Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons | The Freemasons Explained

Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons | The Freemasons Explained

The Great Courses

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@OgbuGabriel-d7f - 21.01.2025 01:32

Freemasons the secret cannot be told to anyone.but isn't a secret "" but is a secret the light one 🔺🔺👁️👁️👁️👁️🔺🔺

@shars.555 - 21.01.2025 15:17

Walking west to east to meet the master...hmm. At the Capitol building the president faces east. It was probably designed that way.

@kinleykelly4726 - 22.01.2025 10:53

it actually is all hidden under the vatican city. along with many many more things that would simply blow the “average” person today away. clear metal.

@jamesocloo6246 - 24.01.2025 21:58

are illuminati same as freemansons cos i am quite confuse why some have the eye in plase of the G

@lizzy5437 - 25.01.2025 10:44

Satanic cult only the Master would know

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Albert Pike
Like Likes: 14
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light from them and to draw them away from it.” p.104-5
Pike, Albert, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

@Kent-b4j - 31.01.2025 17:41

I am a 33' past master. Masonic ritual and teachings are the same way that I perceive the teachings of the bible, they are to be taken seriously but not literally...

@ReyPadilla-d3w - 02.02.2025 11:02

Thank u sir

@CharmelleBurger - 02.02.2025 11:43

If they cant make you wealthy why be apart 9f them if it impvorish you from Shad Daniel Burger from Port Elizabeth South Africa

@CharmelleBurger - 02.02.2025 11:44

If they cant make you wealthy why be apart 9f them if it impvorish you from Shad Daniel Burger from Port Elizabeth South Africa

@angelagregory-dp1wh - 02.02.2025 19:38

@LoraJimenez-u1m - 05.02.2025 02:41

In danger. Wrong people

@ChrisCox-i1t - 09.02.2025 10:53

I think its the mystery of the substance behind the fine print involved that scares people off. Nobody wants to find anything out the hard way. Just like youd want to thoroughly read a contract before signing one.

@ChrisCox-i1t - 09.02.2025 10:53

I think its the mystery of the substance behind the fine print involved that scares people off. Nobody wants to find anything out the hard way. Just like youd want to thoroughly read a contract before signing one.

@ChrisCox-i1t - 09.02.2025 10:53

I think its the mystery of the substance behind the fine print involved that scares people off. Nobody wants to find anything out the hard way. Just like youd want to thoroughly read a contract before signing one.

@keziamcdaniel9227 - 10.02.2025 02:17

So basically, there is nothing here. Why bother and or go through troubles of joining a fellowship and keeping unnecessary secrets. All that stress... geez as if there wasnt enough in the world.
Man indeed worries his own soul.

@Guillaume-d4q - 11.02.2025 17:31

Freemasons worship their "great architect" which is a smokescreen for lucifer, the devil itself. Freemasons are atavic liars and they do not build but they are destroyers. Abortions promotion was engeneered inside the masonic lodges, just like the homosexual "mariage", just like feminism also was. No one will escape the judgement from our lord Jesus Christ and it will be fair to everyone. Christ or satan, pick a side.

@fatimasousa-jr4mk - 11.02.2025 21:39

Celebrtites and political leaders of today

@Mr_Gray_1995 - 12.02.2025 20:27

God Bless the Freemasons.

@sun-p6g - 14.02.2025 00:15

The secrets thing is arrogance. The lnowledge of the dynamics is known to many people outside of church , masonic lodges and rotary clubs. on the register. Drug users drug dealers and cops.

@sun-p6g - 14.02.2025 00:18

Cchi and phi maths. The cut throat thing is a metaphore, but they did tell me they cut the throught of that banker their police murdered in london. The cut throat is a metaphore for the back of the penis. Time and the azimuth is connected to the 'magic' that goes with that, but only cirtain people can do it. Most members are just privvy to the third degree. You have to be in society. if you want a position of responsibility, but in my home town I have had to contend with morons in those positions.

@sun-p6g - 14.02.2025 00:28

The squares on the floor can be used for producing illusions, but the church were doing that first with their angels in the sky. Flying saucers these days. We can do that at home. You have to read a big fat book called the psychology of visual perception. The provincial lodge register from my home town is full of working class. Drug users drug dealers and cops.

@sun-p6g - 14.02.2025 00:40

The hierarchy of it in the world is 'anglo saxon'. Not popular with semetics though. We used hebrew to write the vulgate because it was more articulate than the babylonian, then we converted it to latin, then to english, which is the anglo saxon these days.

@WaiSo-n9k - 14.02.2025 09:51

I first hear about this in National Treasure, I think.

@Law_or_Order - 15.02.2025 05:20

Freemasonry has been around since the crusades till now.. I seen someone post a comment saying it's a cult but it's not a cukt if it's been around since Dagon near the start of Christianity

@yoshiwiseful - 15.02.2025 09:46

masons are a crindge cult

@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:19


@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:27


@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:45


@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:46


@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:46


@nicolafeenaur8tjfiiutin62 - 15.02.2025 12:50


@Darrell-z2h - 15.02.2025 18:40

Freemasons are a Masonic Cult in their higher levels. This includes depopulation through communism

@janeshelswell3313 - 16.02.2025 20:37

I just left a man I was seeing for 3 years, he was high up in masonry, been in it for 40 years, it pretty much rules his life. Call me crazy but I believe God told me to get out of that relationship NOW. There were a lot of things about this guy I found unsettling and it wasn’t difficult to make a decision on what to do once I got that confirmation . I knew something wasn’t right.
Thanks for this video and the clarification!

@RenaissancePeopleNYC - 17.02.2025 17:42


@JamesLawrence-g8p - 21.02.2025 00:17

I really appreciate this video. It gives the knowledge and understanding to the courtroom. And the respect and righteousness it deserves. It gives credibility to Washington who according to history is the Father of not only our Country. But the center point of our Constitution. Which is the ever maturing seed of the Fathers. In my understanding , concerning law. From the time of the crucification of Yeshua ( Jesus.). The seed was this planted. And from that time to present. The teachings and integrity and heart and soul have ever strive to join one another in union for the Soul purpose of the salvation of all men for man pays mind to the workings and equity of his works. While with God, He is ever mindful of the equity and value, to give birth to justice. The very creation of mankind. For the first creation was born a man. But in His same right Beame the first Father. History has been an exciting venture to me. For history is simply His Story while the mysteries of the scripture. Was Even created for. As a reflection of man's Glory. Which is my favorite description of woman. Hence wo- to comfort. Man-self explanatory.. I've only had education to the eighth grade. But my coat of arms for my family name Workman. Is the scales of Justice. And my mother's last name Villapadua. Is a representation of the saints which work in the works of forsight. And convictions of them who gave their lives willingly to the blame of no man. But to the Glory of God the Father. For a Father loves His children. And desires that the children know this. This was true with Washington. I came to the conclusion that to establish peace. One must have great desire to be a Father. First in face of all diversities. For example the judge that just recently was arrested for killing his wife. But I strongly believe that to the man who salvation has been extended for all these years should not he also receive salvation in the end. In the beginning a judge will enter in a plea of not guilty. I know it is such a small part. It is the best reason I can think of in my education of Justice. Long and hard to find the description of man's time here on Earth and it is, I have found the word, to be invaluable. A judge will also ask has anyone course you or force you into a fleet. Second question most importantly is has anyone promised you anything other than with the courts of promising you here today. Add as it's been told to me a judge will only take as much interested in your case as you do. And I believe that I owe all that I am to my father. I believe the same for the Judges. And I hope that this matches the degree that you have honored that human hold to the highest upon this Earth I hope that it helps, because it helps me. Habeas corpus.. there was a story in biblically that was told where the disciples could not dispel of this demon. And Jesus went on to explain that this kind of possession takes many prayers. Present-day meaning many votes. Or perhaps the wisdom the judges and the White House will realize this. And grant this work to the people. Do away with executions indefinitely. This is true Justice for God. Jesus said once and for all. How will you ever know the things of heaven if I cannot show you by the things of this world. To this work I declare let it be so. Or as the Jews definition. I BELIEVE!!! But I know not the way to bring this into a courtroom. To sue for Righteousness and plead Truthfully. Thank you for listening to my interest in the Masons.

@thyracarasco4718 - 23.02.2025 04:48

I am inquiring about Eastern Star near me

@vikkihays3869 - 23.02.2025 12:16

We try to tell ourselves that we are still in control, when in reality that first time you "serviced him" then you became his unpaid prostitute. To him because he's giving job opportunities then he's paying you in that way. It's like, "what are you going to do for me" scenario in their disgusting minds! The facts are with true amazing talent it's your gift! If they want your gift then they should have to earn your respect! When we've been sexually abused prior we give in way too easy, especially when we actually think there's a mutual attraction. Why you never mix business and pleasure! It's like my Mormon Aunt would say, "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free!" Remember you are worth more than the arrest jewel! If we don't respect ourselves nobody else will either! Not being conceited though but humbled with yourself and God given gift!

@indianalivin4139 - 25.02.2025 02:27

This guy is way off.

@jordanbarrett4790 - 28.02.2025 17:11

So if someone reveals the brotherhood they get murdered. Am I wrong to think that.

@wordless1111 - 04.03.2025 06:40

I heard one of the secret knocks from Chapter on a flinstone cartoon and laughed my a$$ off.
My grandpa told me there were pirate ships with entire Masonic crews!?

@Levi-q3v7j - 06.03.2025 19:22

lol it's just a bunch of old lonely nerds meeting up in secret, playing dungeons and dragons, dressing up like weirdos. It's a secret cause its embaressing, and they don't want their careers and reputations effected by how hilarious it is. lol

@rodbrown8306 - 10.03.2025 14:41

Their free doesn't make them good, but further disposed to evil, without constraints.

@GladysLilly - 12.03.2025 09:32

Mm naitwa john naomba kujiunga nifanyenini

@TheLaird-an-hisdog - 16.03.2025 04:23

This is pure rubbish. I don't know any lodges that work like this. This guy is just guessing what happens.

@HOODIE_99 - 17.03.2025 16:26

Joining a "Convent" and studying actual witchcraft is probably better to do !. Joining them , you will learn it more in depth !. So why mess bout waiting till that 33 rd degree! . hence waiting for years !. oh and watseing money . Its always been around . I suppose studying witchcraft could be quite entertaining .
