Thank you for posting
ОтветитьWhat's situation in your country now...
ОтветитьI very much like your solution for 2 axis curves on the mirrors. !! Thank you Sir !
Ответить@sergiyyurko8668 Glad to see you are still alive. Stay safe, strong, warm, and creative. I apreaciate your continuted sharing!
ОтветитьPeople have suggested is the only reason black weak solar panels are a thing is because it's a petroleum product.
Ответитьturbine will be more expensive than pv, even with zero-cost mirrors. average cost of pv modules in china without taxes currently about 7 cents per watt
ОтветитьWonderful use of your creative mind. Sadly, the war must be stretching your resources to the limit. We in Canada are behind you all the way!
ОтветитьThousands years old
ОтветитьIs it possible to design a system to circulate water or oil through a system of pipes that heat up a hot water or oil reservoir to be used to then circulate through another immersed loop of water through a series of radiators within a house? It seems likely to me that systems like this already exist so what is the best way to do this?
ОтветитьThis is very handy work :)
ОтветитьShow us your turning next time please. Thanks
ОтветитьSergiy, consider using ordinary air as an energy carrier. You could use a cylindrical insulated tank filled with sand or aggregate and heat it by circulating hot air between your installation and this storage. Depending on the temperature achieved inside, you can explore ways to convert this energy into electricity or leave it as heat for the home on cold days.
ОтветитьThe complex part of those systems is generally not building the mirrors (cheap and easy) but correctly collecting the heat and turning it into electricity. It can be done of course, and has been done with great success, but in order to be truly cost effective and justify the use of a turbine you have to build a big solar farm, not just something you can put in your yard.
Another drawback is also the fact it only uses direct sunlight
Still a cool tech I wish was more widespread, that is indeed cost effective at scale
Awesome video, thanks for sharing
ОтветитьThis method does not work in cloudy or even slightly overcast skies (veil, diffuse radiation), only in direct sunlight and a clear sky.
And in direct sunlight it reduces efficiency and increases the need to clean the mirrors.
10 min of talking and 0 min of producing useful energy
Ответитьutiliser un tracker augmenterait le rendement
ОтветитьGreat video, very professional.
Ответитьi wonder if automatisation of the solar angle adjustment is viable on larger scale farms
ОтветитьSo....I assume this does not work in a drought affected area like north Mexico and south USA.
Ответитьnice setup
ОтветитьSlava Ukraine! Amazing video. I hope to visit your country someday.
ОтветитьHow do you figure out the angles for your fresnel style reflector? Are they able to be dead reckoned? Or is there a proper formula?
ОтветитьDude I wouldn’t be holding my hand near that light. You’re gonna end up with skin cancer!
ОтветитьI think you should produce and sell individual solar kit. This will allow you to start
ОтветитьМолодец! Давно уже наблюдаю за вашими экспериментами! Отличная работа!
ОтветитьYou really need to read Normal Accidents by Charles Perrow. It will give you some ideas about how to design your mirrors.
ОтветитьAny cloud or any rain in Ukr ? Maybe the knight is suny there, on winter and summer ... 😊
ОтветитьWhat is the purpose of producing same videos without any addidtional information? You have over 50 videos with same content showing no progress on your projects.
ОтветитьПочему бы не использовать это тепло для нагрева трубок с водой (антифризом)? Можно отапливать дом, плюс например подумать о получении электричества элементами Пельтье или той же турбиной из перепада температур
ОтветитьMy man, you are a kind of Genious who declared war against the big Energy companies.
I love it. GG well played.
Thanks for sharing.
With these panels you concentrate the heat in one point. But how do you transform this heat into electricity ?
ОтветитьTalvez funcione como aquecedor de água para acionamento de algum mecanismo a vapor. Termoelétrica. Nao sei, mas parece viável para lugares isolados.
ОтветитьBravi bravi ragazzi questa tecnologia aiuterà il mondo ma è importante che finisca la guerra basta morti , così possiamo procedere a scambiare invenzioni al mondo servono i russi gli ucraini tutte le nazioni infatti ecco vedi che risultato🎉
ОтветитьПриветствую 🖐️
Сергей, а что за плёнку используете в качестве отражателя?
Дорого стоит?
Какой коэфициент отражения?
И если може скиньте ссылку где купить.
Дякую Вам, Сергій!
ОтветитьHi Sergiy, your videos are really inspiring! I was worried you had to stop because of circumstances, really hope you will stay safe. What i am curious about is how you transport the absorbed energy more in detail. You allready gave the example of the sandbattery but as water as a medium will start boiling, how to transport and store it in there? I made myself a few small mirrors in different shapes but get stuck (bit scared) by transporting 200 C and up of medium.
ОтветитьСлава Україні! Героям Слава!
ОтветитьCan't wait this guy to discover CNC lasers for creating both big structural ribs and mirror ribs. It will enhance his product bringing better accuracy and quicker production with constant results.
ОтветитьThis design is very similar to a German patent: DE102011003663A1. Hans Graßmann called it a linear mirror in 2010. The special feature is that all the mirrors are controlled by just two - later three - motors. You adjust the alignment of the mirrors to the sunlight. I like your channel. Machen is good, Mr. Graßman also built his mirrors himself. Isomorph was the name of the company. Unfortunately, it didn't make it.
ОтветитьAwesome! This has definitely given me something to think about!
Ответитьexcelente audio en español. gracias
ОтветитьИнтересно, англоязычные понимают твой английский? Первые фразы были отличные, думал вся озвучка будет такая. Это ИИ?
ОтветитьThrowing away all that plastic regularly is a major downside. Would love to see a more durable alternative.
ОтветитьFun, but of little practical value.