The Sims 2: Refresh the Pet Adoption Pool! (+ useful pets mods)

The Sims 2: Refresh the Pet Adoption Pool! (+ useful pets mods)


1 год назад

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@legallydunce - 01.06.2023 16:04

et apton

@EmilyObsessive - 01.06.2023 17:18

I kinda wish there was a mod that made strays show up in the adoption pool.

@jackdaw1 - 01.06.2023 17:29

I checked the method with no stray respawn mod (turns out that I didn't have that mod installed, dunno how) and it caused generating only 2-3 new large dog puppies in my game.

@catchyalata777 - 01.06.2023 17:38

wake up babe, new sims 2 pets lore just dropped

@millosz263 - 01.06.2023 18:07

You don't need clean stealth hood, you can remove it entirely and il'll work.

@boolproptestingcheatsenabl3084 - 01.06.2023 18:58

As you can see by my icon lol, I'm a huge Pets player. Most of my families have at least one dog or cat, usually adopted. When the whole adoption pool gets down to about 2 pages of pets, it'll spawn a few more. I find that it generally spawns puppies/kittens along with a few adults.

@dieramunzel8796 - 01.06.2023 22:07

Thank you so much! I learned so many new things from this video, that I will definitly make use of in the future!

@claudiah.2935 - 01.06.2023 22:29

why does the phrase “baby pets” make me so happy hahahaha

@MichikoYui - 02.06.2023 00:12

omg, about month ago i was searching for this baby pet creator mod (i have it on my other pc in my parents house so) aand i couldnt find it. u r my hero right now.

@ac_9713 - 02.06.2023 00:20

bonkers my beloved

@TheShpilyaOfigela - 02.06.2023 01:17

Thank you, now I feel like I need to refresh my mods folder!

(guys who gave away my dog said he would be like Shiba Inu - he was, but he grew taller than a golden retriever)

@Xxsorafan - 02.06.2023 02:20

This is unrelated but just curious if you know of a fix to an issue involving adult females with skin 1 having the face tone of skin 3. I tried removing my default replacement skin, using one that didn’t have this issue, removing all mods and collections clearing cache deleting everything and reinstalling and still the issue persists… 😭

@AlexArt - 02.06.2023 08:37

Thank you for the informative video as always! I've been wondering how I can get new puppies and kittens in adoption pool properly since I have no stray respawn mod in my game. Your video has definitely come in handy! Also I didn't know there were two versions of that mod, so I should check them out and decide which one will work best for my gameplay. 👍🏻

@miranda2421r - 02.06.2023 11:14

Thanks so much for this video! I learned a lot and I'll probably watch it again soon, to get stuff done step by step :P

@goldfi2h - 02.06.2023 11:45

I usually put up for adoption baby pets created with the baby pet creator. I wanna say that I became a true breeder because with this mod I accidently mixed one pet with their parent and I wondered why the family tree was so broken.

@Stegosaurus234 - 02.06.2023 12:18

This was an amazing video, I learned so much! Thanks a ton for making this!

@idontreadorreply - 05.06.2023 22:16

New videoooo,

@Grimonvacation - 05.06.2023 23:48

I needed something like this for one of my custom hoods 🙏🏻

@sharla98 - 09.06.2023 02:15

I have a question! Whenever you make new breeds in CAS, is it just for that particular save game or does it save it to the Pet breeds folder where it can be used across save games?

@brooketilton6215 - 10.06.2023 17:45

I don’t even play with any sort of mods or anything and half the time I’m too busy to play sims 2, but that doesn’t stop me from clicking on these videos every time they get recommended. I Love this channel and it’s content

@MissDatherinePierce - 18.06.2023 10:17

This is a bit of an unrelated question but I guess the Marticore comment section is my best chance: How do I give a pet a last name?
Like they have one when you create them in CAS but how do I give them e.g. the family's last name when adopting them?
I really hope it is possible without SimPE. Ingame mods or cheats would be ideal.

Btw I need to get that statue. Would make breeding easier for my playstyle where I love to trace family trees

@tokicode04 - 28.07.2023 19:28

I know I am very late but rl was busy... Thank you so much for the video! :) I was the one (or just one if there where multiple people) asking for this. I am making sure to bookmark this for whenever I forgot what to do to have new pets. :D Very useful, thanks again. ❤

@Mandy87Marie - 29.08.2023 23:28

My game always refreshes puppies & kittens. Wish I knew how so I could let people know what to do.

@moonkute93 - 21.09.2023 01:30

OMG I need this ! Thank u so much <3 😊 this video is super helpful

@Metzli - 05.10.2023 15:43

My go-to technique to have more pets in the adoption pool is send the puppies and kittens of other families' pets to the adoption thing on the phone xD
I also usually save their breed (I love to experiment and pair different breeds!) and I get the feeling some strays have started appearing as my custom breeds xD

@carmendelrey490 - 16.04.2024 13:35

Last time I tried to use Sims PE I could never get into my neighborhood again and I lost all my progress. I tried to download and install a mod that let you pick custom eye colors, but I had way too many sims in one neighborhood so it would never fully finish installing 😢 I want to try this so bad.

You said I could also adopt all the animals for adoption? All the babies, adults and seniors? I might do that honestly idk

@blissfulinsomniac5711 - 10.08.2024 15:33

Nice! I think I did this accidentally, because when I installed The Sims 2 on my new laptop, I had a bunch of random, never-before-seen strays and pets up for adoption...and I love it! Thanks for the info!

@alexasalas6189 - 03.09.2024 07:18

I know it’s been a year but I don’t want my family bins to be deleted because I do want to play with them at some point. So it would be safe to just download a clean template of Pets folder and delete de character files of pets?

@DojaFishh - 10.03.2025 09:33

trying so hard to recreate that adorable kitten in your thumbnail😭
