CULTURE SHOCK | Americans First Impressions of Spain

CULTURE SHOCK | Americans First Impressions of Spain


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@rrn7689 - 09.03.2025 00:40

If you want to add more salt to a meal ask the waiter, it´s free.

@inigoacha1134 - 09.03.2025 01:01

Great video very nice to watch it ❤❤❤

@Benito-lr8mz - 09.03.2025 01:34

La verdad es que los Yanquis no ne caen bien y veo bastantes a diario aunque no interacciono claro ; mas seguramente que Españoles en un pais inmenso y con casi 7 veces mas poblacion que España como es E.Unidos

@joaquininfantesbandera1449 - 09.03.2025 01:36


@jalc-d5t - 09.03.2025 01:47

The bread is toasted, how do you want the bread to be?

@rlmtrelomatt7390 - 09.03.2025 01:49

I think that Cachito is a South American Restaurante. None of the dishes are Spanish. Nice video. PS, the letter 'Z' in European Spanish is pronounced similar to the english TH. So Chorizo is pronounced Choritho and not Choritso. have fun. Shame how you were treated by Expedia.

@begonaprada7187 - 09.03.2025 01:53

Estos precios son tan buenos pq es temporada baja, vete en Julio, Agosto o Septiembre y verás q no es lo mismo

@LauraPD - 09.03.2025 02:11

Conil! One of my favourite places on earth! 🥰 I've enjoyed my summer holidays there since I was a little child 💜 Love from Extremadura.

@robertoperez4118 - 09.03.2025 03:32

Your videos are beautiful. 👍

@MrTmiket0007 - 09.03.2025 03:54

Thanks so much for sharing another wonderful video like always

@jal051 - 09.03.2025 04:05

Cheesecake in Spain is most of the times eaten with a spoon.

@joaquggg - 09.03.2025 04:07

Aprende español, bueno para ir por España...y luego, chino.

@Mordahay - 09.03.2025 04:14

Me encanta vuestro viaje, no obstante no es de extrañar tanto paisaje montañoso, somos el segundo país más montañoso de Europa, yo os recomendaría mi tierra natal en alguna ruta, que son las islas canarias.

@chandlerchandelier - 09.03.2025 04:17

I loved seeing the Spanish Mountain Villages. They look so peaceful. The Mountain climbing looked beautiful but also scary; IDK if I could have walked on the wires. I was hoping you would be able to visit the town of Ronda for at least a day. It is on my list of places to visit. It has an amazing stone bridge at the top of the mountains that spans over a gorge with waterfalls and a stream; it looks like it's from a fairy tale. I can't wait to see your adventure in Morocco!

@rhondalyn100 - 09.03.2025 04:52

What a lovely capture of a very pretty part of Spain! The beach, the mountains...all breathtakingly beautiful! My knees were weak when watching the two of you on the Via Ferrata! It looked so scary from my viewpoint! It's nice to see you enjoying Europe; I'm so glad you had a great time. 🙂

@javiermartingonzalez4759 - 09.03.2025 15:37

In summer thousand of turist are in the beach, amazing place ❤

@Canal-BibliaTV - 09.03.2025 15:44

Excelente....os felicito por este reportaje tan bueno👍🙂

@zonzamas666 - 09.03.2025 17:28

Se nota que prefieren comer guarrería antes que comida sana.

@antoniocuevas8457 - 09.03.2025 20:19

Precioso vídeo, espero q lo pasarais bien!! Bienvenidos a España!!

@civildefense - 09.03.2025 20:35

This is the first video I've watched from this channel and I really liked it. I've been looking into moving to Spain from the United States for a little while now. While no country is perfect, Spain looks so much better than the USA right now.

@equerol1396 - 09.03.2025 21:14

Un consejo para esos viajeros que solo consultan con google, "preguntando se va a Roma" ¡Hablen con los lugareños!

@raph485 - 09.03.2025 22:43

That not quite a horse not quite a mini horse is a pony! Ponies tend to have thicker coats and are used more as pack animals than regular sized horses.

@leireteneria7573 - 09.03.2025 23:51

Hope you'll visit north of Spain, because you'll see is very different.

@Planispherea - 10.03.2025 01:14

Spain is incredible - food, history, people and sights. You’ll enjoy Portugal also!

@Anigashi - 10.03.2025 12:33

Comgratulations for the video. It seems he is less picky about food, eh!😜 You have to try the non vegan sweets the nuns make in the convents, some nums also sell them online, the "pastas" from Trinitarias de Quintanar🤌🏻. I hope you are encouraged to try the fish or squid stews with potatoes and peppers 🤌🏻
You will surely find many dishes that you will like in the great variety of each province, which varies greatly from one province to another. Have fun!

@BobCarlson - 10.03.2025 14:35

Back in the olden days before internet, gps, cell phones and only paper maps, I used to travel with some reservations, and some just wing it. There were a few laughable experiences but more often than not, the travel angels would be riding with us and we tripped across some very memorable hotels and activities. That rock climb….. not a chance.

@MathiasSchwaben - 10.03.2025 17:42

There is an incredibly impressive canyon where you spent the night unplanned, which can be reached via a wonderful hiking trail. Another road leads from El Colmenar directly into the nature park. You were already very close to paradise there 🙂

@txipiron - 10.03.2025 18:03

this area is windy, famous spot for windsurf a<nd kitesurf

@antonioneiro4948 - 10.03.2025 19:37

Hombre si al menos entendiera lo que se dice

@albertmas3752 - 10.03.2025 19:47

Now you understand why small hatchbacks are so common in Europe. They are perfect for our roads and towns. In cities size matters because parking space is scarce, in towns the narrow streets and roads with so may curves VW Golf or an even smaller car is perfect.
That pistachio cake probably needed to be eaten cold, just out of the fridge as most of these kind of cakes do. I love it when plans break but can find a solution (obviously I don't like losing the money for the hotel cancellation). Most of the times these solutions aren't as good as you would want but when you find a nice place like that hotel by a struck of luck, you enjoy 100 times more than you imagined.
The bad part of driving yourselves is that the driver can't enjoy the views as much as they'd like for obvious reasons. But most small town roads are probably the best part of the trip. And when it comes to Spain, even more in the north. The south is drier so the landscape is less varied. The north has plenty of water and as deep woods are more common the landmark is much differently pleasant to the eye. Not better, just more varied.

@ahoraya1047 - 10.03.2025 19:56

Andalusía is the second poorest región from Spain, so the equivalente to Louisiana.

@JonUbick - 10.03.2025 20:42

American living in Sitges Spain 8 years there is always crushed tomato on sandwiches maybe a Catalan thing maybe what was happening?

@segalindoa - 10.03.2025 23:10

Are you actually complaining about the menu being in spanish... in Spain?

@XIII-Stripes - 10.03.2025 23:22

This has become my go-to relaxation channel...I really enjoy the new longer format, and I hope you are benefiting from it as well...👍....It's nice to see the new faces, and nice convo's in chat with every new video....Thanks for sharing!...see you on the next one! 👏💪😎

@yemnycastillocordero5004 - 10.03.2025 23:36

Guys, Spanish culinary culture is incredible... I love Spain so much!

@marcom6089 - 11.03.2025 05:59

Y’all are doing an amazing job with your vlogging through Spain. Thank you for sharing with us. 😊

@carlosvafo7845 - 11.03.2025 11:33

Me da la sensación que los estadounidenses, empezais a descubrir que el mundo no empieza ni acaba en EEUU. Cuando EEUU no existía España era una potencial cultural y militar, éramos dueños de medio mundo. No olvideís que España os ayudó a conseguir la independència de Inglaterra.

@Violet-qp2jr - 11.03.2025 14:45

Hi, there, I am spanish from Madrid. Just a recommendation, when you want to get off. in a certain stop of the route in the bus, simply ask the driver to let you know, when you have to get out.
If you dont know spanish, show the driver, the name of the place where you have to get off

@fernandomarquez8744 - 11.03.2025 14:47

Han visitado Tenerife?

@carmenkernan4477 - 11.03.2025 16:59

Don’t forget these small towns have bee around for hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago. Before there were cars and most people either walked or rode a horse.

@josuonandia3156 - 11.03.2025 18:55

"Conil de la frontera" means, as you can imagine, "Conil in the frontier". The reason is that it was part of the border of the last kingdom of the moors in Spain: Kingdom of Granada.
That's why there are a lot of castles. Just a bit of historical context.
I've enjoyed your video. A suggestion for the next trip, all the north coast and in particular my land: the Basque Country.

@purimateos2969 - 11.03.2025 20:39

No son pasteles , son polvorones jjj , tipicos de Navidad , normalmente antes de quitar el emboltorio se aprieta con la mano , para q no se deshaga .

@jramonlavin3485 - 11.03.2025 23:06

Estáis cerca de la US naval base de Rota.

@franciscotorres4702 - 11.03.2025 23:37

muchos yankis descubren cuando i vienen a españa que su pais , no es lo que les habian vendido , españa tiene de todo

@JamesCrichton-m1g - 12.03.2025 01:23

When you mentioned about the prices in Spain, do remember that unlike the States the staff are paid a living wage with healthcare and paid vacations. Tipping in the States has become a joke, especially when asked to tip in fast food restaurants.

@epg8638 - 12.03.2025 02:01

Se extrañan y sorprenden porque esperaban encontrar un país tercermundista y comprueban que estamos bastante civilizados, adaptados a las tecnologías y con infraestructuras dignas en todos los campos: transportes, comunicaciones, etc. Hasta en el pueblo más alejado de la capital.

@cristo.012 - 12.03.2025 04:38

Halló soy de las Islas Canarias espero qué algun dia nos visites en septiembre boy a viajar a Nueva York y los ángeles california estados Unidos es el mejor pais del mundo 🇺🇲✝️🇪🇦🙏

@Explorcation - 08.03.2025 18:06

Were you surprised by any of the similarities or differences we experienced during our time in the more rural areas of Spain?

Also, do you think Skylar could throw a football over those mountains 😂
