Just how bad is The Combine?

Just how bad is The Combine?


3 года назад

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Rutter Film
Rutter Film - 01.11.2023 03:08

Two years on, and the "Most Replayed" section is the end credits where the rebels tear down Doctor Breen's video screen. That makes me smile.

bUh89 - 31.10.2023 19:34

Imo to support the theory of metrocops' families being relocated rather than executed, a cp team being non-cohesive could as well mean that units on the team are "missing", given how overwatch always substitutes words like dead with deserviced or something less bad sounding yet technically correct in some sense.

Zidan Gaming
Zidan Gaming - 30.10.2023 18:01

There just bad no description there are very bad

Bolo the Giant Friendly Pillbug
Bolo the Giant Friendly Pillbug - 30.10.2023 10:46

Interesting part about constantly relocating civilians, our prisons in the US actually tried doing that with gangs but all that ended up doing was just adding more people to the gangs as the original inmates were put into different prisons to recruit more people. I can definitely see anti-citizens doing this.

Afghanistan Daily
Afghanistan Daily - 29.10.2023 07:08

Combine stance on families and friends is exactly what is going on in our world.

Encino Man
Encino Man - 29.10.2023 05:34

... we don't go to Ravenholm...

Giancarlo Amodio
Giancarlo Amodio - 28.10.2023 00:53

Jesus man why tf are people comparing the Combine, a cruel fascist interdimensional alien empire, with our modern government. I see absolutely no similarities with the two, stop trying to bring modern poltics with a dystopian sci-fi video game that clearly isnt meant to be compared with our governments.

The amount of edgy grown men in this comment section that are trying to compare our capitalist society with a fascist alien government system that drugs, brainwashes, and murders the population 24/7 is extremely disappointing.

Confused Writer
Confused Writer - 27.10.2023 23:38

i keep thinking about the combine in half life 2 beta poisoning the air and forcing the citizens to wear gasmasks and how filters would probably be an expensive commodity, prolific in the black market, and essential for going literally anywhere in the cities. you would have to pay not only for the things you do outside but for simply loitering, and if you didnt earn enough credits at your job, you die. id assume workplaces and housing units would have filtration systems that could in the even of a strike or a protest could be shut off at a moments notice to gas the place. id expect the lean income of a citizen would be just enough to afford a standard ration coupon, with just a pinch left to go toward a new mask filter every week or few.

chaz - 25.10.2023 22:50

I wouldn't say they split up friends or families, since mentions of intercourse with spouse as a reward for doing your job as a combine unit probably indicates that people may still know their wives or husbands, and maybe family, this could also be disproved due to Alyx saying "Dad!" in the Half Life: Alyx game and the combine aren't immediately surprised at the fact she still sees her father, sure, the woman at the gate at the very beginning may have lost her husband just because they were on the same train together, but that could be for other reasons too(?). Also, they probably just keep you and your friends or family in check very often in the half life universe as there are city scanners everywhere basically coming up to you by the second just to check if there are any suspicions with you and if you need to be "innoculated".

Glitchmouse - 25.10.2023 14:38

Blizzard even stole the combine’s unit names.

Glitchmouse - 25.10.2023 14:33

I’ve seen a humanity that wasn’t captured by no species… but everybody had an iq of below 5. That is a way worse situation humanity is actually close to be in.

Eplayer82 - 25.10.2023 12:18

One of Breen's speeches u hear in the canals addresses Gorden as "The One Free Man"

sockpupper mcgee
sockpupper mcgee - 22.10.2023 14:10

Surviving in a city like that means you have to be a part of the Combine. If you're not, you do not belong there, and you will be killed or made into something more "useful".
Surviving near a city is a temporary affair. The Combine just hasn't gotten around to you yet, or you're not worth it, but the lakes and biological ecosystem you're in, is, and they will be drained or destroyed in time.

Gordon being a silent protagonist is a really good thing in my books. If he actually had character development, a voice, a conscience, he would know that killing a CP is killing 2 innocent parents + other affiliates who class as leverage for that 1 CP unit. Any act of individuality like being in a building where he doesn't belong can lead to the entire block being brutally killed for a simple miscount. If Gordon actually had to deal with these consequences, it would be a very different game indeed. Granted, the citizens would support it. It's either Gordon the Psychopath, or endlessly serving the Combine until they drop your rations, again. There's really only 1 choice here.

snelle tomos
snelle tomos - 16.10.2023 05:20

Great video, but you're mistaken on people who have nothing being easy to coerce into anything. You contradicted yourself with civil protection literally killing other people just to not lose their family. A man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous and least controllable. He has nothing to lose and no motivation to do as you say.

Spas - 13.10.2023 09:24

leadhead, i think sure, those civillians were probably killed due to letting freeman go but, the combines were carrying stun rods. Is possible only a few of them were killed.

Wilhelm Petzold
Wilhelm Petzold - 12.10.2023 12:49

In conclusion i would say, 2,8 Joe Bidens

shanedude - 11.10.2023 00:08

I just realized after having beaten this game for the 1st time about 15 years ago that the flying probes that take your picture are probably also some alien species that got assimilated

hansomebonaprte1815 - 10.10.2023 17:11

I never realized how advanced the AI was in this game

butterss - 10.10.2023 07:10

eastern europe: yayy no more ussr
combine: :)
eastern europe: maybe the ussr wasn't so bad
