safe and flying for many years to come. Keep up the great work!

@terrallputnam7979 - 16.12.2024 18:25

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Never changed.

@hotprop92 - 16.12.2024 18:32

What is it about Bonanza owners/pilots?, and some belong to alphabet soups chastising others for their unsafe behavior. BTW, in your vid of the KOSH conga line I noticed that the spacing was very erratic, with numerous line jumpers, not only Mr AOPA cutting in, just like you'd find on any busy freeway ramps.

There was a accident here in NNJ, pilot/owner of a Bonanza took off in LLIFR out of Linden airport, just south of EWR, with his wife and daughter. The date was 11/26/99 and IIRC the NTSB report said that the only working gyro instrument at the time of take off was the turn coordinator and as he climbed he lost that. He then desperately climbed to break out on top before it all went to scheiBe. The plane spiraled down into a Newark neighborhood, killed all aboard of course and injured 22 on the ground plus setting homes and a row of cars on fire, but that's not the end of the irony.
He happened to be something of a renowned cardioloigist at the then prestigious but now defunct UMDNJ, he was self medicating with a list of no fly drugs, held an ATP and irony of ironys he was the director of safety at The Bonanza Society.

I was mocked once by an instructor at an FBO flight school for bringing back a rental 172 because it wasn't even close to passing a mag check. She said oh it's ok it clears up on takeoff and offered to take it around the pattern for me if I was so scared. She should have been fired on the spot. There's a reason there are two mags on an a/c eng I told the moron.

When I was still flying I witnessed a lot of reckless and careless behavior, numerous ways for people to cut off landing or taking off traffic, ignoring ATC instructions, acting like juvenile delinquents on the radios and one Pitts flying downwind inverted.

It's for reasons like these that I believe if the monthly fatals are falling it's because the bobos aren't flying as much.

@tew2-tew - 16.12.2024 18:45

I appreciate this vids so much because of the safety-angle. I'm not a pilot and never will be(retired truck-drvr)but staying alive is the thing. Thanks Dan

@AnarchyEnsues - 16.12.2024 19:14

They are treating civilian pilots like they are naval aviators

@PuckerFactor10 - 16.12.2024 19:45

ID ten T pilot.

@patrickmcnabb1998 - 16.12.2024 19:52

Love the DB content.

@4fuzzybear - 16.12.2024 20:04

The EAA is a Clown Show. Your proof Dan that thousands have died after 60 years of organized improper instruction.
Very telling how they go after you for pointing out what lackies so many flight safety orgs are really about $$$.
Merry Christmas Dan. God bless you and your sons.

@Will-j8q1w - 16.12.2024 20:57

Seems most accidents are caused by not using common sense and cutting corners...lack of common sense there too. The idiotic stupid decisions these people make should be cause for them to lose their license...there's just no excuse for it. Hold the FAA responsible and I bet you'll see a of now they get away with it until they wind up as a statistic here on Probable Cause.

@michaelmatthews6258 - 16.12.2024 21:07

Craziness. No thank you!

@Will-j8q1w - 16.12.2024 21:18

I'll say one thing...these fatal accidents are thinning the herd of stupidity and making the skies safer.

@crphilipp - 16.12.2024 21:34

How many fewer Part 91 hours are being flown per year? Is there any way this statistic can be generated.

@flyer617 - 16.12.2024 21:37

Regarding N645PM. More will come out but I believe he didn't try to land on the highway. The final approach is right over that highway (the lights cross it). He had an engine failure to the north and tried to make it to land straight in on 16 but was too low (look at his ADSB reported altitude and the field elevation, and note that he was reporting less than field elevation when ADSB cut off which was still further out than where he crashed. I suspect he tried to stretch the glide and stalled it then crashed. I also don't like his speed during his descent from cruise; it looks uncontrolled and if he had set up for best glide and trimmed for it he is likely to have had enough extra energy to have made it. So I don't think the problem was flying at night nor that he tried to land on 684. Just my humble opinion with very little data.

@DexKoontz - 16.12.2024 22:02

On the Mensch... Under influence, or reluctant intentional?

@Donald-m8p - 16.12.2024 23:58

Thanks for sharing such valuable information! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?

@JohnRichard-f3q - 17.12.2024 00:43

Maybe don't shoot for a certain range of fatals. Improvements sure but maybe don't celebrate it. So there were 12.897 fatals per month. 12.897 people.

@donallan6396 - 17.12.2024 00:54

Until criminal culpability is applied to some of these so called accidents, nothing will change.

@PaulvanderBreggen - 17.12.2024 00:55

Dan, can you talk a little bit faster. Otherwise non english pilots do not understand you.😂

@skypilot7103 - 17.12.2024 02:11

Hi Dan bought Laura Savino’s book Jet Boss you owe me for some sleepless nights that I could not put her book down LoL Merry Christmas Dan glad to hear you’re healing well. Sincerely Ed

@closdi - 17.12.2024 02:45

Is that new website up?

@Littlebigbot - 17.12.2024 03:16

Mike Ginter is a disgrace. AOPA should help him find a new line of work.

@RealMav1 - 17.12.2024 03:44

Dan , there is a whole bunch of people on PayPal trying to hijack your donations. I can’t figure out which one is you!!!

@terry12327 - 17.12.2024 05:27

DAN your are real news on/for aviation... 😊

@pathdoc - 17.12.2024 05:30

Are you counting fatal accidents or total fatalities? It seems total fatalities could skewer the results depending on the size of the aircraft or the number of people on board. It seems to me that number of fatal accidents is a more accurate rate.

@SkyKing337 - 17.12.2024 09:04

Elon Musk's "GROK" is running the entire Drone AI psyop.
