A Minimalist Approach to YouTube - How I DOUBLED My Views!

A Minimalist Approach to YouTube - How I DOUBLED My Views!

Gareth Lamb

10 дней назад

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@tube-master - 28.02.2025 18:08

I like your minimalist approach for everithing ✌️i get so so caught up in making my videos perfect 🙃

@UppiliVentures - 28.02.2025 18:44

perfectionism is the issue for me

@fragglefragmentedmind - 28.02.2025 20:06

I tried scripting. It was horrible.. this YT malarky can have you in the mindset of 'keeping up with the Joneses'. Ditching that idea has served me well. If people dont like my content I cant help that, but I can help being authentic and that means more to me. There are no magick pills for this YT game.

@Matt_SD - 28.02.2025 20:14

This is a lightbulb moment. I took 13 days to try to "perfect" my next video. I'm new to editing and learning & trying to make it look like the videos I've watched in my research. I'm not there yet. So I'm gonna upload it with some imperfections. Then I can go on the next idea. thank you for this video.

@louisea.7736 - 28.02.2025 21:18

This is SO helpful.

@omarhalichannel - 28.02.2025 21:54

Great video, this is very helpful. I tried the high effort video approach a long time ago and you’re absolutely right, it is difficult to keep it up especially if the videos don’t do well. After watching many videos including this one I’ve decided I’ll give this approach a try. Keeping things simple and moving forward then later on make improvements. I also want to take the approach of more authentic content. Thank you for this!

@sicario4973 - 28.02.2025 21:57

Hello Gary I sent you a mail while ago about working together. I’ll appreciate it if I can get a reply on what you think about my proposal.

@SoulCareOver50 - 01.03.2025 00:35

In my previous videos, I added b-rolls and music. But recently, I've been doing walk and talk videos with minimal editing. I've just been authentic and this seems to resonate with so many people. It's really helped grow my audience 😀

@ThreeFiddyChannel - 01.03.2025 02:09

I recently picked up my new iPhone 16 Pro Max in Covent Garden Apple store a few days ago (even vlogged myself doing so) ... for the sole purpose of recording in 4K 60fps, editing, creating thumbnails and uploading to YT all on one device. I use natural light where possible during the day.

Absolutely agree to keep things simple, energy/effort & time efficient when creating vlogs/content.

@jeremyiweeks - 01.03.2025 03:33

I love the behind the scenes of your recording studio set up. Your content is great. Thanks for being so generous with your advice.

@gardentours - 01.03.2025 04:51

It's good to have a buffer of content 👍

@make_lifesimple - 01.03.2025 08:02

If you're just starting out, don't lose heart! Growth may be slow, but every step forward brings you closer to success.

@thelifewaver - 01.03.2025 14:41

Gareth, you're awesome buddy. Thank you for just being you...I've gotten a lot from you, much appreciated, brother 👊

@doingthingsdifferently - 01.03.2025 18:23

Hey Gareth, I like your desk, may i ask where you got it from?

@Ranitvisuals - 01.03.2025 19:18

Hey Gareth,
Loved your videos ❤
Your content has been fantastic, and it's only getting better.
I've been thinking—do you think there's room for a collaborative effort in video editing? I'd love to join your team as an editor.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

@HellmansKitchen - 01.03.2025 20:08

Agreed - I started my cooking channel with nicer cameras, had a huge learning curve which led to not producing as many videos. Took me a while to figure out keeping it simple is a great way to get that momentum going, reducing as much friction (setting up elaborate lights, sound, etc) as possible while focusing on the story more. I’m just approaching the 1k view every couple videos mark, with a couple outliers with this new style. Good video man, keep it going!

@KimHenriksen. - 02.03.2025 09:42


@thesimplechapter - 02.03.2025 15:35

I really needed to hear this. I’ve been simplifying my content lately with the help from your course and it’s made such a difference. I used to overthink everything, but now it feels so much easier to stay consistent. It’s like a weight has been lifted—thank you for sharing this!

@hotshotknicks - 02.03.2025 19:03

Thank you

@Soraiya - 03.03.2025 06:59

Hi Gareth! I saw Mike Bayer's note on Skool about you, and I'm so glad I came to check you out. Thanks for sharing your experience, and tips!

@AnythingAboutBasketball - 03.03.2025 12:12

Thanks for sharing. Hoping to have 1,000 subscribers soon 🙏🏻

@Petitpeucouture - 03.03.2025 13:18

I only have an iPhone and an external mic😂

@GarethWilliamsLifesSecondHalf - 03.03.2025 14:13

Hooray! First person I've seen (other than me) using the Insta360 to record content. Having finally (nearly) overcome perfectionism I have set the key rule to be "One Day" everything has to be done from idea to upload in a day....

@Justnspired - 03.03.2025 14:30

You are right simplicity wins. We are going to start implementing this immediately, and of course getting better as we go —great video!

@ConnectwithinTV-0.22 - 03.03.2025 14:46

People care more about how our content makes them feel than about minor editing details. By focusing on emotional resonance of our content, we can create a deeper connection with our audience.
They see themselves in our stories, and that's what truly matters🩷🫶

@JackieDElia - 03.03.2025 15:03

Thank you for sharing this. Very helpful.

@suyashhvarma - 03.03.2025 17:32

Progress > Perfection. Don't dwell on too many things - just publish that video, there are amazing things waiting ahead.

@tommilano5431 - 03.03.2025 17:46

Appreciate this Gareth. The minimalist approach really helps! I enjoy the walk and talk videos, and more simple, minimal editing videos.

@goodthompson - 04.03.2025 03:27

Love seeing the setup! I’m with you. The easier the better for me🙌🏽

@New_era_vlogz - 04.03.2025 04:45

Let’s grow let’s connect 🔗

@infinitebloom-d3e - 04.03.2025 05:09

i love this conversation. i'm a minimalist/ essentialist with the rest of my life and i love extanding that to YT. really want to stick w using my phone to keep it easy and challenge myself to make the best films I can on my phone with an external mic and simple tripod. that interests me. limiting myself and "forcing" creativity.

@JoshGonsalves - 04.03.2025 06:02

Great video! It's very true. Keeping it simple is the way to go. Put more time into packaging and keep the video itself super simple.

@PrincessJamora - 04.03.2025 20:57

Great vid!

@DailyDan-vlogs - 05.03.2025 01:11

How can i get noticed as a vlogger

@DAYZSMOND - 05.03.2025 03:49

honeslty i am going to just post an post how i thoguht i want bc i was having fun an its easy an thats my vibe

@brainharrington - 07.03.2025 04:40

Lot of good stuff here
