7 Hardest Mini-Games We Hope To Never Play Again

7 Hardest Mini-Games We Hope To Never Play Again

Final Fantasy Union

4 года назад

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Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 20.08.2023 15:02

I have played a Few Final Fantasy games. and my biggest Enemy is Lulu's Ultima Weapon. i Never achived it to dodge those 200 Lightnings. no matter what guide i follow. my patience just isnt that great to do 200 perfect clicks in half an hour... i finished FFX several times from zero to 99.9% defeated Penance 5 times, did the chockobo race in my 3th try, but never had Lulu's Ultima weapon :( I think thats the Hardest in EVERY single Final Fantasy game. since i managed to do most of the things in this list. like Blitzball, it is one of the easyest, but most boaring if you dont like it. Same with chockobo breeding in FF7. or even the 1000 rope chalange, the Lightnings take up way more time to focus, and this is what kills me. Not a single minigame makes me that furious like those damn 200 Lightings :D I rather do everything in this List, then 1 more time those damn thunderplains 🙈

Bleach Gems
Bleach Gems - 01.08.2023 12:41

I know I'm going to get some hate for this but blizball is awesome

Comfort Zone Comic
Comfort Zone Comic - 30.06.2023 23:20

Love ff . H8 these things. Oh well

Guardian978 - 28.06.2023 04:13

I absolutely HATE the minigame aspects of the FF series. I dont think I ever enjoyed a single one of them. So speak for your fricking selves, FFU. If I never play another FF minigame (and since I've been out of the gaming landscape for a decade, I probably won't), it'll be too soon.

Another reason the NES and SNES games were better than the soyny ones, NO DAMNED MINIGAMES

Blaze Neko
Blaze Neko - 07.06.2023 14:53

I was told that the jump rope get harder on the FF9HD because the frame rate was faster

West .Raz
West .Raz - 04.06.2023 10:58

I saw someone on Reddit made a song to help prop them in FF9 jump rope and got 1,000

Tim Sheehan
Tim Sheehan - 02.06.2023 23:00

For some reason , butterfly catching on ffx drove me more crazy than the catcher chocobo- neither were very fun for 11 year old me

Steady Stackin'
Steady Stackin' - 16.05.2023 19:26

I think the most frustrating part about some of these games is that they are not actually fun - just annoying.

Rem - 10.05.2023 04:39

lmao the cartman transitions

Nocturnal - 09.05.2023 03:55

Devs who add mini games are Evil.

Phunbaba - 23.04.2023 18:17

That FF7 rock, paper, scissors mini game troll got my 13 yr old self and my buddy back in ‘98. Of course back then we didn’t know it was unbeatable and just thought we were doing it wrong 😅😂
Regardless it took us long enough just to get to that 5th fighter on it own.
Never played it again after that day.

Flow State
Flow State - 18.04.2023 21:13

Hippopaul racing is easy af, put lightning dodging in its place

IncognitaEX - 27.03.2023 19:02

FFX was a traumatizing experience for me. the game even had the audacity of making you litteraly chase butterflies. That's insulting to the player. Sorry, fans. I really hated the shit stuff in that game.

Zeronite - 27.03.2023 16:45

is there a final fantasy party game? there should be.

Xen Xander
Xen Xander - 24.03.2023 15:20

the jump rope.. I did over 5k.. but got bored and fatigue was setting in, so I purposefully stopped. I was in the zone though.

R33fer Madn3ss
R33fer Madn3ss - 23.03.2023 06:26

I love that you referenced the Absolute Steve FF7 guide it's been a godsend as I replay FF7 it's amazing how much you can forget about a game that you beat 20 years ago lol

William Colon
William Colon - 23.03.2023 03:40

This video just gave me nightmares of these damn games lol

Dark Star
Dark Star - 27.02.2023 13:49

I hate anything so hard it approaches or matches dark souls.
I hope they go out of business for having such a restricted fan group of saddists to compete with better games.
There is a fine line between a fight so hard while you are a few levels under levelled that you shake with adrenaline for a few minutes after you win as apposed to becoming an obsessed psycho sky jumping with adrenaline hundreds of times as you try to take down a nightmare boss when you didnt choose nightmare mode.
Take your platinum trophy and shove it so far up ya that you can smell the thing.

Strapping Young Ladam
Strapping Young Ladam - 17.01.2023 22:38

Every time I do an FFX run and remember I have to do that Chocobo race I get an immediate sensation of dread.

Iceman 420
Iceman 420 - 11.01.2023 09:02

Boxing I'll NEVER play AGAIN no hell no fuck that game and all mini games in 10 hell no not worth the headache

Denis Folcik
Denis Folcik - 09.01.2023 05:12

After playing the FF7 remaster on PS4, which was a blast because of the cheats, since I just wanted to play through for the story and not have to grind to get through it. I was so disappointed in the FF9 one. The cheats weren't worth it since going into Trance took so damn long.

I would love to replay old RPGs from the older systems again, just don't have the time to put in the grind to complete them. Would love if they got re-released with "cheats". There is no reason that single player games shouldn't still have them. Or at the very least, include them after you beat a game. That way people who play games for a challenge still can do that, and those who want to just enjoy the story have that option.

No Ones Business
No Ones Business - 23.11.2022 14:20

In ffx lightning dodge was way harder than chocobo baloon dodge and i tried using the guides

WhiteRaito - 03.11.2022 06:48

I agree with the FFX both Capture Chocobo and the one that you need to race the Champion chocobo without hitting the pole are the hardest and the most infuriating minigame that i wish i never again to play at least with that kind of control. It took the total of around 8-9 hrs doing both.

I feel like i actually somewhat broke the dpad (not actually broke but it feels less springy) of my DS 4 just because i did both race back to back. Lightning dodge actually feels okay its just you need to concentrate fully still it took me like idk 3-4 hrs ish to do it.

Luckily its not as bad as the infamous Yakuza/ Like a Dragon Kiwami with haruka request Billiard mini game and PS4 version of Lost Judgment puyo puyo. both took me like almost a week of continuous try which is like 20-30 hrs each.

As for Hippo i do not have problem with it but the rope jump oof i use script lol still took quite a while like 2 days of checkiing with latency etc

Adam McLaughlin
Adam McLaughlin - 06.09.2022 12:59

I'm just playing FF8 for the first time (the obtuse mechanics always put me off). Triple Triad must surely be the best mini game of all time. How did we go from this to Chocobo Hot & Cold and Blitzball??

Chris - 08.08.2022 19:43

the racing i got very fast, but i never did the lightning one for lulus onion knight...

Huw Badham
Huw Badham - 04.08.2022 05:21

Honestly, this list could be made entirely of FFX minigames and I wouldn't have a problem with it. Blitzball just isn't interesting enough to warrant as much time as it takes to get everything you need for Wakka, the lightning dodging in the Thunder Plains is just plain evil, and there's a special place in hell for that chocobo lady in the Calm Lands. I've won them all in legitimate ways on previous playthroughs and now whenever I play I use a save editor without feeling even the slightest pang of guilt. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Lolly - 01.08.2022 19:42

I had to do Yuna's memory challenge by myself, because my sister didn't want to help. Even though I did her sphere break tournament for her. Speaking of I really liked sphere break. So didn't actually mind getting the lady luck sphere twice.

Taric Alani
Taric Alani - 01.08.2022 06:29

This is exactly why I play old games on emulators, so I can use savestates. Thank God most modern games avoid this bullshit... most of them.

Travis Dawson
Travis Dawson - 31.07.2022 22:58

the worst one for me was the butterflies in FFX...i know the chocobo race is the poster child for punishing minigames, but i never even bothered trying to do that one. the butterfly chase in the forest seemed like it was doable, so i spent hours and hours trying...the moment when i finally just gave up on it is legitimately one of THE most satisfying moments i've had in any video game

William F. Drake
William F. Drake - 26.07.2022 20:27

For me Blitzball nor the Chocobo races in FFX are in my list of hard Mini-Games. Heck I played Blitzball monts on end just for fun to max out every player and get their abilitys.

kalonZombie - 25.07.2022 18:53

Am I the only one who would rather do Chocobo Racing over Blitzball again? Chocobo Racing only took me like 20 minutes. Doing Blitzball is an exercise in tedium of "Pass ball to Tidus, use Jecht shot close to goal, repeat" for 8 hours to get all of Wakka's stuff.

Grind Smore
Grind Smore - 25.07.2022 05:21

Thanks for the warning. I'm definitely staying away from that calibration game in FFX-2.

odiedodieuk - 22.07.2022 14:32

That jump rope game is ass balls.
Linking it with an achievement is worse.

Orzeker - 17.07.2022 21:18

Still to this day I would like a standalone blitzball game.

AquaDonkey - 16.07.2022 01:13

Honestly rikkus is my least favorite celestial weapon to get in ffx, one of the easiest to get but i have more fun with the chocobo and i can dosge the lightning faster than it takes to walk all over the desert back and forth

Eboss NZ
Eboss NZ - 14.07.2022 11:32

Ff10 chocobo is easy. Takes 10 to 20 mins

Ryan C
Ryan C - 14.07.2022 01:31

Blitzball was absolutely terrible and the fact that so many people want it to return in FFXIV both disturbs and depresses me in equal measure.

Desty Nova
Desty Nova - 13.07.2022 20:03

I love FF9. It's probably my favorite game in the series, but, man, Tetra Masters blew so much ass compared to Triple Triad.
Triple Triad was fun because of how easy it was to understand. (Sure, things get more complicated with RNG manipulation on a perfect run, but that's not the point.) Even after my perfect run, I still have not figured out how Tetra Masters actually works. It should not be THAT problematic to figure out a minigame, ffs!
Triple Triad was perfect. The numbers on each card were easy to understand and interpret. A card with 9 on the right edge, would never lose against a card with 1 on the left edge. In FF9, it felt like everything goes.

Desty Nova
Desty Nova - 13.07.2022 19:40

On my perfect game run of Final Fantasy 9, I literelly lost at the 999th jump.

Alexander Coleman
Alexander Coleman - 12.07.2022 08:53

I think the lightning bolt challenge is still the worst mini game ever

Iceman 420
Iceman 420 - 12.07.2022 07:52

The lightning game in 10 nope I hate it worst mini game ever

Lochblade - 08.07.2022 21:58

I've played most of the Final Fantasy games, maybe not all of them but most, never played the DS version of FFiv or FF X-2, but I have played a majority of these and know the difficulty of all of the ones I have played. Chocobo catcher can be difficult, but it's one of the easier one's sigil wise. Each race is somewhat randomized, and your best chance of winning the sigil is when the course favors you in the beginning, what I means is the balloons on the starting ramp are aligned to your side making it easier to get them from the trainer, this nets 4-5 balloons with almost no interference, can't guarantee the 5th as it may be placed awkwardly to the race path. Kimahri's butterfly catch is worse than this, while the controls aren't as clunky maneuvering the character the object collision is much harder to see and avoid. Hippaul's race is fairly easy, many things factor in to his leveling, so it's not like you have to race him 80 times but he does get faster each level. Jump rope and Lightning dodging are very similar but I would probably say jump rope is much more difficult due to the variance in speed and the overall milestone. I have done both. I did jump rope without a script, I used a turbo controller without using the turbo function. I felt this was the only way, as a regular controller did not seem to have the latency requirements for some of the later jumps. I did try the turbo function on the controller but it didn't get very far, as it didn't correctly work with how the action icon worked, as later stages in jump rope were so fast the action icon barely had time to appear and the turbo function would register multiple hits causing the action to restart from the last hit registered, which may cause a hit outside the frame window and cause you to mess up.

Christopher Louis
Christopher Louis - 08.07.2022 15:29

On FF9's PC remaster, the jumprope mini-game has an easier cheese. Mouse over the exclamation mark and activate an autoclicker. This is actually not fool proof, since the game sometimes fails to acknowledge some super fast clicks. You would need to tweek the intervals to allow the game recognize the clicks and hopefully, 7 minutes later, 1000 jumps.

Sejman 22
Sejman 22 - 08.07.2022 13:07

No Puzzle Boy from SMT III Nocturne ?

FelpHero - 07.07.2022 08:24

I'm sorry but to me the triple triad shit from FF8 is just the WORSE. The mini game itself is fine, but the changing rules from different regions thing was RIDICULOUS. You have to spend hours running from town to town to town doing maintanence work on rules just to ensure the mini-game plays normal and not by some whacky crazy rules. Rules that can create a scenario where I can't pick my deck, or worse I win a match but lose my most precious card because it was flipped. Are you mad? It's a MINI game, why do we have to put more busy effort in it than the main game? And you have to deal with that through the entirety FF8, it's not like it's a one off thing. I can't understand who thought that was a good idea

Bill Cox
Bill Cox - 06.07.2022 09:32

Some of the sigils for the ultimate weapons in final Fantasy 10 I never acquired. I did however have lots of fun playing blitzball. Passing the ball back and forth between players really help them level up.

Peter Ricard
Peter Ricard - 04.07.2022 07:28

I remember in that damn ffx chocobo race there was one time I got so mad I flexed my calf muscle so hard it locked up and I I was rolling on the ground in pain from it. Good times haha

RedChili 69
RedChili 69 - 03.07.2022 01:49

Going from Triple Triad to Tetra Master was a shame, Triple Triad was awesome and is still one of my favorite FF mini games.

Péter Vörös
Péter Vörös - 03.07.2022 01:40

The truly worst is Cid's stealth mission in FFIX. It's mandatory to complete, and isn't actually difficult, it's just annoying and nerve wracking. The main reason I always hesitate to start a FFIX replay.

ryutheslayer123 - 02.07.2022 00:45

To this day, in FFX, I STILL have not gotten Tidus' Celestial weapon.
