Lake Monsters - Best Evidence

Lake Monsters - Best Evidence

jman time

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@susandavey2361 - 13.08.2024 20:33

Looks like an anaconda 😮

@besta555 - 14.08.2024 06:21

All fishies.🐋🐬

@apocalipsis1969 - 17.08.2024 20:25

Q. Buen video. Bro

@EricVasquez-z4e - 20.08.2024 09:13

Come on ppl seriously it's a simple logg bobbing up and down in the water what is this world coming to r we that bored to say it's lake monsters lol ....

@S7atorarepotenetoperarota6S - 20.08.2024 12:52

Это член кита и осетр

@yeetmanincorporated1558 - 01.09.2024 20:49

Bro what’s the name of the music? It’s so good

@johnal-kel9063 - 14.09.2024 06:44

Mega Serpent /Giant Eels

@Eadbhard - 24.09.2024 15:28

"Best Evidence". HahHahHAhahhaahaha

@MirolMohamad - 28.09.2024 09:07

anyone here in 2027

@sallywalton5375 - 28.09.2024 17:47

One looks like a long necked bear swimming!!😅

@sallywalton5375 - 28.09.2024 17:58

Imagine, swimming happily and then coming face to face, with one of these sightings😢

@stephengibbs4372 - 03.10.2024 23:32

Years ago I was in the back country pruning pine trees to 14 feet and looked down at a sunlit creek and saw a large tree branch at the bottom of a pool, then it started to move, it was the biggest eel I have ever seen or heard of. Behind its head would of been as thick as my thigh and looked to be 13-14 feet in length. Apparently if they can’t get onto the ocean to breed they can get huge. A friend was bitten by a big one at waist level through a 6mm wetsuit and had huge bruises to show for it. I believe we havnt seen it all yet.

@misterslats - 06.10.2024 16:03

If there are , in fact, other dimensions and they contain bodies of water - who knows, maybe these creatures cross portals into our dimension and back again. Anything is possible. Dinosaurs could still exist in another dimension. How cool would that be? I hope we get the answers in my lifetime.

@MisterBig-10 - 06.10.2024 23:45


@ythrthrtraga - 16.10.2024 22:57

the most convincing is probably the bodette film

@zacyorke337 - 20.10.2024 09:10

These could be Drift wood, trees/branches, sea snakes, birds, whales & dolphins, octopus, squid, seals, otters, eels, crocs/gators, trash, hoses, tubes, bags can look like a lot of different creatures especially when we want to see something

I spend a lot of time on the water and scuba diving and anytime something looks like a creature or monster of some

when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

Great time to apply Occam's Razor

@delheart3152 - 20.10.2024 19:47

Some fake shit going on

@calscottoh - 21.10.2024 13:18

The background music made it impossible to watch. Thumbs down.

@79Bobola - 21.10.2024 22:48

Second one is def a sturgeon

@noahhenson1669 - 26.10.2024 04:31

Some of these might be unidentified animals.. But what many viewers seem to overlook is that 1) wood floats, 2) in large lakes there are often underwater "storm" systems, and 3) fish and eels can grow to be extremely large. A dead tree with twisted limbs gets stirred up by underwater turbulence, and is understandably mistaken for a "serpent". A large eel, sturgeon or catfish (all of which can grow to astonishing lengths) slithers under the surface and is called a "monster". That said, there may indeed by unknown species in any or all of these locales, and I for one hope they are one day identified and classified.

@CashanovaXTREME - 03.11.2024 11:23

The Chinese know some of these beings as “water dragons”. They are dinosaur like and some of them have 6 legs, I believe it’s called a hexapod.

@ArtTasticCreations - 08.11.2024 09:38

This is why I never swim in the deep parts of rivers, streams, lakes or other bodies of water.

@Yoos85 - 14.11.2024 22:56

people usually say or tell what they know. Here's what i know from stories of the 21st centuries in regarding to the Asian and Thai dragon sea serpent. if you're really curious and want to experience hints (or glimpse) of their existence, then go to South East Asia and seek out the cleanest big ponds or lakes you can find. Aim for those that nestled in quiet places that appear to be very clean with very little debris on the water surface and around the perimeter of the lake/pond. Disturb the water and throw rocks into the deep water. if there's fish, kind of overfish carelessly and see if you have any significant dreams (if there's an owner of the lake, it's possible to dream of an old man or a person coming to talk to you to take it easy on the place). that is the sign. usually, they don't hurt you or do anything worst to you, unless you're attractive to one of them. It's hard to see one, but if you do it's usually a big, seemingly undiscovered fish or a giant snake the size and length of the American wooden power pole (they can shape-shift). The dream part is much more likely to happen, though if there's an "owner" in that place. There are good and bad versions out there, but they're usually considered sacred in most Asian cultures.

@thedesolateone8260 - 18.11.2024 12:02

Nope not going into any body of water with an alleged water beast residing in there 😮 . Imagine you're swimming & something daft like a piece of twig or plastic bag brushes against you. Yah gonna likely drown 😢in panic. Then there's that chance a real unidentified creature swims past you , the shock 😲 of seeing such a thing likely lead to a heart attack. Ha 😂 leave it up to underwater rovers & discovery channel 🤣🤣

@Shard113 - 23.11.2024 06:13

Ok, so some of these, especially some of the still images are either unrelated or blatantly fake. There is one in there that had a water snake superimposed onto the water moving snake-like... except that movement is only ever done by snakes on sand as it is a very specific adaptation. Also, the quality of some of the footage is unforgivably garbage and sadly, we should discard those as well, because 5 smudged pixels of some shade of grey can be anything, hell half the time it is difficult to even point to where the thing is.
And we now got to the parts that are legit interesting. I absolutely believe that some of these are unknown creatures or subspecies of creatures that should live in the area, or a thought-to-be extinct creature. I think they absolutely exist and I hope to be able to get a proper video of them one day.

@Lily_of_the_Forest - 23.11.2024 06:21

Hoaxes should be fined!

@ManaBlack208 - 25.11.2024 12:51

Funny how all the footage is always so far away u cant tell wat it is,could be anything.

@Jon-t2c - 01.12.2024 20:59

Stergon look like that when they raise...and they get extremely large

@Mr.Alegria1 - 01.12.2024 23:58


@admiralbenbow5083 - 08.12.2024 07:09

So what was that Chinese thing stuck in a net ?? Yet another low quality vid. Seems to be an ongoing issue when people film `lake monsters`.....

@batrik-huk - 10.12.2024 09:50

Lake monsters are considered highly unlikely to exist because there is no scientific evidence to support their existence, and the characteristics often attributed to them, like large size and a secluded aquatic habitat, would require a large, stable breeding population which is extremely difficult to maintain in a confined lake ecosystem, making their survival highly improbable; most sightings are usually misidentified animals or hoaxes.

@crisnegri73 - 12.12.2024 05:59


@evolanomrac9531 - 13.12.2024 18:42

Nuh all hoax

@Lawoftalos12 - 22.12.2024 19:01

I believe that most of these footage are real but they 100% aren’t sea monsters or anything extra ordinary.. they are all either lake bass’s, logs,lake sturgeons etc..

@FairyGodMotherrrr - 02.01.2025 17:04

On ancient maps, the maps show a bunch of sea creatures that they tell us today, are myths. Nothing is a myth

@theface8997 - 26.01.2025 06:11

That Lake Van Monster Looks like an Asian Elephant.

@dementus420 - 02.02.2025 03:57

Could've done without the music. Believe it or not, not everyone enjoys the type of music you do.
I've come to believe that many of these are massively huge eels. Scary.

@joekidd2582 - 03.02.2025 22:36

chitty music again opp's.

@jordanmartin8066 - 04.02.2025 18:46

If 50% of these sightings are fake or hoax. Then try explaining the other 50% that might just be real.

@bojidarboyadjiev2391 - 08.02.2025 10:16

Monster crazy the that's

@Skyrat12 - 14.02.2025 22:24

Can anybody explain to me why we're watching news people talking or being used as intros to some of the images, but no sound other than the music throughout? Why include that part???

@frankvella6159 - 20.02.2025 08:50

It's just a bunch of nonsense crap ‼️👎🙃 😊
