Trump will be taking the US out of NATO. The writing is on the wall, wouldn't be surprised if Trump announces it at the State of the Union in a few days. He loves to be dramatic and as "it makes for great TV". Technically he doesn't have the complete authority to do so without Congress but they are just spineless right now so who's going to stop him.
ОтветитьIm american. Nato does nothing for us, we are fine handling our own wars by ourself. Nato only drags us into other peoples crap
ОтветитьYeah obviously NATO can survive without the US from a military perspective, they have several times the manpower, weapons, vehicles and money than russia, they will be fine. Thats not to say there wont be problems and lots of death, but the main issue is nuked, nobody wants MAD.
ОтветитьNope, and get fucked NATO, lol!
ОтветитьWe have better weapons and 1.5 million troops. Europe would be a headache for Russia to take. The only thing we need to do, is have some coordination and structure. And wave goodbye to the yanks.
ОтветитьForcing Europe to take defence seriously will show America they weren't that special in the end of all things.
Ответитьaged well
ОтветитьThese europeans loves to look down on the U.S, fancying themselves superior because of their social programs that they can afford because they dont have to spend on military... These leeches needed a wake up call decades ago...
ОтветитьCan US survive without the NATO?!
ОтветитьThe US leaving NATO would be like when Tom Brady left the Patriots.
I mean the team still existed, but it’s like the shows over folks.
Would the US expect the other Nato countries to support it if china or russia or iran or all three issued threats to the US ,they should remember 9/11 and decide if its better to be a Nato member .
ОтветитьWe need a European Army.
ОтветитьArt 5. Is needed for Europe. We didnt need your help in Afghanistan. Bulk of the fighting was my soliders and me. Europe join the fight because war on terrorism and not 911 event. Get it right.
ОтветитьIn a word YES as a combined force against the Russians without doubt. America will soon stand isolated and alone. The fool Trump and his drones all think they will be in some kind of new economic and military empire soon. The reality is the US is mired in debt and now Trump is taxing his people even more by ensuring that imported goods prices go up whilst his home grown products remain sky high.
His supporters aren’t very bright but then they’d have to be pretty stupid to elect this criminal in again.
He showed who he really was when he attacked Zelenskyy now the world knows.
America will soon stand alone isolated and reviled as the ally of a genocidal maniac Putin.
No end of question
ОтветитьThe US will not honor any NATO obligations as long as Trump is President. Expect Russia to act accordingly.
ОтветитьThis video completely ignores the fact that NATO is much more than just the U.S. and EU countries. If the U.S. were to step back, it would be a serious challenge, but acting like NATO would collapse overnight is ridiculous. Turkey, with its 85+ million population and 355,000 active troops, has the second-largest standing army in NATO and is a key force on the alliance’s southern flank. It also produces Bayraktar drones, which have proven to be game-changers in modern warfare.
But Turkey isn’t the only non-EU NATO member pulling its weight. The UK (a nuclear power with one of Europe’s strongest militaries), Canada, Norway, and even Iceland (which provides strategic positioning in the Atlantic) all play crucial roles. NATO is a 31-member collective—not just a U.S.-led babysitting operation for Europe. This kind of oversimplified fearmongering ignores the actual strength and depth of the alliance.
NATO was formed as a result of WW2 and to combat the Soviet Union's political ideology. Now that the war has ended, and the Soviet Union has been dissolved, it no longer presents the threat it once did. NATO should be disbanded as we know it. If the the European nations, UK, France, Germany and the rest, feel it is necessary to band together to combat a perceived threat, then by all means they can create a union without the United States involvement.
ОтветитьNATO is not trump (and his circle of ballz garglers) personnal guard, there are 32 countries in it and USA already reduced it's contribution to the common budget to 'only' 15% during trumps first term. Sure there would be capability gaps if USA quits, especially at the start, no doubt. But the other 31 countries are still there.
There have been talks at some points to extend it to the pacific with SK and Japan. Considering what those countries are also seeing now of promises of US help, they might be willing to join. We can just rename it something else. Maybe the global defense initiative GDI xD.
No more NATO!
ОтветитьShort answer: yes
We need an EU Army and all member states should implement mandatory conscription as all the Baltics, Scandinavia, Austria, and Serbia are already doing. We need strength through unity and economies of scale.
ОтветитьFigure it out with out us. I’m voting to leave NATO . Zelenskyy is nuts .
ОтветитьThe US is not Nato's lapdog. We're not going to help the EU. The war is already lost and there is no way that the EU will be able to regain domination over the East. They are too strong and too advanced.
ОтветитьWho gives a dam about how many Nuclear Weapons a country has? One or two is needed only. Launching more than ten would mean everyone loses. One or two is enough.
The US has been Stupid for so many decades.
They believe they can become funny is that.
America without China or Europe would fall apart in months, thus why Trumpy chose not to go ahead with the Tariffs, as it would mean total destruction to US businesses and the US Economy as a whole.
Yes, NATO would have to up its game time to survive without the USA Defences and Support, but it would survive and China will see America as a weakling and may attack them.
Without Europe, the US would be defenceless to China, because by then the US Economy would be so weak, China would have no problem running over them.
The Cold War is over. NATO is obsolete. Russia has tried the last 30 Years to work with the West. They refuse and shut the door in Putin's and Russia's face.
ОтветитьEurope is not a country. Stop letting idiots in Brussels pull everybody towards catastrophe and poverty.
ОтветитьIt seems you guys already kicked out Turkey lolz. not a a single mention of turkey that has 2nd largest standing army in nato and produce their own weapons xd
Ответитьall the US soldiers that died for freedom in WW2 are prolly rolling in their graves for what trump is doing to the US.... No different from the soviets. no respect to usa this days...
ОтветитьIf the US leaves NATO Canada will be forced to leave full stop for National Security. Sorry friends to the north but this is what Washington will enforce. There’s no way the US will tolerate a military alliance on the longest undefended border in the world.
ОтветитьOne of the problems is that the current US administration doesnt appreciate soft power. It is through soft power that they establish most of their economic dominance. If I was an EU leader, every single time Trump tells me to start paying up, I'd tell him that they have to pay us 80 years worth of rent for the bases or they can go home.
ОтветитьSomething… happening??
ОтветитьThis could lead to the EU becoming further federalized
Ответитьshort answer is NO...
Ответитьnato is outdated and useless, it served it's purpose at one time, scrap it
ОтветитьProabably better without the US.
ОтветитьPutin is a genius. He played everyone especially trump and now it's all falling into place
ОтветитьEurope should put 100% Tariffs on US products - :) Screw the US
ОтветитьGeez! Europe, you saw the danger of an America going rogue 8 years ago and you didn't think to begin planning for a union without the USA from then? That's embarrassing!
ОтветитьThis just highlights exactly what Trump has been talking about. NATO has gotten complacent in riding the coattails of America for far too long. It's so bad now that without us they would barely be able to hobble together their own defense let alone go to war with a super power like Russia. Europe is going to learn the hard way why they should appreciate America.
ОтветитьYou didn't mention that europe spend more money on defence, than any other power, except the US.....? Even China has a lower defence budget :P And that is before europe increased their defence spending.
Oh, and the US spend 3.4% of GDP on defence - so requiring the rest of NATO to spend 5% seems.... weird? Or maybe just MAGA :P
Russia is calling the shots in the Oval Office. We are so screwed.
ОтветитьDon't you see, Russsia is just waiting for this.
Once US is out of the pic, we are fu**ed. I am German and our military sucks.
Bring are 20,000 troops home Europe doesnt need us. If Europeans believe they are strong let them be strong.
ОтветитьEuropeans crying because the US is withdrawing. lol.
ОтветитьPutin himself said (speaking of trump) “soon they’ll waggle their tails at the masters feet”
ОтветитьSpeaking here from Scotland. The United States is the only chance Ukraine stands against Russia. All of Europe doesn’t threaten Russia one single bit. Russia pushes with violent intensity and at a very fast pace. They are battle hardened and have more than enough supply. United States is the only country that can stop that.! But it’s not even about that it’s putins willingness to cooperate with trump. Putin won’t cooperate with anybody else whatsoever and he’s proven that. It’s dangerous because it seems that the U.S and Russia are about to team up
ОтветитьVoting for Trump again was and still is one of the biggest mistakes of the US
ОтветитьSince the day this man took office the people that support him disappoint me more and more. The way they allow themselves to be misinformed and manipulated should really be studied. You ask the average Trump supporter about his policies and they will start saying slogans. It’s terribly ironic how deep seated the hate and bigotry is in some that they’d actively vote against their best interests. Farmers, white women, veterans; all DEI beneficiaries, yet they vote for the party that is against DEI. Want prices for things to go down and to “put America first” not knowing that dismantling our systems of government and spitting in the face of our allies is NOT the way. Sure, our military might can’t be matched at the moment, but good luck fighting a war without the advantage of having bases in allied territories, supply lines strained to hell, morale low, and our (then former) allies all standing together against us.