About the Kranvagn Nerf in World of Tanks

About the Kranvagn Nerf in World of Tanks


1 год назад

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Jelena Ivankovic
Jelena Ivankovic - 17.03.2023 16:42

Before watching this video I was disappointed in Kran, so then I decided to give it a chance (had no idea it was nerfed, yeah newbie here 🤫). Random que sent me to big battle, I managed to destroy 3 tanks and win. Note: My crew is very unskilled, driver has no skills yet and the only good thing is that Milla Jovovich is commander 😂 i think I solved it's seed problem with experimental equioment 🔧⚙️ now it's my favorite heavy tank 💪

GalloViking - 02.03.2023 21:22

Is it still a good tank, though? I want to play an autoloader and this looks better to play than the alternatives.

peter - 20.02.2023 03:33

yea can only nwerf tanks takes takes 1 year to farm but dont touch the gold tanks.

Gladers - 27.12.2022 11:41

Ok so still a tank to go for. Good!

Mark LaPointe
Mark LaPointe - 10.12.2022 00:14

They nerfed the crap out of this tank. Evrytime i try to grind a tank it gets nerfed before i get there. The stb1, the kranvagn,

PhilouDude - 16.10.2022 02:57

Kranvagn gets outperformed by super cockerror by all stats...

Vanja HJ
Vanja HJ - 04.10.2022 09:56

Very good video:)

NightSounds - 02.10.2022 07:42

I just got this tank as my first tier X, and regardless of the nerf I’m excited to max out everything on it

Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 20.09.2022 13:11

WG's nerfs make no sense. All they will ever touch is stats and never address fundamental issues with the tanks. Cant actually make any adjustments to the armor or model cause that would interrupt the hulldown meta. All this nerf does imo is ignore any actual nuanced way of making the kran both fun and less OP, like for example how about making the flat spot under its gun a weak point, then it has to use its gun depression to outsmart enemy players. Encourages thoughtful gameplay and rewards good players. Instead of just cutting the stats and making the tank more annoying to play.

Swatotastic - 18.09.2022 20:19

this nerf doesn't address the core issue of the tank. The turret is still impenetrable and it retained 12 degrees of gun depression which means it's still boring and basically impossible to deal with

LordXidon - 17.09.2022 18:31

the minataro was caught ill prepared lmao

mr Beter
mr Beter - 16.09.2022 18:06

The company did a bad job on Kranvagn 😞Why did they do this? 😡

SMToon Việt Nam
SMToon Việt Nam - 12.09.2022 12:39

Add a cupola like the Emil 1951 on one side of the turret.
Reduce the armor below the gun on the oscillating part of the turret.
There I've solved the problem.

vegar blix Holt
vegar blix Holt - 10.09.2022 16:34

WOT knows how to fucks over the players base , and even after alle the shit people are always willing opens the wallet for the latest "fashion" and hope of being competitive .......after wot making "last year's" op tank toothless overnight with an update.

Hubert Nowak
Hubert Nowak - 10.09.2022 12:52

the nerf completely destroied the tank, it is unplayable now, hate the way they do it, it just is not fun to play like this, having a slow, inaccurate tank is just not fun, the same was with the 430u. They should just add some weakspots to it but ofc, it would cost some money to put a new model into the game so it is easier to make a tank compleatly shitty and painful to play, and all of the sudden they put an inpenetrable hulldown tank into the game, WTF where is the logic??? and they put even more hulldown position at the maps.

Zihao Guo
Zihao Guo - 10.09.2022 00:06

I like how quickly is ignoring the glaring purple of amx m4 54 lololol

Heth - 09.09.2022 18:23

Top speed and reload are probably fair. But Gun handling is in my opinion always a very very bad way to balance tanks. When you reduce the accuracy and gun handling you are doing in fact nothing but increasing the RNG factor on each shot and thus make the tank less skill based. When a tank performs so good that it needs a nerf the real reasons should be addressed and not more randomness thrown on.
I think the perfect nerf would have been a weakspot on krans turret. Maybe under the gun or something. Period. Nothing more.
Krans real strength was never only his absurdly strong turret but it's ability to be in the key positions dealing immense amount of damage in a short period of time and pulling back / pushing in as the situation demands. The turret was in my opinion just the cherry on top. Take the turret and all the players who are only staying low skill at the ridge line and bouncing everyone will have a shitty day. But if you know what you are doing you can still have a - a lit less of course - chieftain replacement for most players who want to compete. What we got with the nerf is a tank that still can be efficiently played with low skill on the ridge line but with a greatly reduced potential. I was hoping for high potential, high skill, but nah. Now chief is once again truly alone at the top of the food chain. I don't like that. You may and that's fine. Just my observation

Lewis Garland
Lewis Garland - 09.09.2022 17:15

just got it a few days ago and it darn sure NOT OP now lol pen is also and accuracy sucks now

LeVar Shelborn
LeVar Shelborn - 09.09.2022 05:53

Just OP fake tanks. Rigged WOT MM, and RNG.

Stefan Carlberg
Stefan Carlberg - 09.09.2022 05:05

Wg doing a bad job as always . Cant code the game properly and all this "balance" it is just WPOS . nothing else . Kranvagn have 300 Pen as best and needed atleast have 350 or more with 2 ammo .. Nerf it is just plain stupid and just show how bad coded this game is . They need learn to understand how a tank works and go a school to code a game . Only thing looks ok is the graphics .

Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson - 09.09.2022 03:17

Can you do a best of OG tanks series, like the forgotten ones that were there from the start that just don't get the love they deserve till a real commander plays out and makes the meta scrubs look stupid? Please!!!!!!

Evan Ulven
Evan Ulven - 09.09.2022 00:27

Super Conq is next. Ranked trolls are already winding up their next bitchfest. Meanwhile, the Chieftain and 279e remain unchanged in randoms and are as toxic as ever. Can't have a mere tech tree tank dare challenging the rewards of the all-important clan players.

SgtStryker101 - 08.09.2022 21:48

My condolences to you and all of Britain for the lose of a truely great queen my prayers are with you all from America to the British people

DKLGalactus5 - 08.09.2022 21:24

WTF nerfed the kranvagn so cry babe pay to win player’s won’t be crying about how they couldn’t kill it because they lack skill and bought a $80 tank. This seems to be a big problem in world of tanks, they nerf a tank so you have to buy one to compete with other pay to win tanks or specialty tank that people get , then later get nerf so you have to buy an other one, if you work or pay for something and it’s your is it not illegal change it with out your consent. It belongs to you you earned it, and by earning it it would be consider a type of payment for the tank. You just cannot change a person personal in game property to sell more tanks there most be a law against it. Yeah I’m pissed.

Pokuy - 08.09.2022 12:43

Stop trying to boost your ego further, u cant even 3 mark kran

VeqaassZ ™
VeqaassZ ™ - 08.09.2022 10:59

Nerf is kinda bullshit.
Nerfing accuracy and mobility is just making it less fun playing the tank.
On the other side the players meeting the Kran on the field are having the same issue with not penetrating the turret because of the lack of weakspots.

Playing Kran now is less fun.
Playing against it is still no fun.

Solution? Give him a weakspot below the gun when lifting the gun up - so it has a weakspot when the gun is lifted up, and if it is lifted down, you can shoot cupola.

Nathan Simpson
Nathan Simpson - 08.09.2022 09:50

M4 54 video needed again plzzzz - laser gun is mighty!

mortiss6 - 08.09.2022 08:51

they need to nerf t95 chieftain , each tech tree tank nerf just boost the t95chieftain :(

Attila Peteley
Attila Peteley - 08.09.2022 07:59

QB. This was the only tank that could keep up with the 279E or Chieftain, and was only so effective in Ranked, but see how is it used in CW, or beside WZ 55, which autoloader is used in CW or in any clan related activity!

Mattmattenmedia - 08.09.2022 06:09

QuickyBaby, would you agree that the T57 Heavy needs some sort of buff to be competitive again?

Bobby Taylor
Bobby Taylor - 08.09.2022 02:43

I agree with you quicky baby. still good but helps the others a little

scorpion _9099
scorpion _9099 - 08.09.2022 02:24

Can you add Arabic subtitles in a video I want to benefit from your experience.. and thanks🌹

ott rakkaselg
ott rakkaselg - 07.09.2022 23:20

hehe, but what about the new leader?;)

JustAndrew Yt
JustAndrew Yt - 07.09.2022 23:15

can u do t28 prot sometime plz

MRI - 07.09.2022 20:30

I really don't like the accuracy nerf, all it feels like that non premiums scrubs have to shill out 20k for the food consumable to make it at least somewhat accurate, not to mention all the super premium equipments... Just meh, needed a bigger dpm nerf or something else imo.

AkinomMonika - 07.09.2022 17:37

I wish it to be as pathetic as the Blitz version of Kran
Mediocre speed
Turret turns slower that feels like a damaged turret, same with hull traverse speed (felt like dead driver)
Powecrept to the point of a decent amount of Tank destroyers in tier 10 can pen its turret using gold rounds and Japanese tank destroyer Ho-ri pens the turret like its a complete broadside of an E100
Is actually an autoreloader here, versatile gun but with the price of having painful 2.2k dpm

Rickard Eriksson
Rickard Eriksson - 07.09.2022 15:51

What I feel they did is just hone it in a bit, it's still basically the same when playing it to it's strengths, but it's not as good when you're using it in other areas, and that's all good with me, I'll still enjoy playing it.

Huy Le
Huy Le - 07.09.2022 14:56

Idk about this nerfe... It didnt touch the real problem. Nobody cares about the speed or gunhandling...
Something way more imortant was the weakpoint on the turret. Without a fcking weakspots the problem is not solved.
Now u made it slower and with worse gun. So much like a Minotauro. Good job.
Weakspot like in the gun if u raise it+reload nerf like that would have been a good start. I dont get what they are tryna do. What are those tests for if u dont use data out of it... If its still too op nerf speed as well or nerf gunhandling.

Daniel L
Daniel L - 07.09.2022 14:53

For the last few days I haven't even been able to play because I get disconnected after a few seconds. It really sucks because WoT's is my little escape from day to day things. 😪

OnlySkillss - 07.09.2022 13:39

1 thing to note about the 3 day stats for the Kran, Most of the really good players that boost the stats of the OP tanks have move on to the next tank, they have moved to the AMX M4 54 which is why you see its win rate in the 52% range, the AMX is now crazy good. Its gun is just next level. Gone from bottom of the list to the Top.

Steven Lindell
Steven Lindell - 07.09.2022 12:27

Man I hate my kraken now. All my shots seem to miss. And it’s so sluggish now

FlyLeah - 07.09.2022 12:15

People are complaining like this nerf ruined the vehicle

lou pugliese
lou pugliese - 07.09.2022 12:13

QB, I signed on WOT yesterday and learned they renamed my clan to renamed clan! They said I violated clan terms for political reasons! This is BS!

I started my clan 3 months ago an named it WWG1WGA! And they removed it from me. I’ve played this game for over 6 years and spent tens of thousands of dollars supporting this game.

I am so pissed, WOT go FOOK yourselves as you will not get another penny from me! I sent in a ticket that was placed on hold!

WOT FOOk OFF! I’m done with you and your POS game! I’ll find something else to pay and play!

Hou Felix
Hou Felix - 07.09.2022 12:12

Still one of the fastest heavies, still 12° gun depression, still strong face. The biggest nerf is the reverse speed.

toby1248 - 07.09.2022 11:54

The auto generated subtitles on this video are hilarious

Harley Walls
Harley Walls - 07.09.2022 11:14

y nerf it its not that good tho

Clive Dinosaur
Clive Dinosaur - 07.09.2022 09:20

The Win Rate of a tank (especially considering the short period) becomes somewhat irrelevent when you consider the WZ-111 5A has a win rate of 48.76% and the statisticaly identical WZ-111 QL has a 51.91% win rate.

DIYMicha2 - 07.09.2022 08:54

They also made a lot of small changes to certain maps. A boulder here, a removed ledge there...

venomized - 07.09.2022 07:33

For the people who love this tank and don't play ranked just random this sucks. If they didn't want anymore in ranked they could have just banned the tank outright from the mode.

Rod Hales
Rod Hales - 07.09.2022 07:30

and still have those OP tanks for those stronger players so they can keep their stats up, for Christmas how about giving everyone the tank that is the highest win rate at tier 10
