Intel's 300W Core i9-14900K: CPU Review, Benchmarks, Gaming, & Power

Intel's 300W Core i9-14900K: CPU Review, Benchmarks, Gaming, & Power

Gamers Nexus

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ToySoldier Nerio
ToySoldier Nerio - 22.10.2023 07:42

Im so glad i just bought an i5 13600K.

BVLVI - 22.10.2023 07:27


PWR CowFeeder
PWR CowFeeder - 22.10.2023 07:03

7800x3D casually buldozing a 350 plus watt CPU, so funny that the 14900K struggled to beat the 5800x3d even at times

Zniff Ether
Zniff Ether - 22.10.2023 06:22

why aren't contact frames and heat sink not made out of copper due to the fact that aluminum is 40% less effective

Copper: Heat Conductivity. As you can see in this table, copper is more conductive than aluminum. In fact, aluminum only has 60% of the thermal conductivity that copper does.

Alex Munro
Alex Munro - 22.10.2023 05:39

Hey @gamersnexus should I upgrade from 12700k to 14900k

Professor Moore
Professor Moore - 22.10.2023 05:03

The exaggerated burns were so prevalent in this video I thought it was narrated by Martin Van Buren.

Suhail M S K
Suhail M S K - 22.10.2023 05:00

Man that 5800X3D and 7700x are value for money

FRQY - 22.10.2023 04:52

Fanboys still fight me when I say that intel will warm users this winter. I9s draws more power than my 4070ti

zanzan - 22.10.2023 03:54

Funniest cpu review ever

index - 22.10.2023 03:40

what MOBO didi they use for intel and AMD on these tests?

Papaya - 22.10.2023 03:15

Palpatine: Unlimited power!!!

Colin Peerman
Colin Peerman - 22.10.2023 03:05

you guys crack me up 🤣

vgamesx1 - 22.10.2023 02:44

Now to be fair they kept the performance but lowered power consumption, even if not a lot that's worth something, I think the only problem with this is calling it a new generation when all they've done is given us a few mhz extra.

freak777power - 22.10.2023 02:25

Idiots from this channel use DDR5 6000 with Z790? Why bother? Why just not use the B series board or use the f. DDR5 8000 low latency tuned with Z790 and re-do benchmarks. You will see a quite different picture in gaming, especially with low 1%.

Sulphurous - 22.10.2023 01:54

Wait, there's a 300W CPU now? I thought the FX CPU's with their 125W and 220W were still the pinnacle of desktop CPU power draw?

r0q - 22.10.2023 00:28

CPU more like P-U, this stinks
ayy got em

L67swap1 - 21.10.2023 23:52

So glad I went with the 7950x when I built my new PC ... Intel has went off the rails 😂

william carter
william carter - 21.10.2023 22:49

The best info from this video was the redditors response time. Bunch of entitled bitches...

Fury1184 - 21.10.2023 21:03

So is this simular to the i7-4770K to the i7-4790K? Is the 4790K 5th gen or more the tok to 4th gen's tick?

Big Nose
Big Nose - 21.10.2023 18:57

Take a shot everytime he says Kay.

aratosm - 21.10.2023 18:42

In all fairness, they released a generation which was worst than the previous generation. So identical performance is not as bad as it gets.

Sean Garage TV
Sean Garage TV - 21.10.2023 18:29

Im having FX 9590 Bulldozer Flashbacks.

SilentGaming SG
SilentGaming SG - 21.10.2023 15:23

The great USA innovation... keep increasing power consumption lol

CROWNzLOL - 21.10.2023 15:11

I would advise testing CPUs in games such as Cyberpunk or in Warzone where CPU is really becoming a bottleneck(assuming we play in 1080p ofc). Games where u get more than 400 fps dont really show how good the CPU is cause those are just nonspotable differences.

Lee's Channel
Lee's Channel - 21.10.2023 13:51

If I was at intel, and leading their marketing dept., I'd take these sarcastic exclamations of feigned enthusiasm Steve, and incorporate them in the packaging and marketing materials. "Intel i9 14900k is the new gaming king! [...] Mind-bending performance!" -Steve from Gamers Nexus

VNAV PTH - 21.10.2023 13:20

Imagine the amount of wasted money on marketing, labelling, etcetera that COULD have been put into the actual development of a CPU generation that would yield a minimum of 15% performance increase. Who wants a baby step performance increase between releases. Stop. Just stop...

Azi Aufa
Azi Aufa - 21.10.2023 13:03

I don't understand, why there's no Dota or CSGO or similar game that is CPU bound, We are testing a graphics card or what

yomofoindahouse - 21.10.2023 12:51

One needs to redo this review with overclock data. 14900K will be on top so high that you will know it's an upgrade.

Zazi - 21.10.2023 12:03

So the 15th gen will require its own PSU? It's like Intel's secretly partnering with all electricity providers lol...

Alan Turing
Alan Turing - 21.10.2023 11:42

I have just unsubscribed to your channel… I am sad to do so, but I can not continue my support towards a channel I do not believe in anymore… To put it simply: I have learned a lot listening to you but your constant bashing against everything not AMD, while not talking about what others have to offer, lead me to believe that you are AMD fanboys. I will come back from time to time, hoping to see some change…
A little more details : I agree with you that these "new" versions of intel cpu (i5 and i9) have nothing new to offer; though I reckon that the i7 offers a slight change (contrary to you); moreover as a do-it-all cpu, the i7 is still better than the equivalently priced amd 7900x; but you kept comparing it to the 7800x3d… And your tone, have you decided to go the same route than LTT ?
I have had enough of your bias towards AMD. I am a simple consumer, I do not care about brands, I want the best for my bucks. But this implies honest info, unbiased reviews. But you never speak about what makes AMD not such a great offer neither…
vs Nvidia : you should compare ray tracing, image upscaling (quality, numbers and number of games offerings), AI abilities,…
vs Intel : instead of laughing at the i7 because it does not offer the same good quality/price ratio nor the same excellent efficiency than the 7800x3d, you could also laugh at amd 7900x compared to the i7, which is better in almost every way for the same price… maybe that's because you are mainly interested in gaming, but that's unfair to not laugh at the 7900x the same (even from a gaming standpoint, it is consistently worse than the i7).
So I wish my comment will make you realise your bias (I still believe it is unconscious, that you are not paid by AMD) and become fair as you used to be. Moreover, that you will change your tone, be more respectful about Intel's workers' job, try to understand them (ask them why they did these ridiculous releases) rather than mocking their work. You used to be much better than LTT, show them the light…

ELADIO PEREZ - 21.10.2023 11:23

At least the 14900k surpasses the 13900k in energy waste and I think we should recognize that

Sine Nomine
Sine Nomine - 21.10.2023 10:44

Please include the 7900x3d in your tests :)

Excellent reviews.

Spirit Healer
Spirit Healer - 21.10.2023 09:59

To add a quote from Steve "Waste of sand" this feels like a repeat of the 11900k except the numbers didn't actually decrease.

Abheek Gulati
Abheek Gulati - 21.10.2023 08:48

Haven't laughed this much during a product review, great stuff😂😂😂

david27ad - 21.10.2023 08:47

I got yourself a free heater😂

Kristaps Ozolins
Kristaps Ozolins - 21.10.2023 07:22

However it amazes me, how much Intel can milk same tech. Over and over again. how ridiculous they can go? 400-500W?

Fred Gandt
Fred Gandt - 21.10.2023 06:47

Hilarious 👍

CRACK THE LIMITS - 21.10.2023 06:27

😂 very sarscatic review

siberx4 - 21.10.2023 05:26

They could literally have launched these as a new stepping of the 13900K and and nobody would have noticed the swap for months (or maybe longer) until some eagle-eyed individual picked up on the slightly higher clocks.

Random Guy
Random Guy - 21.10.2023 04:55

Intel as usual are using their employees to go on newegg & amazon making fake accounts to give their crappy 14900k 5 star reviews. Paid 5 star reviews by intel for the 14900k as usual with intel pay people to write foney reviews with 5 star ratings

IntenseGrid - 21.10.2023 04:53

Yep, I should have stopped after the first minute monolog. Sorry you guys wasted your time on this one.

Random Guy
Random Guy - 21.10.2023 04:37

What a disaster intel's become. They havent made good processors in over a decade and a half now

Random Guy
Random Guy - 21.10.2023 04:36

Better off sticking with amd or apple to avoid the power hungry wattage beast

Random Guy
Random Guy - 21.10.2023 04:33

Yayyy for space heaters during the cold winter months and nice way of melting that processor with those high power consumptions & watts. Nothing like the smell of melted & burnt silicon kind of like the smell of melted burnt plastic

nelson cuellar
nelson cuellar - 21.10.2023 04:12

This man's hair is magnificent. I wish.

NMT450 - 21.10.2023 03:27

What about bending in a socket? Something improved?

Mr Hoach
Mr Hoach - 21.10.2023 03:20

Pulling so many watts is going to create an issue for some, won't be able to have two pc's on one 10amp breaker anymore

Mr. House
Mr. House - 21.10.2023 02:53

sooo, upgrading 13900KF to 14900K is not a good idea?
