Why I wear GLOVES. The real reason... (my journey of dealing with Focal dystonia)

Why I wear GLOVES. The real reason... (my journey of dealing with Focal dystonia)

Scott's Bass Lessons

8 месяцев назад

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Shifty Bat
Shifty Bat - 16.10.2023 20:44

I remember that clip from back in the day where you explained it because I was new to the channel and recall I just assumed you didn't want to wear down the neck and strings to save money over time, museum curator style. Silly me.

colmwatulike dedazio
colmwatulike dedazio - 16.10.2023 16:09

Im a sufferer from CMT (peripheral neuropathy) and was just planning to start to play bass to fulfill a life long desire and to help me overcome the gradual debilitation that comes with the deal....So i have been successful to a great degree by avoiding certain foods that i love (tomateos, peppers,+) which attack the nervous system .On the plus side i learned that beansprouts and live enzyme foods(veg,fruit, sprouts from alfalfa) and particularly the twin sprouted leaves from SUNFLOWER SEEDS sprouted to about 1". 2" . Whatever the unique power of sprouted sunflower seeds is incredibly good for repairing damaged nervous system , which can be caused by childhood vaccines as in my case. I hope this helps somebody .

colmwatulike dedazio
colmwatulike dedazio - 16.10.2023 15:57

Wow , that was an unexpected story behind what i thought was but a curious ideosyncreatic choice or something that totally spares the strings from the oils and grime accumulation , but wow was that harrowing story a surprise . So there is always something more and new to be learned . Im glad to hear the story had such a happy ending . praise the Lord who was behind that parting remark .Happy Days mate .

Very Survival
Very Survival - 16.10.2023 14:30

Snooker referees wear white gloves to keep their balls clean

karel kalaf
karel kalaf - 16.10.2023 14:10

Man, you're a fighter. Well done on not giving up.

Mac Jackson
Mac Jackson - 16.10.2023 14:09

pure hero!!

Henrique Henriques Music Mind
Henrique Henriques Music Mind - 16.10.2023 14:06

I've always asked myself why you wore gloves. And I thought of a few hypothesis like psoriasis, or excessive production of sweat, or other skin related condition, but I never would have considered a neurological one.

That is a complicated situation... glad you could find a way to deal with it, and kinda by pass it.

Thomas Marshall
Thomas Marshall - 16.10.2023 13:38

I were gloves cuz I have dry skin and my fingers split open easy.

Nic Burrows
Nic Burrows - 16.10.2023 09:32

Well done for the video. I don't even play bass but I watched you in other videos and really wondered about the gloves. Thanks for the Short video - I watched it and was like "Huh? How about that. Good on him and I hope it helps someone else". Fascinating to hear you talking on this and it is a broader learning about overcoming stigma to commit to what you are passionate about.

B Miller
B Miller - 16.10.2023 07:47

So glad you persisted and pulling for a future where remediation will be an option. Our progress with AI is going to render huge lists of medical treatments we can't even imagine today.

MC Peko
MC Peko - 16.10.2023 06:07

Interesting! 👊

thomas hudson
thomas hudson - 16.10.2023 05:22

WOW man, I always wondered but holy crap!! I am happy you found out the solution. Well kinda the solution but something, better than nothing.

Brian Stidd
Brian Stidd - 15.10.2023 20:58

Its actually a good thing you always have to explain the reason why you wear the gloves. To me, it says that you are getting new viewers 🤘

Cynical Viking
Cynical Viking - 15.10.2023 20:49

4 minutes in to this video and I sitting here wondering ….. WHY DO YOU WEAR THE BLOODY GLOVES ?! It seemed he was about to tell us then….. oh no “let me go back”. I am now clicking away from this video.

Сергей Протасов
Сергей Протасов - 15.10.2023 17:21

Just want to say thank you. Your content has changed my life about 3 years ago, since you point me to Weather Report exact songs that I hav listen to (Havona, Teen Town, and Punk Jazzz). It is literally changed my perception of misic. Your taste is brilliant!

Jason Sypher
Jason Sypher - 15.10.2023 15:24

Good man. Why people care about such trifles I’ll never know. You sound great.

Wingus McDingus
Wingus McDingus - 15.10.2023 14:14

Haven’t we had this video about 10 times already?

Max de Kok
Max de Kok - 15.10.2023 13:07

Hey Scott ! What kind of gloves do you use? My friend tried using gloves, but he kept on gettering buzzes and noise because there was a grounding issue ... Thanks for the video !

Hawk - 15.10.2023 09:16

God bless brother.

Joe Kelley
Joe Kelley - 15.10.2023 06:00

No focal dystonia here, but I did fall asleep for about 3 hours at my desk with my forehead resting on my forearm, that was resting on the edge of my desktop, and killed the nerve that wen to my right hand and wrist. I'd raise my forearm, and my hand would just hang down, unable to raise it or straighten out my fingers. I could still grip things, but I couldn't make my hand open back up. It would release whatever I was gripping at least. I could still pluck the strings, but it was difficult putting the bass on. I would be able to grip it, but I had to raise my arm up to get it over my head. I could still pluck the strings, but since I couldn't straighten my finger back out, I had to lean forward a bit, and let gravity stretch my finger out enough to pluck the string again. All the fingers were affected. I couldn't play 16th notes, but I managed. While I do a lot of things right handed, I'm actually left handed on things like writing, shaving, or eating lol. It took 6 months for the nerve to grow back, and I'm glad it did.

Frank Huizar
Frank Huizar - 14.10.2023 23:40

Thanks so for this video. I was around before and knew some of the details. So thankful you were so tenacious in finding a fix.

Every once in a while, I will end up with arthritis in my left hand, and it freaks me out, because playing bass and guitar is so important to me.
My wife is a yoga therapist, and helps me with stretches and therapy to help battle this issue. BTW-your channel is a gift to all of us no-name, “just a hobby, that we love” bass players out here. We’ll continue to soldier on!

D S - 14.10.2023 23:19

Man.. I know your pain sort of... it sucks when your hands don't work right, I don't lose motor function of my fingers but I do lose nerve feeling.... I have "raynaud's phenomenon." I'm sure you've heard of it trying to figure out what was wrong... for those who don't know the best way to describe it is... a sudden shift of temperature from a warm house to a colder environment like 32°F (0°C) my fingers and toes start hypothermia, I lose almost all my blood in my fingers and sometimes toes to the point they turn pure white, you could cut off my finger and I wouldn't feel it and when I do warm them up with Luke warm water you can literally see the blood flow return slowly, if I do it too fast my fingers will swell and my nerves throb... it has limited me in what type of work I can do... people don't understand why I wear gloves for times I'm outside, and it's only 45°F until I show them what happens if I don't

19RH71 - 14.10.2023 22:55

Victor Wooten supposedly suffers from musician’s dystonia

Hutton Steel
Hutton Steel - 14.10.2023 22:04

Many thanks for this video Scott. It has been inspiring as well as informative. My finger ends have suffered from a degree of numbness which was caused by a course of chemotherapy. I was wondering if the gloves would help me and would like to know where you get your gloves. It’s worth a shot. Kind Regards, Hutton Steel

Ales Kozelj
Ales Kozelj - 14.10.2023 18:11

Focal dystonia can get pretty messy, but its definitely possible to overcome it! I'm not at 100% yet but its better every week 🙏

Quest4Tube - 14.10.2023 18:05

I’ve been through a less serious issue. It’s never fun and very hard. You’re a champion.

3rdGen Media
3rdGen Media - 14.10.2023 10:46

You've remade videos explaining your gloves for years

SMP2390 - 14.10.2023 07:30

How did your brain rewired it self?

cmacdhon - 14.10.2023 06:29

Sorry Scott. I have to disagree. It is "their" fault for harassing you over the gloves. There is NO REASON to call a dude out simply for wear gloves while playing bass. The anonymity of the internet brings out the dark (and stupid) side of some people.

sparkyumr - 14.10.2023 04:44

Victor Wooten and Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse) have both publicly discussed their issues with focal dystonia.

Kurt Weeks
Kurt Weeks - 13.10.2023 20:39

I had no idea about this disorder. At the start of the video, I was thinking it was to reduce wear on strings/body while playing. Good to be aware.

GRAN TIGER GAMING - 13.10.2023 20:06

If you ever see this comment, you might want to experiment with drastically raising your electrolyte intake. I am not a doctor by any means, but I've had some nerve issues that went away what feels like 100% after increasing natural and supplemental electrolytes (coconut water, hydrating produce, nuun tablets, magnesium, magnese, potassium, etc.). I also reduced foods that cause inflammation, but yeah intuitively it makes sense to me since electrolytes help carry the electric signals from the brain to the body.

The Garage
The Garage - 13.10.2023 17:04

I use the white linen gloves that you use for handling collector coins, cds and such and cut the fingers out of them. Why? Because i have really sweaty palms and its hard for me to slide up and down the neck. i tried using powder but it was super messy and the gloves work well to prevent that stickiness. Yep tried them because of you. Thanks!

Jerry Crow
Jerry Crow - 13.10.2023 15:34

I started wearing gloves when drumming, due to RSI. So yea, a great tool. Why not fingerless tho?

Kenny Spears
Kenny Spears - 13.10.2023 12:43

That’s amazing, it’s very inspiring to see how you didn’t let those obstacles to stop you from pushing forward and doing what you love. Great video. 😎🎸🎶⚡️💥

Martin Whitham
Martin Whitham - 13.10.2023 11:45

I remember hearing a guy talking on the radio sometime ago. He could no longer play the drums anymore. He had played drums since he was a boy, but he could no longer control his wrist properly.
Very sad. Hope things go well, all the best.

Frankie Banjo
Frankie Banjo - 13.10.2023 08:16

Hey Scott, just found your channel, I have a pinched ganglion nerve between my first and second knuckle on my right hand from years of banjo ... I'm on the waiting list in Oz for treatment. Just wondering where I can get a pair of those gloves? Cheers bro Frankie🪕

Nes Jo
Nes Jo - 13.10.2023 05:30

Blah, blah, blah…..

Nes Jo
Nes Jo - 13.10.2023 05:30

Again……this cap…..what is under this cap????

Rocko Star
Rocko Star - 13.10.2023 04:19

Needed yellow gloves for this vid.

StarWarsOnPiano - 13.10.2023 01:46

He already made this video years ago

Richard Dickinson
Richard Dickinson - 13.10.2023 00:40

It occurs in the lips and embouchure of brass players sometimes. I know a couple people that have lost a significant portion of their playing range as a result. Always one of the more terrifying things that could happen.

Dan Peltier
Dan Peltier - 12.10.2023 23:22

you're a good man to come out with this. hope all go's good for you. keep rocking.

HHJJ - 12.10.2023 22:45

Have you tried track mitts?

SeriousRodger - 12.10.2023 21:39

Nearly 30 minute video?
Could’ve been summed up in the most 30 seconds

Audio Mix Expert
Audio Mix Expert - 12.10.2023 20:04

Massive respect for not giving up on your dream job and finding a solution that works for you. Super inspiring. Keep up the good work!

Alien Wayfarer
Alien Wayfarer - 12.10.2023 18:04

Can’t stop noticing the top horn of the bass looks like a banana. 🍌

D M - 12.10.2023 17:17

So he went to everyone first, except for a real doctor.

Smooth Cannibal
Smooth Cannibal - 12.10.2023 15:23

Was not the direction I saw that going. I figured when I saw the gloves it was because you had a nickel allergy and didn't like stainless strings. To anyone that sees this comment, if your hands itch like mad when you play guitar, it's probably an allergy to the nickel wound strings. try a stainless set or wear a glove. More common than you might think.
