Half-Life 2 Makes me Proud to be a Human

Half-Life 2 Makes me Proud to be a Human


3 года назад

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Jane Thomson
Jane Thomson - 13.09.2023 10:19

I always just crouched and enabled the spinny sharp things. I never thought to grav gun them tbh

LT Carlsen
LT Carlsen - 19.08.2023 21:00

Also During City 17 the Resistance built a Bridge on roofs that goes Up and down.

Slipt Psyche
Slipt Psyche - 20.07.2023 09:01

This video is beautiful.

Kein Minecraft Lets Player
Kein Minecraft Lets Player - 09.06.2023 01:05

Half-Life 2 is the greatest achievement of mankind!

EzdineG - 23.04.2023 16:29

so half life 2 is basically a secret message telling us that if we're invaded by an alien race with a shit ton of technology, we'd still win even if it took a while

stonecold steverharvey
stonecold steverharvey - 31.03.2023 16:35

The only thing I was thinking during water hazard was that this shit is taking FOREVER

Se-an - 28.03.2023 20:20

Lmao and half-life 1 is man vs man. scientist vs soldier

Anas Shahid 224
Anas Shahid 224 - 25.03.2023 18:57

Half-Life 2 is one of my all time favorite games, Valve has truly made a a timeless classic, the story is so deep, even after all these years still new things to be found, hidden details that add to the lore, the world building is on another level, being immersed in the world, it truly feels like you are in it, The G-Man such a deep, mysterious character, we don’t know who how is, his motives, the fight against the Combine, the gameplay is top notch, the use of the Gravity Gun, environmental physics, just a masterpiece game, Valve are among the best developers in the industry, really hope they make a part 3 some day 👏👏👏

Blazor - 21.03.2023 19:37

So do I hope or do I dispair?

Mahadev M Nair
Mahadev M Nair - 09.02.2023 20:24

Am i the only one who thinks this isnt the greatest game of all time

cf - 08.02.2023 08:26

This was amazing to watch bravo

hypnoex - 03.01.2023 23:06

Bro's wet dreams are probably of Half Life

ThatOneBroski - 20.12.2022 21:24


lay lover
lay lover - 18.12.2022 23:17

It's a tiny bit in the video but you comparing the gameplay of a videogame to music and the narrative of a videogame to the lyrics is brilliant.

RoblockPerson21 - 18.12.2022 01:19

if you legitimately use your antlions as cannon fodder you're not the prime example of a good human being

[REDACTED] - 03.12.2022 17:31

hunt down the freeman makes me want to go and explode the sun

Karbster - 22.11.2022 21:12

Well,I guess I'm stupid, then. I don't think I ever used the antlions to deflect turret fire from myself. I always just wanted them to stay behind for a bit as I threw a grenade at the turrets. I protected my antlions like I would try to protect other people on my team in a multiplayer game, or like I would try to protect the rebels during the uprising

Sozeb Ffej
Sozeb Ffej - 08.11.2022 21:52

Half Life is the ultimate ego trip

explosivekittenschannel - 08.11.2022 21:47

i absolutely love the antlions after i get the bug testicles

explosivekittenschannel - 08.11.2022 21:47

sometimes im sad and worried but then i play hl2

Black Mesa Guard
Black Mesa Guard - 16.10.2022 06:32

Personally I would like to think there is military remnants of humanity’s army’s sitting in bunkers waiting for the call and the closing of the super portal gave the call

Omnywrench - 25.08.2022 00:01

Another thing that the humans have that the Combine don't that gave them the ability to strike back successfully thus far, is their imagination and creativity. The Combine have superior numbers and technology, but none of them were actually created by the Combine; it's all been stolen and assimilated from other alien races, humans included- just look at how they copy our trucks, trains, and helicopters throughout the game. It's why they kept humans around to learn their teleportation technology; they couldn't figure it out themselves. It might also explain some of the seemingly irrational or inefficient designs in their machines and buildings; they just copy and contort stolen designs into their own works because they lack the imagination to create anything, or at least improve it. It might also explain why their go-to strategy for attacking is just Zerg-rushing opponents with overwhelming numbers. That's not to say that the Combine are stupid of course; they just underestimated human ingenuity. Throughout the game, Freeman and the resistance have to constantly try and outsmart the Combine rather than out-gun them, and that cleverness allowed them to wriggle between the cracks in their system and strike hard.

Breezy ヅ
Breezy ヅ - 04.08.2022 11:32

This video was so good. Would have loved it to be an hour plus long but also respect how short it was with the level of information given

Bleplar - 03.08.2022 16:23

Why is the capitalisation in the title so random?

Cody Jackson
Cody Jackson - 19.07.2022 05:23

The boat level was objectively bad. Sorry not sorry.

Kolo's Used Cars
Kolo's Used Cars - 14.07.2022 05:50

Che Guevara stressed in "Guerrilla Warfare" that all of your guns and ammo comes from the enemy so it makes sense that all the rebels are carrying combine weapons

Toma - 01.07.2022 17:46

Antlions are real bros if they're tame

tehwubbles - 01.07.2022 08:02

No one seems to have said it yet, but that was a great impression of G-Man

Pedro Fróes
Pedro Fróes - 11.06.2022 19:00

but are energy balls Combine or Aperture technology>

Jennifer Hermanson
Jennifer Hermanson - 09.06.2022 20:33

Ok, so I finished this game a few days ago and was feelin pretty good about myself. I watch this video and feel like I never even played the game. I realize nothing I did was clever or strategic. It was dumb ass luck that I didn’t t even understand. I suck at this shit. AND I just can not manage keyboard and mouse controls so I use a controller and it’s obvious this game was not made with controller play in mind. I’m sad now. Screw this I’m starting the game over right now wish me luck!

PelemusMcSoy - 21.05.2022 16:56

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think one other element of human ingenuity is Dr. Breen's negotiations with the Combine:

If he really did negotiate a terms of surrender, he managed to end the most devastating war humanity ever experienced; I wouldn't be surprised if he mentioned teleportation as a "this is what we have, please don't murder us".

During his address to the Nova Prospekt forces, he mentions how he's assuring his benefactors that Freeman will be dealt with (though their patience is running thin). Given how aggressive and destructive they are towards the first sign of defiance (see also Ravenholm), Breen is able to keep them from saying "screw this, kill them all".

While I'm sure he didn't intend to, he's ultimately given humanity the time it needs to rally, resist, and overcome the Combine.

Vesstig - 06.05.2022 12:14

Ive completely given myself into games that offer player agency, the continued devolution of the gaming sphere disappoints me considering what we've achieved in the past with less CPU power.

Friggity Frank
Friggity Frank - 04.05.2022 19:55

You would be proud to be a human until you meet a genshin impact player.

whatsmolly - 18.04.2022 02:54

Well if you want to be disappointed in humans I spent like 25 minut trying to get the buggy over the fence with the crane because I forgot that big door opened and I thought you were supposed to fling the buggy over the fence..... I actually almost got it.

Reid Wallace
Reid Wallace - 09.04.2022 14:34

To be honest, a physist with a hand gun and a crow bar sounds like the solution to literally any problem.

overmon - 07.04.2022 00:50

If that is true wouldn't the combine empire make all humans scientists to brute force break through things or harvest human brains to put into a cyborg think tank and not have this weird half measure of slowly killing the humans and setting up a puppet dictator, I'm sure the combine has machines and aliens better suited to any task the last generation of humans can do but then again the combine are too stupid to wipe out the head crabs, barnacles and ant lions.

Ali Alatrach
Ali Alatrach - 31.03.2022 11:43

Am I the only one in the comments who knew since my 2nd playthrough that I can increase the HEV's battery from the stun baton?
I even used it to give spawn them for ammo and weapons collection, or give npcs one to fight with more than 100 times for years

TawnyWheat7 - 20.03.2022 00:51

if the combine find aperture we are fucked

Arthur's Little World
Arthur's Little World - 19.03.2022 15:15

Ok what ? I understand that humanity is clever with some things, but the real reason for what combine wasn't prepared for is for Gordon to have somehow infinite ammo on vehicles, somehow not to die after two shots, instead being better than terminator to absorve tons of firepower... the reason is that Gordon is not a human, he is a gaming protagonist with all the power a normal human will never have. You might say that HEV suit is giving him some armour - in reality, he would be already dead by some random bullet in the head.

Vanguard - 19.03.2022 02:51

I dont see killing overwatch soldiers are bad, its more of a freeing act

Vanguard - 19.03.2022 02:41

I always made sure my humans made it thru the battle of city 17 no matter the head ache.

The Smilyguy Guy
The Smilyguy Guy - 06.03.2022 23:05


The Fat Pikachu channel
The Fat Pikachu channel - 02.03.2022 17:19

Half life seems like some David vs Goliath story but the Goliath is a bunch of robot soldiers with an oppressive government

Captain_Fuzzieness - 02.03.2022 07:37

Its so weird seeing a 60 fps timecode

Amaroq Starwind
Amaroq Starwind - 26.02.2022 20:06

If you look closely at the models of the rebels, they’re wearing civil protection armor.

Furret08 - 23.02.2022 22:16

"When you think of freedom, you think of Freeman." -Leadhead, 2020.
And also...
"If it bleeds, you can kill it." -Random security guard from Blast Pit, Black Mesa, 2020.
