He told no lies though
ОтветитьLyles can't find canada on a map
Ответитьif you win the basketball olympics you are the world champion but if you win the NBA finals you are not.
ОтветитьI bet these people don’t even know what NBA stand for.😂
ОтветитьNba players think they are world champion but the only reason they say that is because they suck at other sports and not only the nba players the whole American community are horrible at other sports
When we talk about football the european one they are trash the only sports Americans are good at is sports that no country else plays because i mean only Americans play eggball and i'm dead serious that i wouldn't know what American footbal was if it wasn't for cartoons and i mean nobody in europe or any other continent nobody plays baseball and i mean i like basket but if Americans wanted cash they would focus way more on the mls
How can people get this mad about something this obvious… he didn’t even call them bad players he just said that city based teams in a national league can not be world champions…
ОтветитьI agree on Noah USA won the Olympics so now they can say there the Olympic champions
ОтветитьThat black kid's statement is pointless, usa won 6 consecutive wins in olympic basketball eversince I was born. Therefore, USA can call themselves world champion in NBA because of that record. You can call it ignorant, but it's just simple stats. Even hornets or pistons can beat italy if they have chance to play 😂 that black kid just being naive, even without his gold, usa still wins the olympics
ОтветитьNoah Lyles is a world champion!!!
Not the Boston Celtics or The Denver nuggets (the last 3 NBA champions) Obviously the ones that disagree with Noah are the ignorant Americans.
They would be the world champions, but they arent.
ОтветитьAmericans when someone states the obvious
ОтветитьPeople understand technically the nba isn’t the worlds league but if u use ur brain it’s pretty clear the nba has all the worlds best players so if u win a chip u beat the best players in the world for that chip…. Kinda making world champs lmao cause no ther team in basketball could fuck with ur team
ОтветитьKD and DBook are so annoying for getting upset by Noah Iyles statement. Bro accept the fact. Cmon and stop whining
ОтветитьWell most of the Americans thinks that USA is the World. So no surprises.
ОтветитьIt wasn’t even his observation it was his tone while he said it ts was so annoying
ОтветитьAmerican logic: Usa is the only country I know, therefore it is the only country, therefore if you win in america, you are world champion
ОтветитьSame dude who didn’t know who jokic was.
ОтветитьWell they are now
ОтветитьTo be fair, the winner of the nba is probably the best team in the world since no other countries come close to the us when it comes to basketball
ОтветитьThis it's something people of the world forget about frequently and fail to realize. You don't fucking matter in basketball. The summation of the entire world can't compete with us. We'll get the Olympics, we don't even have our best team. We just have like four good guys on there and they smoke the entire world.
ОтветитьWorld champions of America 🦅🦅🦅
ОтветитьIn football when a club won the champions league the dont call themselves "world champions" instead they call themselves "the champions of europe" the players only said they're the world champions when they wind the world cup
ОтветитьIt’s like if a premier league team won and said they’re the world champions
Ответитьarrogance at its best... u ain't the world champion unless u competed with other countries, Noah Lyles is completely right
ОтветитьThats because America is a country that sees itself as the centre of the World but they can believe whatever they want.
ОтветитьIf you want to call yourself world champion make matchup every year of Every champions. Euroleaguea, Asian league, African. I know NBA champions would win 98% of this but you can't call yourself a world champion for just beating american teams you are NBA champion champion of USA and not world
Ответитьhe’s right tho
Ответитьas an american he’s right lmao
ОтветитьLiterally Americans are the only ones who get mad at this lmao
ОтветитьIt’s all contextual. This argument is basically a term technicality which is fine. The NBA is the only sport where Noah’s comment does not apply. On paper, yes Olympic gold should be a greater feat than a NA sports title, but the NBA is different bc those are THE premier players. There’s a reason why Lebron and Booker are studying tape, strict strength and conditioning during the season and not the Olympics. The NBA season/playoffs is a survival series. Olympics for team USA is a damn vacation and they are jacking around for the most part. If I were Tatum, I’d happily warm that bench and enjoy France totally care free.
But track and field, it’s a different story and winning Olympic gold absolutely is the highest honor you can receive. It’s a coin flip and you only get that one shot!
being mad about the truth to suck up to celebrities is just the American way at this point
Ответить... Hadn't the NBA teams win most of the gold medals in Olympics? So what the hell is this video and the comments? Cope?
You said it yourself, its not that deep. I don’t understand the uproar these players and most Americans have for his statement
ОтветитьNo but he has a point like technically you can’t call urself world champion if it isn’t a world championship ☠️
ОтветитьNoah was just annoyed that he wasn’t a winner back when he made that comment. Just trying to hate on anyone and anything.
Ответить100% facts
ОтветитьI dont get why it's so difficult for Americans to understand. The whole world agrees on that but American.
ОтветитьIts called National Basketball Association. Keyword National.
ОтветитьSo then.. what do we call the Olympic basketball team... And who play on this team?? ..Ok then.
ОтветитьIt's astonishing that common sense is controversial to Americans
ОтветитьHe’s talking about the NBA. The Olympics was never mentioned in this clip, lolZ. People should just love each other :)💜💜🦔zen!!!!
ОтветитьHe is right, but Lyles is also a lunatic and I don't want to be on his side in general anymore lol
ОтветитьHe’s right, but he was annoying about it so everyone clowned him. Also pretty sure a majority of online fans agreed with him at the time.
ОтветитьHe is wrong though. The best international players in the world play in the nba. Not in their respective country.
ОтветитьIf America wins the next basketball world cup they deserve being called world champions last time they didn't
ОтветитьNBA, MLB, NFL could get mad all they want
He is not lying
Who cares lol. Still champions
ОтветитьNoah is right
ОтветитьIdk why people got so serious and offended by it. The man was stating literal and definitive facts. Oh and btw, yes the US Mens basketball team won gold in the olympics, which makes them the olympic champs, the world champs are still Germany