I want to join
ОтветитьDirty as play with kids and keep it in the group sick
ОтветитьFirst thing to know is never tell the truth, you can tell when a masons lying, when his lips are moving
ОтветитьNew world order will fail miserably , satanic jews teaching gentiles ,,,,for a few more minutes
ОтветитьAll black magic in high places,,,jesus is going to win!!!!!
ОтветитьThanks WOW THAT'S AWESOME 👍
ОтветитьI had breakfast with the Freemasons in my area last Saturday as I had expressed interest in joining. After breakfast and getting to know one another, we all had a short walk and then onto the Lodge. Obviously I could not join in the meeting, but I was shown around their halls and really a proud heritage! I just hope my application is a success and then will be following in the footsteps of my great great Grandfather.
ОтветитьDon't join it. Another devil worshipping cult
ОтветитьNo thanks if this is what "being in the light" us I'll stay in the dark
ОтветитьFirst thing you should know is they are Satanists.
ОтветитьAsk yourself why men have to hide their ways in secret if their purpose is to better the man and his relationship with family and friends. Would they not just right it down for everyone to see and receive? Why do they only ask people they think would be good masons. Pick up a bible and get free salvation from a loving and good god jesus, and you will have more than any mason can give you.
ОтветитьBeta males trying to be Alpha's
ОтветитьExcommunicated by the Catholic Church.
ОтветитьWe don’t Join
We always have been
Freemason is not for public. Only a selected few......If humanity join Freemasonry on mass, it will collapse. Secret Societies thrive when a few select withhold special knowledge. Freemasonry is all about Special Knowledge and Cronyism the rest is posturing.
Special Knowledge is far important than religion or Satan.
ОтветитьOF FLORIDA SU BANCO económico comercial bursátil financiero fundamentos código procedimiento administrativo en la ley 142 de servicios públicos del año 1994.
ОтветитьMetodología de la docencia militar 🎖️ 1 83 FAC FFMM y PNC
ОтветитьEstudio técnico de inteligencia
ОтветитьCan I ask a Mason on how to become a freemason? I really want to grow to become a better person for my self my family, friends, co-workers and the community. I use to work for Shriners Hospital’s and I had no clue they are Freemason’s. Also, will this interfere with my beliefs as far accepting Jesus Christ as my lord and savior. I do understand it’s not a religion but out of curiosity.
ОтветитьI thought you had to be nominated by 2 current members.
ОтветитьI am 62year's old Sunni Muslim from Pakistan. ..i want to join but ho
w to join in Pakistan
How old or how young can initiates be in order to join?
Ответитьcan i even join if i am in south america?
ОтветитьIts like boy scouts for gay adults with nothing to do lol
ОтветитьFollow Christ and learn creations keys. Masons are the anti-christ
ОтветитьDo I have to pay for initiation
ОтветитьStop the hate comments and join the light 🕯️ to get effortless rich and famous
ОтветитьI went to a Lodge at 6 years of age
ОтветитьI believe I’m ready. Going to go see what’s up at my local lodge down here in Sierra vista, AZ
ОтветитьI just wanted to share my experience with you about my recent visits to the lodge. The first time I went, I had the chance to speak with a few masons who all seemed to ask me the same question. Then on my second visit, I was invited for dinner and was asked why I wanted to become a mason. I found it interesting that they were genuinely interested in my reasons.
But, two months later, I received a call asking me to come back to the lodge to pick up some documents. I'm a bit confused as to why they haven't allowed me to petition yet but are asking me to pick up documents. Do you have any idea what documents they could be referring to?
No one wants to join that disgusting garbage
ОтветитьSo you gotta give these fools your social security number to run backround check??
ОтветитьWe also invite the profane to a "Blindfold Interview". The applicant is invited into a lodge to be questioned by the brethren. This allows the brethren beyond the initial commission to put forward their questions to the applicant.
Ответитьdo you need to be rich or high education to join?
ОтветитьJoin the illuminati and be rich be happy
ОтветитьI'm very interested
ОтветитьI am a 357 Mason, not officially' although tarot cards told me.😜
ОтветитьBecoming a freemason what you need to know? do you love little children and satan!!! that's all
ОтветитьI'm from zambia and I want to join, any Zambian member here to guide me on where I can find the lodge?
Ответитьi want to join with freemason please help me
ОтветитьWhat are typical monthly dues to lodges?
ОтветитьCan non masons wear masonic symbols?