( think it is hard to connect what Le Corbusier's urban planning is to housing estates. They miss the light, and space, his highrises have. Also, the housing estates are not built on the urban planning he had in mind. IN essence, the housing estates are still big monstrosities on roads that can't support them. Add low income, no resources, no education, and you get the problems you point out. But that is not Le Corbusier's design that did that. It is the govt and/or developers warping it, if they looked at it at all.
ОтветитьEvil evil man
ОтветитьCrowding, parties, goofing around in lift shafts...these are not the things Le Corbusier forgot. These are part of living together with others in an urban setting. If you think those are the problems with Le Corbusier's architecture, then you misunderstand cities as badly as he did.
ОтветитьThe man who wanted Manhattan demolished...this wasn't a red flag?
ОтветитьLe Corbusier planned the most beautiful city of India, Chandigarh
ОтветитьHe was a moron praised and still praised as a genius. I work in architecture and i think he is the father of all modern misery that afflicts you strolling through the streets of all modern places in this world.
ОтветитьModern = remove character
ОтветитьI found this to be an oversimplistic aproximation of the ontologic paradigm that ruled the design principles which architects such as Le Corbusier follow.
ОтветитьThe most famous imbecile to wreak havoc on human society since Nero.
ОтветитьI guess if I am going to hate someone's work, I may as well try to understand where they are coming from. So...silver lining, I guess heh
ОтветитьAs a French who has to see his horrors everyday, I hope his soul is burning in hell.
ОтветитьDemolish Manhatten. Yeah, we'll get right on that.
ОтветитьUse of "the architect" movie clips was brilliant idea. I love that movie. It took my entire 7years of architecture school to come to this conclusion about him. This is a must watch for archi students.
ОтветитьSo THIS is the guy that ruined architecture. If I had a time machine I would be tempted to use it to put a stop to this doofus
ОтветитьI grew up in Chandigarh and lived there for over two decades and it's by far one of the most well-designed and beautiful places on earth!
Ответитьmodernists are even more soulless than futurists.
ОтветитьFunctionality is important, but humans also need beauty. We need things that inspire us to strive to be greater.
ОтветитьMay he rot in hell.
ОтветитьAs if he was designing for robots not humans with emotions
Ответитьto love his architecture ... one has to possess concept mastery and formal education . he is the 'father' of modern architecture .. a well deserved title .
ОтветитьI definitely miss the smooth traffic in great cities he foresaw in his literature 😢
ОтветитьIf Le Corbusier has one million haters, im one of them
If Le Corbusier has 1 hater, im the one hater
If Le Corbusier has 0 haters, then im dead
And now every country in the world looks the same and there's no point in traveling
ОтветитьLe Corbusier is the incarnation of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
ОтветитьThis is very interesting and informative
I have some Books 📚 about le Corbusier
He is infact the planner and designer of the Indian city of Chandigarh ✔️
Ответитьwhat a great summary, well written and narrated, cheers guys!
ОтветитьThe World would be a better and more beautiful place if this guy would have never existed.
ОтветитьThis guy is evil for sure
ОтветитьI find his buildings grim and frightening, even just to look at.
ОтветитьI am Le Corbusier with God when I did Modern architecture in 1975 aged 7. Mountbatten took the name and attempted to be a city designer which is Neomodern as Industrial Wasteland Design to compete with Mussolini Industrial Wasteland Design as both were using their Evil Spirits to build Canada and America. They both have to remove everything they built with their Spirits. It is The End Times in 2023. It will be a New World Order of Christ's Making in 2024. Much better living for everybody when God as Christ the Creator takes over.
ОтветитьWow 😮
ОтветитьCharles-Édouard Jeanneret (who renamed himself Le Corbusier) was a nasty piece of work. He knew nothing about city planning and even less about people. Screw him and the rectangular horse he rode in on.
ОтветитьHe singlehandedly destroyed more european city-centers than WW II.
ОтветитьControversial take. But I love the look of Le Courbesier's architecture. However I can't stand him as a person. His disdain for classical architecture and his urge to tear down historic places is terrible. I think there is beauty in most architecture wether it be brutalist or classical. He was a great architect but am awful awful urban planner
ОтветитьAfter visiting Chandigarh I don't think he was a disastrous urban designer
ОтветитьI hate this man.
So many of my cities I’ve stayed in have the ugliest Architecture that was inspired by him and he’s the reason I wanna vomit walking past modern architecture.
Everything Le Corbusier designed was horrible and soul crushing.
Ответитьif you like this video check out the book The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton. The creators of this video stole entire paragraphs from it without crediting the author.
ОтветитьHis plans for Paris were morally evil. This man hated beauty and his designs are soul crushing.
ОтветитьCommunist utopia.
It's beautiful. ❤
"He forgot..." implies that he ever knew, understood, or cared
ОтветитьArchitect student ❤
ОтветитьThe worst architect who ever lived , the Pol Pot of architecture.
ОтветитьLiking the work of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret should be considered a red flag for Antisocial Personality Distorder
ОтветитьLe Corbusier is legit one of the inventors of ragebait I feel like
ОтветитьI got a list, now I need a time machine.