Navy Vet Who Destroyed Satanist Symbol Speaks Out: 'We Should Not Tolerate Satan'

Navy Vet Who Destroyed Satanist Symbol Speaks Out: 'We Should Not Tolerate Satan'

CBN News

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@mikemiller7957 - 22.03.2024 14:57

I won't accept this stupidity. You took an oath to defend the constitution and freedom of religion is in the constitution. The very first amendment to be precise. You obviously lost your military bearing.

@freespirit331 - 23.03.2024 09:19

People should stop getting so upset over their imaginary friends. Show respect to other imaginary friends as well.

@LindiFleeman - 24.03.2024 03:43

Why laughing color purple keychain APE je

@starlina5621 - 27.03.2024 13:45

Now imagine his reaction if someone were to destroy a symbol of jesus.
The double standards are palatable.

@dnd5019 - 01.04.2024 00:12

i wonder if this could be consider as a Religious hate crime. like flying over to do this is pretty unhinged.

@kickinghorse2405 - 07.04.2024 09:45

He took the bait.

@michaelwells1783 - 09.04.2024 04:05

You are My Hero Michael

@LiveEatLove777 - 12.04.2024 09:09

Thank you so much to your service to the Kingdom of Yahweh Thank You sir! Blessings to you! ✝️

@arethaslade34 - 14.04.2024 04:46


@GabrielUngacta - 18.04.2024 17:18

I see we are in a new era of a witch hunt. The founding fathers would roll in their graves rn.

@viralynn8120 - 25.04.2024 14:03

According to you.

@vincentrobinson9325 - 27.05.2024 02:43

I would have helped him, and then some !! The situations that are taking place nowadays are so mind-boggling !!

@MrAwsomenoob - 27.05.2024 04:04

As an Iowan i would like to thank God almighty for the Satanic Church for exposing christian hypocrisy, bigotry, and victum complex. Who else would make a law allowing religious displays in public buildings and then get ofended when other people exercise that right for their own beliefs. I hope to see the statue of baphomet for christmas this year.

@christopherherzog5466 - 28.05.2024 05:09

You by no means have to like nor approve, but the Constitution and US law supercede the commands of your God so you do have to deal with the fact that Satanism is as equally valid under law as Christanity

@razvanturcu9871 - 28.05.2024 17:13

You dropped this 👑

@bensimon5899 - 01.06.2024 18:41

"really it was garbage" good man!!!! This is awesome !!! What encouragement!!!

@optimisticallycynical.814 - 05.06.2024 14:40

He fought for the constitution, He took an oath to protect the constitution

Not the bible

@codeth05 - 09.06.2024 08:51

Anyone who outright refuses to tolerate the differing beliefs of those who surround them doesnt deserve to call themselves an American.

@roobearlillibee5301 - 17.06.2024 23:04

So what this baby means is he took it upon himself to decide his views were the only ones that matter.

@ambermcgrath666 - 20.06.2024 23:50

And this why we have a bad rep bc of arrogance, people don’t know anything about satanism and judge us for it. Yea okay.

@elenawoods4222 - 25.06.2024 06:48

Thank you for standing up for Christ. God Bless you.

@wabisabi6983 - 29.06.2024 15:14

Glorifying a vandal.

@pasques - 29.06.2024 20:54

"My religion and no one elses"

@Ashbash-kf5xd - 30.06.2024 03:10

God is with this man. Grateful 🙏

@Charliegirl2 - 09.07.2024 05:26

I was looking to see what satanic signs were because I was sitting next to a car with a strange looking picture and symbol on a car. It was just creepy. I can understand him tearing this down.

@Charliegirl2 - 09.07.2024 05:31

I just looked the statue up. That is so strange that the capital would allow that in the capital building. What is wrong with our world.

@Dmans2020 - 25.07.2024 00:38

Brave and Bold ! ..
That’s the way a Christian should be !!

@Assyrian_man - 26.07.2024 18:44

Soon the world will see the Wrath of the Lamb

@argetect2847 - 20.08.2024 17:55

🌈 🌈 🌈

@RachelLett-e6e - 23.08.2024 02:09

Excellent job.Jesus reign. Let the Lord Jesus Christ be praise

@cryptomultiverse1153 - 26.08.2024 08:48

Protect this man at all cost

@cryptomultiverse1153 - 26.08.2024 08:53

Holy, Holy, Holy GOD the original, the most powerful, the most holy, the one who is eternal and the one who is everywhere with all my heart i pray for you to remove all curses in this man and to protect all belongings of this man.

@gail3136 - 27.08.2024 05:52

I stand with you, sick of the defeated foe... ...

@KevinLawrence-k5e - 31.08.2024 07:03


@danielpetrusevski2572 - 06.09.2024 08:21

What a pathetic loser. Didn't you swear to defend the constitution? You are a criminal and vandal who should be jailed.

@danielpetrusevski2572 - 06.09.2024 08:24

Shemhamforash. I hex you

@AegisFCCS - 11.09.2024 19:21

BZ Shipmate! Great job! Keep up the good work!
May our Lord bless & keep you & yours safe.

@Arborist1776 - 12.10.2024 04:34

God Bless you, Michael. You are a warrior of God. The time for tolerance is OVER.

@Lima-t5k6w - 14.10.2024 03:54

Good job!!!!! John 10:10 = (Jesus) “Satan came to kill, steal and destroy! I came so you can have LIFE, and Life in ABUNDANCE”! Not too hard a decision to make, is it”

@kindenigma4119 - 14.10.2024 17:01

Freedom of religion only for Christians? Arrest and jail him like he deserves

@Manifestoify - 11.11.2024 00:53

Man fears monster under the bed and breaks someone’s arts and crafts project because of it. Cool.

@Littleone41425 - 16.11.2024 14:19

So sad that you can’t have freedom of religion in America anymore Freedom of expression

@normalaird8262 - 30.11.2024 14:38

I acknowledge that people are free to believe what they want to believe, and I have no argument with any other Religious beliefs per se. That being said, if a Christian church wanted to create a Christian display, would they be allowed to? I note in some news reports stated that a Christmas Tree was on display nearby, but I mean actual Christian Iconography (as Pagans would also decorate their homes with green boughs, etc., so a Christmas Tree, even though it is called so, can be put up in non-Christian households, if they so wish).
This man stood up for the values he believes in, and for those his Country was built on, both of which he fought for.
As a Brit, it find it disheartening that, in the Capitol of a Christian Country like ours, we have not had phrases like Merry Christmas in our "Christmas" lights displays for a few years now, because it could cause offence to other Religions. However, we have had phrases such as "Happy Diwali", etc.
This has also bled into other areas of debate/display - an Islamic Imam was filmed with a microphone and amplifier on one of London's bridges (I presume from the sound on the video) calling Muslims to prayer, with no interaction from authorities. However, there are a few cases where people have been approached by police, because they were preaching the Gospel in towns, etc. (no microphone, etc., by the way), and again were told that this could cause offence - some of them being taken away by those police (I do not know if they were actually arrested, or charged, etc.)
Even in Hyde Park Speakers' Corner - a place where, for many years, people have been allowed to "speak" on whatever subject they wish, there is a video where a man was advised to leave, by police, because he was preaching the Gospel, and being harassed by members of another Religion.
And we are all aware of the uneven handling of those who have been involved in protests over the past year or so - I am not talking about those who went further than just protesting, by the way.
If everyone is allowed the freedom to believe and worship as they please, and advertise it so openly, why is it that the Christian Faith is the one that cannot be "advertised" in a Christian Country?

@BeachKakes - 10.12.2024 03:20

😂TCB my man❤

@onepumppeter2902 - 24.12.2024 03:20


@skywillow371 - 30.12.2024 05:18

As a Navy veteran myself I am disgusted by your actions and your willful ignorance.

@miisu - 13.01.2025 19:07


@KeystoneCarcajou - 24.01.2025 22:25

if it isn't the consequences of one's own actions. "Give unto Caesar...."

@spongeintheshoe - 27.01.2025 07:14


@GraciaBelievesthatJesusSaves - 28.02.2025 06:08

💪♥️🖐️. i ask You Father in Heaven In JESUS name Defend and Protect Him always .much respect you are brave brother for taking down this idol these kinds of ugly statues can affect invoirememts and can make room for rulers of darkness .The Lord Jesus And our Father in Heaven Protect you all the days of youre life and the Holy Spirit the Comforter will continue to guide you into all Truth .👉📖
