Cheating Wife LAUGHED After 'HARMLESS' One Night Stand, I Made Her REGRET IT!

Cheating Wife LAUGHED After 'HARMLESS' One Night Stand, I Made Her REGRET IT!

Storytime With Red

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@kens32052 - 26.02.2025 21:55

Why did he take her to the cabin?

@vitaquasus1120 - 27.02.2025 00:43

Once you know dump her ass.

@ToxicFamilyStories - 27.02.2025 04:27

This story is intense!😮 the twists and emotions kept me hooked from start to finish. Amazing storytelling.👏👏

@robert-zg8or - 27.02.2025 04:41

Another victim of a smooth brained woman

@StevenMccart-e5z - 27.02.2025 17:53

Who was taking photos of her and M in a hotel room ???

@DemyMimiLux-jf6su - 27.02.2025 22:56

She choose her lover pver her husband but she cried whé he tomd her to leave. Why? Husband gave her the free way to her lover who is better in every way. So enjoy it and dont cry

@williebetsey9119 - 01.03.2025 18:11

I don't how a man can still play a loving husband after his had been repeatedly defiled by another man's seed. I most men would be totally disgusted and would refuse to have any physical contact whatsoever. Flimsy revenge.

@juanguzman3686 - 02.03.2025 06:22

Always working late? He should check her pay stub for the overtime unless she's salaried.🤔🤔

@Paul-j2t3c - 03.03.2025 01:09

My wife cheated tried to blame me cheated again and acted like it was no big deal. And thru our whole relationship she was psychoticly worried about any female anywhere near me. I didnt cheat and wanted the kids to grow up with same parents in home but after our she took off for the night and i told her when she called like 3am not to come home she laughed thinking her new boy would be ok with her staying and saying I could have the kids , i enjoyed (discreet kids never knew) the company of her 2 best friends and her cousin (all seperately ) who each visited numerous times for a couple months. After the divorce was final she was alone had to get a job and live with parents. When she found out I had a new girlfriend (who im married to 23 years now) and that had slept with her bffs and cousin after she left went nuts trying to kill one of them and sadly ended up shutting down mentally needing 24 hour nursing care. Being 2 and 3 when she left the kids love my wife call her mom never getting close to their mother as she was always too busy with her life and then lost her mind and doesnt have a clue who they are or who anyone is.
I have a good life but there is a sadness of the situation that quietly eats at my soul.
