How to Make a British Cup of Tea

How to Make a British Cup of Tea

The Chateau Diaries

2 года назад

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@nighthawk20011 - 30.09.2024 11:27

Milk and sugar with tea... gross. Tea and coffee...both water only. No cream, no sugar.

@janispercy5502 - 01.10.2024 08:18

Hi, I live in Canada & we make tea like this as well. I, however, like tea leaves, which I put in a strainer that sits in my cup & then pour boiling water over. I also drink herbal tea, which I prepare the same way. I recently bought a kettle with different temperatures because some teas require a lower temperature & some require less steeping time. Apparently, white tea & green tea become bitter if left too long to steep. I have become quite a tea snob. We have Canadian tea companies that have excellent loose tea. I don't put milk in my tea, just a little sweetener like Stevia. However, when I am in a restaurant we will be served a tea bag & water separately. I always ask for the bag to go into the pot & put the boiling water over the tea.

@cierranunez3 - 02.10.2024 04:10

So what type of tea do you guys use ? What is similar to your guys tea and in the states

@Chambion-z2x - 06.10.2024 11:56

It’s so stupid. It will taste the same if you use the same ratio of ingredients. 🤦🏻‍♀️

@Coolbuddy53 - 14.10.2024 10:33

So true. I love it the Brit way

@ManoJrtps - 15.10.2024 23:16

I’m a Belgian and I make it like that

@Ardsgaine - 18.10.2024 02:41

So I have been doing it right. Well done, me.

@vidmaster011 - 20.10.2024 21:35

American here, trying to become more cultured. Here to learn 😊

@RadiantHope04 - 21.10.2024 00:48

I’m American and I’m scared it wouldn’t like it can you use almond milk?

@iwannagosurfing139 - 26.10.2024 04:09

I'm American and I love this video.

@LadyMiner100 - 26.10.2024 21:32

I've always wondered what a crumpet was- it's an English muffin! (here in the states)

@WilliWonka-fs1rt - 28.10.2024 23:47

polite nation got me

@yoni-in-BHAM - 29.10.2024 21:37


I'm not British - American here from the Pacific Northwest - but I don't know anyone who uses warm water to make a cup of tea... I myself make it pretty much like she does, except I use monk fruit sweetener and let it steep. 👍

@talkaboutwacky - 02.11.2024 18:41

"We've already lost before we've started" This cracked me up!

@ricardobufo - 03.11.2024 01:41

C'mon Steph! Using "Yorkshire Tea" bags ??? It should be "Tetleys Tea Bags" !!! And adding milk at the end ??? A HERESY

@AKmumu - 06.11.2024 09:34

I wasnt a fan of tea at first, then I found earl grey black tea, that shit is amazing

@GabrielRodriguez-dc8vq - 07.11.2024 21:49

I love a lovely cup of tea but most proper English common folk like me have biscuits with our cuppas instead of a crumpet

@Stark....... - 09.11.2024 05:18

You are giving me a vibe of Grace from Peaky blinders

@Stark....... - 09.11.2024 05:22

I think Indian masala tea is better

@GiancarloPacico - 10.11.2024 21:57

Merci ❤ i LOVE this recipe

@GurtGobain - 12.11.2024 02:19

Id intercoirse that

@green3267 - 16.11.2024 12:20

gotta love your plates at the back cause i have the same ones lol

@johnnyzig - 03.12.2024 02:07

Well done! That's exactly how I make my English tea. My Mother started me on English tea as soon as I could hold a cup. I love hearing someone say, "Time to put the kettle on". Tea always gives me a lift and gives me comfort when I drink it. It will always be my go to drink. So uniquely British! Keep up the good effort. I enjoyed your video. Thank you very much! P.S. I was born in England.

@maheshwarbanuk4389 - 08.12.2024 09:59

I liked the part where Thank you was said!

@KyleDoesEverything - 08.12.2024 10:03

See in America obv coffee is super popular and there’s so many different ways people drink it, so I figure tea is the same in England. Do some prefer their tea to be just tea? No added extras? Then some like milk? Or honey?

@xxdustinadamsxx - 10.12.2024 00:31

If I wanted an authentic English tea to brew, what tea would I choose?

@beestorm7609 - 15.12.2024 12:47

……even. With the string, Americans still infuse the tea. They don’t just dunk it a few times. That’s a bit of an exaggeration I feel

@jeff81818 - 16.12.2024 13:17

Love your blue willow china!

@josephputz2964 - 19.12.2024 22:59


@kintesipes6766 - 23.12.2024 11:52

Just watched videos where brits are upset we boil water. But you just said you boil water... 😑

@kintesipes6766 - 23.12.2024 11:54

Also ... milk?! 🤢🤢🤢

@kintesipes6766 - 23.12.2024 11:55

How come you didn't squish it the other way? So weird

@SheWhoWoodworks - 23.12.2024 16:49

What is the point of tea if it's not brewed? Lol

@YusufMontanez1987 - 01.01.2025 17:46

😊 I love tea culture .

@davidnunes7908 - 04.01.2025 01:41

but why the milk?
then its not just tea anymore

@katie4497 - 15.01.2025 16:50

Thank you! I'm not a fan of American tea. I'm gonna try this way!

@katie4497 - 15.01.2025 16:53

My question is what's the difference between black and Gold yourkshire tea? I'm trying to order it!

@DreamBlissYT - 18.01.2025 15:58

Thank you for this! If I was boiling water in a pan on the stove, am I looking for a roiling boil? Also, does anyone use honey instead of sugar or is that blasphemous?

@wpc999 - 21.01.2025 00:11

Great rack

@nx1cf9nd5h - 22.01.2025 22:21

A lovely tutorial, thank you :)

@jamieshows1564 - 23.01.2025 19:50

Y'all are basically hobbits.

@Guinea54 - 28.01.2025 05:41

That is good and all, but lets face it... Coffee is the superior beverage haha.

@Jamhill5 - 30.01.2025 03:42

“There’s almost no point in going on at this point”…. 😂😂😂

@lisajanene - 01.02.2025 07:23

Well as an American, to me, the way the British make tea is the proper way to make tea. Any country that drinks tea so passionately deserves their way to be recognized as proper 😂

@jaredrocks58 - 04.02.2025 06:24

I like p.g. tips 2 bags,1/4 tsp sugar and lil milk.

@87jello - 16.02.2025 02:38

The way I drink my morning tea is I would add the tea bags to the boiling water for 3 minutes, add in a scoop of sugar at the bottom of the cup, pour in the brewed tea then stir to dissolve, and then pour in small amounts of heavy cream milk

@HM-pn8iu - 22.02.2025 17:10

Thank you! (genuinely) :)

@levchan9752 - 23.02.2025 02:43

Happy to find this video—first return on my search for making a cup of tea 😇 Print in your dress matches your china in the background😇

@embracethebright1587 - 09.03.2025 02:37

The only milk (as an American) that I Put in tea is sweetened condensed milk. And only with Earl gray.
