everything I got at Rhinebeck // Love in Stitches Episode 250

everything I got at Rhinebeck // Love in Stitches Episode 250

Knitty Natty

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@videotapeses - 24.10.2024 17:10

I brought wipes like this to my friend in the hospital who couldn't shower and she was worried about her hygiene- she loved them!

@laruewho - 24.10.2024 17:11

I can’t believe it’s episode 250! I found your channel when you were first starting and have enjoyed watching your channel grow. Your sock tutorial got me started on my many projects and love for local yarn shops. Keep up the great work and keep sharing your new adventures 😊

@cbtringali6799 - 24.10.2024 17:53

250! Congrats! Have to say I laughed aloud the third time you said Beetlejuice😂😉. One day I hope to get to Rhinebeck.

@janetjroberson2581 - 24.10.2024 17:56

Hello from Swansea, Illinois.❤❤❤

@lanageorge5865 - 24.10.2024 18:03

I would love it if you could do an educational video all about the different yarn blends, their properties and what they are good/not good to use to make.

@theminimalknitter - 24.10.2024 19:03

Irmo is not too far down the road from me. If I can find someone to watch my kiddos I may try to make it there!

@jeangreenfield5993 - 24.10.2024 19:12

That Rhinebeck Doodle design would be amazing for a sweater design 🩷 🐈‍⬛🐈🦙🦙

@jillipepper5353 - 24.10.2024 19:37

When I want a really well fitting sock one of the things I do is ,knit one slip one, on the foot bottom in the arch of my foot which helps the sock hug my arch.

@eleonorahof1001 - 24.10.2024 19:53

Congrats on 250 episodes and 53k subscribers! I remember you wanting to get to 50.000 and it took quite a while. But these 3000 went really quickly!

@stinkzillaz - 24.10.2024 20:35

Loved meeting you and Kent at Rhinebeck. Like I said to you then, you got me through the pandemic! You were a bright spot during a very bleak time. And you taught me how to knit socks, too! Can hardly believe you’re at episode 250! Yay!!!

@suzettegaybba-vanzyl6484 - 24.10.2024 20:58

Episode 250 congratulations
Beautiful yarns from Rhinebeck
Can't wait for the vlog😊

@newe4me - 24.10.2024 22:23

I'm sad we didn't run into you guys at any of the weekend events...last year I saw you at least 4 times...this year I picked up dog treats for toaster at our local bakery and ne er saw you...oh well hope you enjoyed...maybe next year

@cdelaney5047 - 24.10.2024 22:42

What is the name of the sweater you are wearing in this episode? Love it!

@cdelaney5047 - 24.10.2024 22:43

Do you know what the dates are for Rhinebeck for 2025?

@loisdougherty8750 - 24.10.2024 23:07

I call it No New Needles November. Clean off those needles.

@Bethene0317 - 24.10.2024 23:45

Sorry you lost me as a viewer when you started obsessing about your deodorant and how stinky you were….too bad

@texxtilerdjpinnyc138 - 25.10.2024 00:36

I think I just walked past you. 61st and WEA? I should have said hello, I just watched your video an hour ago!

@saras.creative.corner - 25.10.2024 00:42

It's always SO nice seeing you at fiber events and can't wait to see you at the next one Natalie! Also I totally didn't see that lotion at Rhinebeck, it looks awesome! If you ever wanna venture out, Utopia (on etsy) is also great, they have a lanolin hand cream that is just chefs kiss I have two bottles lol one I got a Rhinebeck last year that I haven't even cracked open yet, oops😂

@mimih6527 - 25.10.2024 00:42

Congrats on 250 Episodes!!! Great accomplishment! You, Kent & Toaster should be very proud!!! Your Episodes are always a bright light in my day!

@KKemperCheesebrew - 25.10.2024 01:23

Oh wow The Blue Ewe is about an hour from where I live!

@Tinacrafts2 - 25.10.2024 01:41

Oh my…so your upcoming events…are you actually going to Germany?! 🇩🇪 I was glad you showed your Salty Days sweater. I saw the pattern used DK+ lace (mohair) but I have a bunch of worsted I’d like to use up. I’ll be watching!

@kristinahill3708 - 25.10.2024 03:11

Fabulous episode! Love your Rhinebeck purchases.

@arizonacolbys - 25.10.2024 05:49

Love the Rosy cheeks color from Addy! I made a Maybury Cardigan out of mine :)

@JADufault21 - 25.10.2024 06:36

Your maple ice cream is soft serve. Hard ice cream requires a scoop.

@heathertucker7056 - 25.10.2024 10:55

Lovely to see all the goodies you purchased at Rhinebeck! I was particularly interested in you buying fibre as I started spinning earlier this year and really want to hear how you get on! Very best of luck! Lovely vlog xx

@Drjoyce3860 - 25.10.2024 14:33

Tomorrow Oct 26 is the Frederick Fiber Fest 9-4. It is at the Frederick County Fairgrounds and has grown to 100 vendors. They’re also a few cheap and other small animals and food trucks. And it is very close to Magpie Fibers if you want to take a ride into town. This festivals held twice a year, once in October and once in the spring.

@Drjoyce3860 - 25.10.2024 14:35

At the Houston County Fairgrounds, where Maryland sheep and wool is held will be the annual Maryland alpaca and fleece festival November 9-10. Lots of alpacas, an alpaca parade, food and absolutely beautiful yarn. It’s smaller than Maryland Sheep and and Wool, a good farm fiber festival for first time festival goers.

@lavendercottagefibrearts - 25.10.2024 16:12

Congratulations on 250 episodes! Love all your Rhinebeck goodies, can't wait for your vlog.

@sarahashley13 - 25.10.2024 16:29

I knit a non-superwash hiking sock this spring (out of DK weight yarn) and it's held up well throughout the summer season. We machine wash but hang dry our knit socks.

@sharbear1968 - 25.10.2024 16:39

Looking forward to your Ohio stop. I channel Knitty Natty in our own travels. Going to Pittsburgh in a few weeks and going to make hubs stop at at least one LYS.

If you’re ever looking for video ideas… a “I have too much wool, but want to support local yarn stores…what do I buy?”

@plannertimewithpaige - 25.10.2024 17:17

I'm a new follower and did not know you are from Nashville. Super excited to follow another fiber lover from TN. I hope I get to run into you at the Nash Yarn Fest.

@barbaradoll1896 - 25.10.2024 19:24

Natalie, are you doing any New Jersey yarn shop tours or meetups?

@KCYarnie - 25.10.2024 21:25

Have you heard if Indie Untangled is doing Yarni Gras again? I was hoping to go, but haven’t seen any updates on the website (it still lists last year’s dates)

@alip.9740 - 26.10.2024 04:35

How do you sell yarn on ravelry? My friend is highly allergic to Lettlopi. I told her I would try but I couldn't find a way to do it that was obvious.

@michellekitson5405 - 26.10.2024 15:25

Hi Natalie, Kent and Toaster. Congratulations on episode 250. Amazing. It looks like you had a great time at Rhinebeck and I love the Ruby and Roses Yarn. I have got quite alot of Addy's beautifully dyed yarn and just love her colour combinations. I have been making with them alot of socks and making some for gifts for Christmas though it will be summer here in Perth, Western Australia my friends and family who see them love them and all want them. I am looking forward to seeing another yarn store or mill or farm tour. Thankyou.

@sandypariseau5461 - 29.10.2024 01:30

So glad you loved the Green Mountain Spinnery. I did too. And the next time you visit your friends in Plainfield, be sure to get a maple creamee at Macs Maple, just around the corner from the 5 sisters shop. They add a topping of maple candies that is fantastic!

@sandypariseau5461 - 29.10.2024 01:33

I just got my Winter Magic kit in today’s mail. It is beautiful and the beads are so sparkly . I can’t wait to get started on the make-a-long

@gloriarowehl4316 - 29.10.2024 12:24

I think we need to hear more about this “learning to spin” comment! I don’t spin but my sisters do and they love it

@courtneyn.m.1687 - 29.10.2024 22:21

Hope you enjoyed Rheinbeck!

@bettifelton7435 - 03.11.2024 16:23

Love the cowl! The colors and patterns are so pretty.

@rosaliecovello441 - 03.11.2024 23:07

make your halloween sock in ribbing 2knit 2purl. very snuggly
