The most important novel-writing secret of all. How not to give up.

The most important novel-writing secret of all. How not to give up.

The Oxford Writer

1 год назад

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@GaryTranter - 21.12.2022 14:37

Excellent stuff. Thank you @MalcolmPryce. I have so many unfinished ideas and I foolishly take pride in the quantity of potential stories. I need to form that habit and finish the bloody things.

@hweekoh9123 - 21.12.2022 15:48

wow.. @malcomPryce

@losttapes1705 - 21.12.2022 17:04

Thank you, Santa, for bringing happiness to the children of mars :D

@signorlydon1304 - 23.12.2022 03:30

Thank you for this enlightening video Malcolm. I remember the death cigarettes brand by the way .....🧐

@mydrimballantyne4032 - 23.12.2022 20:35

Excellent stuff It's just the sort of encouragement would be writers need ,Especially the bit about setting a daily goal/ wordcount for writing!
its a bit like trying to eat an elephant its a daunting task But if you cut it into smaller pieces you will eventually eat it all even if some of it has got stale!!

@stevehayball1230 - 24.12.2022 20:19

Another great video, Malcolm. Thanks for the insight and encouragement. Merry Christmas to you, sir. 🎅

@wshaw1240 - 29.12.2022 22:05

Time flies when you watch and become absorbed in one of Pryce's videos -priceless advice diolch

@xxvohmxx - 03.04.2023 20:30

i really love your content!

@aWolffromElsewhere - 03.06.2023 09:44

Came back to this video for some more motivation. Its tough going but Im at 23k words of my first draft and haven't even reached the mid point of the story. Not much but its something, and there is a lot more sub plots, and plot coupons to go before the hero faces the greatest challenge yet! Thanks so much for your help!

@andyontheinternet5777 - 14.06.2023 10:09

Good point about writing at the same time everyday consistently. I'm working through the 2nd draft of my first novel now. It took about 4 months to write the first draft, and a month of rewrites to get the draft I'm currently editing. In another month the book should be presentable to beta readers and maybe even literary agents. It takes starch as you say! Thanks for the content.

@PianoMan-hx3ev - 03.08.2023 09:12

I love the A Round Oxford Bus Ticket theme.

@seawilliams1 - 17.08.2023 11:53

I wish this video could be watched and carefully digested by anyone who thinks it’s ok to fetch your children in their pyjamas. It’s incredible how far standards have slipped, yet those same people will spend three hours getting themselves spiffed up just to upload a few selfies to Instagram!! Thank you, Malcolm for the kick up the arse. Priceless, and timeless advice for any endeavour. 🙏

@penelopesilver8509 - 25.09.2023 01:30


@C.G.Hassack - 29.09.2023 02:11

Ah yes, the moral starch that brought us the first world war. And set us up for the second world war. Yeah, I know not the valid and helpful point being made. But had to be said. While I'm pointing out the off the point 🙂 The hard hats would be to complete the 'costume' for the kids, so they feel like little workmen/tradies.

@Yatukih_001 - 07.11.2023 18:13

My technique is to begin with public domain characters, and put myself into their shoes - and then make them experience totally new situations. My next move is to do what Stephen King does - ask ´what if X was scary´. If that is a plural number, then it´s ´What if X were scary´. And then it´s time to find out about something that is scary which people have not asked what is scary before, or why. All by using search engines. If I cannot find it in the search engine, the idea is mine for the taking. The next step is to have enough confidence to write. Step 3. Put the hook and everything you need to start your new novel on the 1st page. Step 4. Ask yourself what you would do, if you were X. What would you do if you were a vampire? Once you ask yourself this question, you finally figure out what to write next. Stephen King asked ´what if I woke up in a wheelchair and the priest is a werewolf´? The Cycle of the Werewolf was born, and later on the Silver Bullet, one of the greatest films ever written. What you write could be the beginning of a beautiful new idea for physics, like what started with the Narnia chronicles and led to the birth of Gauge theories. Thanks for your video man! Your videos are excellent with very good and well outlined, on point narration! Best wishes to you from Ásgeir in Iceland!

@noisepuppet - 29.05.2024 20:25

Now worryingly close to age 60, I remember in my early twenties coming to a creative fork in the road. Throughout childhood, I'd wanted to be a fiction writer, performing songwriter, actor, or comic book artist. By the time I was through college, I'd put most of my fruitful efforts in the direction of fiction and songwriting. It was time to make a choice, and I chose songwriting for a bunch of ostensible reasons. Compared to works of fiction, songs have a short cycle from initial concept to audience response. Songs are concise, and with so few words to say, I couldn't get too bogged down in exposition and world-building. Songs can be performed with friends, and you can say you're in a band. Which lets you play in a bar and hedge your financial losses by selling t-shirts. Plus I had an innate grasp of song structure, while the structure of fiction eludes me to this day. So I wrote songs and performed them, and really most of my efforts went instead to paying jobs I thought I needed, and my most substantial body of creative work turned out to be a bunch of surreal cut-up videos. But the urge to write fiction won't leave me alone. So I guess I'd better get going. Thanks for your help and encouragement.

@bevparker7154 - 05.07.2024 17:45

Tell it! I am so grieved seeing little kids in helmets riding bikes. I rode a bike that was too big for me (my friend's big sister's), skidded and crashed and had that stinging orange stuff (Merchurochrome) put on my bleeding knees and got back on--my hair flying behind me as I furiously pushed the pedals down when they came around high enough for my short legs to reach. When my parents got me a bike of my own there were fewer crashes but not quite so much fun. Just a thought: Maybe I never landed on my head--apparently these newfangled kids do so--because I wasn't made topheavy by a helmet????

@DonnyLA - 25.07.2024 12:09

Another brilliant video 👍 thank you so much 👍
