So apparently there was a leak saying we will get a powered Mazleno & Amatsu probably & a title update 6 ofc we don’t know if that’s true but I hope so.
ОтветитьWould mind do a kinsect guide there are some kinsects I’m curious about
ОтветитьAfter over 600 hunts with IG and over 1000 hours in Sunbreak, I did not know that cutting insects inherit your weapon's elemental damage. I wish Capcom was better at tutorializing their games.
ОтветитьI like it and it helps 😅 thanks
ОтветитьJumping advance slash on Ibushi, Narwa, and Gaismagorm is a fun way to pass the time!
ОтветитьWhy not use the rarity 7 assist kinsects? Especially with tetraseal slash you basically never lose your triple buff, they're also a bit stronger on the damage side. Also now with the kinsect supercharge rampage deco, Awakened Kinsect Attack (the third silkbind that overrides Diving wyvern, which you can just leave on second scroll) deals massive damage with the rarity 7 one and you can pretty much spam it because of the triple buff powder clouds. Sure Aka is slow and you might lose some dps if you spam it, but when a monster is down, you can animation cancel the last part of Tetraseal Slash into Aka and doing that also speeds up Aka's animation a lot, its essentialy instant 1500 damage and then if you get red from it you can use the spiker attack right after jumping off the monster after hitting it with Aka. This combo will require you to have a triple buff powercloud nearby to get your buffs back but after a leaping into tetraseal at the start of the combo that is pretty much guaranteed. Although you lose the dual buffs gathering but the only value i give to that is getting through the first roar easily which doesnt seem that important and you can use the "counter" attack that lunges you forward, that you can put in one of your scrolls and then swap to the other for leaping, to get past the roar anyways, this aldo puts you in the air to gather buffs with kinsect slash or to go immediately for red buff into spike attack. In most monsters gathering all 3 buffs is quite easy and then if you play accordingly you will almost never lose the triple with the rar 7 ones. Then again that's just my take on it.
Also the rarity 7 speed kinsects have their own uses imo, in elemental builds with the kinsect deco, the severing one deals actually quite ridiculous amounts of damage (although i still have yet to test wether that damage is more than whar Elemembane Jewel gives but i think so, its more than a 1.5 multiplier in damage) and you can animation cancel everything with Kinsect Attack instead of Kinsect Recall and get good damage from it that way. The blunt one is an absolute stun machine if we are willing to sacrifice some damage for an easier time.
deadass copied that 30 min Tutorial word for word lmao. have some shame dawg
ОтветитьOne thing I'll add since you mentioned using powder mantle with the kinsect: you can actually trigger it with that pellet shot the glaive has that I'm pretty sure no one ever uses. The pellet is just designed to give your kinsect an area to gravitate towards when you send it out, but it does like 5 damage, so funnily enough, it'll proc powder mantle as well.
ОтветитьJust started playing MH Rise and was wondering how i can get the 4th and 5th switch skill. Am i stuck with 3 until i get the dlc?
ОтветитьKinsect Slash does draw the bug away from attacking powder though, so if you have a powder-focused bug the jumping advancing slash allows it to continue doing it's spam.
Also, Awakened Kinsect Attack is also more of a powder (and if you're a masochist the charge) kinsect skills. It's not great on the Assist bugs at all but the hit with a powder bug leaves like 5 or 6 clouds which can immediately be popped with a follow-up heavy attack after you're dragged into range.
The rank 2 foebeetle is a massive game changer for me, had no idea it was that good, now i can spam awakened kinsect attack which looks so good, and i get 2 extracts back instantly after it connect
ОтветитьHow do you aim your air attacks (kin slash?) my attacks never have a downward angle and always move 2 dimensionaly
ОтветитьWhat is your layered armor setup here? Love it
ОтветитьTeach me how to dragoon.
ОтветитьRip speed types I naturally gravitate towards them and realized that it just didn’t seem to be doing as much as the assist or powder types. Maybe if they could be woven in easier they would be viable. 😢
Ответитьi completely forgot about the existance of kinsect slash even though I'm a insect gtlaive main and have been using jumping advanced slash all this time and now I'm split on using kinsect slash or the move I have been relying on for all this time
ОтветитьTriangle, Triangle, Circle combo isn't new to MH in general actually. It's the main looping combo you use in GU on downed monsters as well.
ОтветитьAlso use severing kinsects for tails and blunts for the head
Ответитьas a former IG MHW player
the only way to play is to try hardest not touching the ground
How do you unlock all those switch skill I only have 2
ОтветитьHello can I ask what was your armor/weapon build for this one? Thanks!
ОтветитьI just wing it when i play IG.
Sometimes i pull off the flashiest anime moves, and other times i look like a parapalegic doing somersaults on an ice skating rink.
Right now, I'm going through my Only Bow Challenge (Basically beat the game only using bow), but I will be keeping this in mind for my future Only IG Challenge.
Thanks for the great video!
Hey great video but i didnt hear you at all mentions anything about the vortex skill.. so strong . Blast/heal
Ответитьsomeone already asked but what armor set are you wearing?? it looks awesome and i would like it for myself ;-;
ОтветитьIf you didnt k ow if you mark the monster when ever u see out the kincest it will go to that part. Good to mark the head and hit it with blunt kincest and call it back with areial moves
ОтветитьThanks for this video! IG newbie here o/ I know I'm m a bit late to the party but...what are the best/optimal camera settings for comfy IG gameplay?
ОтветитьI focus more on charging and hitting three targets so I can use my switch skill for triple aerial attacks tbh
ОтветитьThanks to this video i started playing IG today and within all of today I’ve gotten faster time on most hunts, and killed primalzeno. Originally ChB was my most used weapon, and I shyed away from IG because i didnt like the Kinsect gimmick, but it’s actually not bad, i kinda like that it can give me blunt damage as well, as i prefer to go for the head even with a severing weapon
ОтветитьSo just to be clear, when you have all three extracts, should you keep the kinsect with you or should you let the kinsect fly?
Ответитьone skill i really like is constitution for IG because i can just be 70% midair throughout the hunt
ОтветитьToo bad monster hitboxes are 30 meters tall in this game, I would love to utilize some aerial moves 😂
ОтветитьHow are yall doing that much dmg?? I have rarity 10 weapon and armor and don't understand why my damage is like half this
ОтветитьThe Rarity 7 Speed Kinsect with Kinsect Charge can be charged faster while airborne by pressing the same input as Powder Vortex for the Rarity 7 powder kinsects.