Before You Move to Oregon. 10 Realities.

Before You Move to Oregon. 10 Realities.

World According To Briggs

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@Zayzanater - 02.07.2024 20:40

Born and raised in Brookings, would‘nt of traded the town for any other to have lived in.

@SouthernOregonReps - 03.07.2024 01:41

“Before you move to Oregon”

DON’T Oregonians don’t want you!!!
For the record… the rest of the state is embarrassed by Portland

@Jarekthegamingdragon - 04.07.2024 06:54

"A precautionary tale" What is it with people in the suburbs acting like Portland is a smoking crater? The exaggerations get so old.

@LaylaBeeee - 05.07.2024 18:45

Me from MN like wtf you shut down ?

@spoof92 - 05.07.2024 22:37

You obviously know nothing about Eastern Oregon....We live 5 minutes from the forest,hiking, fishing, is not all desert on this side..I suggest you actually come visit and do some research...Oregon is much more than the Westside

@awol10199 - 06.07.2024 19:57

Oregon is fun to visit but pass if you think of moving here. The lack of sales tax here makes you pay a lot in other ways. We have some of the most expensive gas, power/utilities, property tax, general cost of living, couple that with an average income of $68k a year. You do the math…..500k houses + 68k income = ???? Yeah you’re not buying a house unless you already have $$$

@terry2315 - 10.07.2024 00:00

I miss living in Oregon, especially the Oregon Coast.

@LukeONYOURSELF - 10.07.2024 01:07

I can't believe you said Scappoose and you even pronounced it correctly lol

@rustyberthiaume2014 - 13.07.2024 06:10

Willamette University Bearcats. ✨⭐️ Love the Production !!! Born in Wa, grew up in Cali (Palo Alto) yet lived just shy of a quarter-century in the beautiful State of Oregon. Seriously considering heading back up North from San Jose. Just a little background as I grew up in the shadow of Hoover Tower. Ya know… Stanford. Many classmates went there after high school. Salem (the Capitol City) was the first experience I had in Oregon. Ten years after high school I began my university experience at “the oldest university” in the Western United States. In a State where you are highlighting its focus on education, I just figured folks out to know that it ALL BEGAN at Willamette University (1842). My alma mater (‘94) sits directly across from the State Capitol Building. Another tidbit to consider is how established this was long before the start of Stanford (1885) by Leland and his team of horse-breeders and eugenicists. Go Bearcats !!! 😊

@shelleycogswell2162 - 15.07.2024 17:37

I was born in Oregon and lived there for over 40 years, live in Eastern WA now. The Oregon coast is truly one of the most beautiful places I've been. The problem is the eastern 2/3 of the state is ignored and taken advantage of by the western part. This was mentioned several times but the reality is in a truly free and democratic society the rights of the minority and poorer people are not to be exploited the way western Oregon takes advantage of eastern Oregon. They have many legitimate reasons to leave and should be allowed to do so. The scenic beauty of eastern Oregon is amazing as well. The liberals in western Oregon just don't see the uniqueness of eastern Oregon. It's too bad. Their short-sightedness is going to permanently wreck a great state.

@1mtzgirl - 17.07.2024 01:01

so there is a power outage and he plugged this in how??????

@russellkeeling4387 - 17.07.2024 19:25

I remember when Washington and Oregon were nice conservative states. Then california overflowed into those states and now they are unfit for human residency.

@hanahana5740 - 19.07.2024 04:57

My loving♡ favorite location, state, towns. Oregon😍❤️❤️❤️

@harveypost7799 - 19.07.2024 11:29

Oregon control by Willamette valley and Portland..Portland control by pride gays..

@4points4x46 - 20.07.2024 21:24

The problem i had with Oregon was the unhealthful smokey air all summer long and the smell of pot farms (it seems the politicians all want oregon to be the pot capital of the world).

I count myself lucky to have gotten out of there before this becomes common knowledge.

@williamhughes7616 - 21.07.2024 02:11

...And Willamette University, in Salem, is the oldest university west of the Mississippi River. Or so I've been told.

@MK-hl2rl - 22.07.2024 23:03

Trying so hard to get a visa to move here from Ireland. Proving close to impossible, though hopefully one day!

@theforestisdark9676 - 24.07.2024 17:33

Oregon has and always will be a extension of california lol 90% of the population is or relocated from CA, same for Washington.

@ronaldreagan-ik6hz - 24.07.2024 20:09

Oregon -- just like Washington is dominated by a slim majority of woke liberal idiots that have wrecked both states. sad.

@dalestreeter341 - 25.07.2024 00:57

A little smug to say that the people in eastern Oregon chose to move there so shouldn't complain. Nobody choses to move to eastern Oregon, they're indigenous. The population of Portland is mixed between people born there and those who came from somewhere else, mostly California with those attitudes and values.

@jimcoulter5877 - 26.07.2024 19:06

Oregon is a Beautiful State, But they have an UGLY FASCIST DEMOCRAT PARTY RUN, with their Portland the ANUS of OPREGON.

@duded2268 - 30.07.2024 07:47

Don't forget there's a lot of liberal douchebags there , which is the number one reason for a lot of people😂

@NinnjaSquid - 31.07.2024 22:16

Ashland areas?? lol a southern Oregon people don’t claim Ashland. What you mean to say is the Medford area . Medford is about six times the size of Ashland lol

@TrampMachine - 31.07.2024 22:16

However, bad Oregon's problems are I've been to other big cities in Oregon's pretty tame by comparison. Our worst crime areas are nothing compared to some other cities.

@skillet1033 - 08.08.2024 21:32

Oregon use to be great but not anymore Oregon cheats in our elections and that's why everything is so fucked up our government gives sanctuary to illegal aliens and now we have them everywhere and now we have American people homelessness everywhere crime everywhere stealing everywhere shootings everywhere trash everywhere. Oregon now sucks bigtime 😢

@brucecorman7304 - 18.08.2024 19:26

I was gifted a Time magazine subscription from my parents in the very late 60’s or early 70’s. In there was an article that interviewed Oregon State residents. The article stated that there was a report that it “Always Rains in Oregon “. The sources told the reporter that it was a rumor that was intentionally spread to keep people out, because if they came, they wouldn’t want to leave. When I moved to there from PA in the 80’s heading to the forest to my logging job, the announcer said “Oregon has the highest unemployment rate in the country second only to Pennsylvania!”

@PermaFrost810 - 19.08.2024 21:09

I don't care about the cons (besides antifa and the zombie homeless hordes) I'm still moving here. Life is too short to not live somewhere beautiful!

@testertree4545 - 21.08.2024 00:40

Less than half = not cheap 😂

@day_uh_um - 22.08.2024 20:52

Just seeing this. What are you talking about? You consider Portland to be "progressive"? Sure. And just b/c more elitists live in the western parts of the state (big cities most of all), they're gonna make sure the counties in the east who are sick & tired of their regressive politics will never get what they want: To no longer be ruled by idjuts who think they know better what's best for all Oregonians. They need an electoral college vote system for that secession to work, unfortunately.

@debofiveklub7804 - 23.08.2024 21:10

Oregon is very pretty and scenic however, I'm enjoying the low cost of living, the 2.95 a gallon of gas (as of 8/23/24) and the great infrastructure that my Midwest city offers. I can always find several parallel side streets to get to where Im going if I run into rush hour traffic.

@MrAlirezakazemian - 24.08.2024 06:41

Well done, We enjoyed your video and story telling ❤

@kenneth3781 - 25.08.2024 00:56

You can strut around Oregon in your birthday suit, as long as your thrill isn't evident. They can do this in front of children. This is what you get with super liberal legislators.

@wesleyschlecht9156 - 25.08.2024 11:01

You should mention the rediculous property taxes are so high too!

@Whysoserious07 - 02.09.2024 08:02

Oregon Belongs to Osho

@glennhopkins2643 - 07.09.2024 23:32

Patterson and Thompson will pay !!!

@justindeming3553 - 11.09.2024 06:30

Yes eastern Oregon is barren hot cold nothing to do! Plus it will probably be Idaho in a few years so don’t even go there. Lots of wildlife that are dangerous! Stay in Portland

@kperry1969 - 14.09.2024 18:48

Run by lunatics
Oregon is dead

@miguelquazar883 - 15.09.2024 04:13

Im looking for a city where people, sht, pee, do drugs, and live in public. Any ideas?

@chrisstich5971 - 17.09.2024 18:56

If there aint one black person there than ima have to move back to the southeast

@KandyMoresco-j8q - 19.09.2024 08:21

Sterling Terrace

@aaronrios17 - 21.09.2024 00:03

Isn’t Oregon ugly cause of the weather tho?😢

@monicaandraderandom - 25.09.2024 09:46

My husband has an grandma from his mom side. She moved to Oregon a few years ago. She said it more peaceful and a lot of nature. In the area she lives. I grew up in Lodi CA. Most of my life. I did live in acampo, Lockeford, and Stockton. For a short while. Though now that I have 2 kids. My hometown doesn’t feel like my home town anymore. It’s small and everyone knows everyone. Yes my whole family lives here. But for awhile it’s not been the same. I find myself looking at videos like this and think what would it would be like to live there. I have a friend that moved to Placerville recently and took me to her new home. Surrounded by mountains and trees I actually felt peace and free. It’s was a 2 hour drive from my hometown. I was there with my husband and kids too. Thanks to my friend I was able to experience something I didn’t know I needed. I feel that feeling it’s hard to explain

@jakeoswald8017 - 26.09.2024 02:01

I love living in Oregon! Only other states that I would want to live in are probably Washington, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont… I think that does it.

@patrickreed6213 - 29.09.2024 10:42

Oregon is not ready for the massive influx of people. The interstate is only two lanes and is packed bumper to bumper. They will be experiencing some significant growing pains in years to come.

@ToyotaCorolla31 - 04.10.2024 12:45


@elusive_cat - 06.10.2024 10:03

Yeahhh I’m looking at houses in Portland right now and all I can afford to spend is about $200K which I feel fortunate about, but they’re all manufactured homes lol or possibly a floating home which could be cool

@BangkokBubonaglia - 13.10.2024 18:25

This comment is late by thank you for making this. It was a good summary. My sister lives there. I'm really looking forward to moving there in a few years once Trump is back in office, the psyop we're living through is over, and all the woke nonsense goes away. Beautiful state but too many of the radical left don't realize who they are collaborating with when they support the globalists and woke extremism. Once the declas period is over and we all start acting like Americans again rather than brainwashed globalists, it's going to be an awesome place to live.

@SanchoDomingo_ - 15.10.2024 01:00

Portland isn't Oregan? Sure. But Oregan is basically a giant Portland. 85% I'd say.
