Good job Viking Samurai ⚔️❤️👊💪👍
ОтветитьNice. I was hoping you would get back to interviewing people.
ОтветитьNEED A 5HR SHOW............AWSOME,,,,
ОтветитьI really enjoyed these series of interviews Brother. Keep them coming Brother. Congratulations 👍
ОтветитьMaster Richard is such an amazing man! I can understand about his obsession and sometimes heartbreaking demand we put on ourselves for perfection. Working in the symphony in my early 20s as just a manager, I’ll never forget the times that I would go in and listen to the warm-up while setting up their mics.. absolutely effortless; Out of body. That’s why we must all remember to meditate and to practice other forms of art to center ourselves too! The “effortless” martial artist is a man who does not “have to” fight; not man, Or himself. Intriguing guest! It is such an honor to learn from one of our legendary elders like Master Richard. 🫡💫🎨🙏🏻
ОтветитьA lot of philosophy. He is a brilliant man 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьLoved Richard norton his martial arts movies he's a legend
ОтветитьOk I think I've been quite patient, and you've made it clear that you've spoken with Sensei Seagal multiple times I believe, let's have the interview David! With the real questions, everything from, the Bruce Lee rumor/story, to The actual Lebell incident in 1990 with Steven Lambert being there, to Frank Ducks... 🤣 and to the incident between an intoxicated Van Damme challenging Seagal at Stallone's house back in 1997. I have more, but that's a good start. 🙏✝️🔊❤️🥋💥
ОтветитьHello, Viking Samurai. Richard seems like a chill guy.
Haven't finished video yet but there was a photo shoot of Stevie Nicks doing martial arts techniques but I forget if it was with Richard or somebody else. Forget the backstory too.
Ответитьi wonder what it was like to watch bowie eat, snore, fart, or just have a stomach ache and be sick. that would be crazy to see since he seems like a real gentlemen. i be just curious to see them all sing songs that they enjoy that they didn't write. like seeing mick jagger sing a journey or fleetwood mac tune. or watch abba sing pop tunes like from kylie minogue or backstreet boys. that be odd, fun to watch.
Mister Norton is a class act.
Great interview.
Keep up the great work.
Keep up
Very good soon you'll land that grand slam Jcvd interview than the larger than life interview the Legendary Jackie Chan keep going strong
ОтветитьI could only imagine the stories Richard Norrom has.
Also, literally just finished watching The Last Kumite, very entertaining!
it's always great listening to Richard Norton, the background music was distracting otherwise great interview.
ОтветитьSeems like a very cool guy and loyal to the people he took care of.
ОтветитьYou are an idiot, Sensei Seagal 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI just saw The Last Kumite. David you were awesome in it
ОтветитьGreat mate
ОтветитьLol James Taylor told him “u got a friend” 😆😂
ОтветитьMy dad new him because he trained at Bob Jones martial arts in Melbourne and Richard either owns half the business and also was an instructor there Bob is his best mate
ОтветитьWhy the background music? Pls turn it off bro
ОтветитьValuable lessons here, class act
ОтветитьRichard Norton is the consumate professional...and a truly brilliant martial artist. Richard was the guy who stole the show in the Octagon...the final duel with Norris was one of the greatest choreographed fights at that time.
Much like the car chase from the film 🎥 bullit in 1968, in 1980 Norton was an on screne marvel.
Hollywood dropped the ball by not making him the equivalent of a Van Damme or a Seagal....
He had better acting chops too.
Amazing legacy and career 👏
Richard Norton's done it all man, what a star. i held my security and bodyguard licence in my 30s to supplement my income but i never had to work as that as my full time job was more than enough.
ОтветитьI’m enjoying these interviews that I consider master classes from masters in the philosophy and meaning of their journey. Great to have this for the insight and preservation of legacy.🙏👍🤙🖖
Ответитьthe music is a bit much
ОтветитьThe thing I find interesting about Trumpers like you is how disjointed your positions are. You preach health but advocate for violence against anyone wearing a mask to keep their grandparents healthy and alive. You say you think it's weird some girl behind a counter says "I don't consent to this conversation" and put her on blast in your channel, yet you claim your for freedom as your leader avdocates sexual assault by grabbing womens genitalia. THEN now that it's 2025 you have a written manifesto that says if we non christians won't submit to you you WILL USE FORCE. I, and millions of other citizens like me won't submit, so you'll be busy with your guns. The funny thing is you like in California, and while peoples houses burn your christian savior, tells you to withhold help and sympathy. I miss the Christian sof the 80s, these new christians are thugs, lowlifes abd bullies at best, genocidal criminals at worst gleefully celebrating the bombing of children in gaza, the adbduction of children by russians in the Ukraine, and basically making a sacrement of automatic rifles and bombs.
ОтветитьBearded Lady
ОтветитьRichard Norton is legendary
ОтветитьTitle sound promising, but didn’t really learn anything
ОтветитьSuch a BS answer. Now you know why the elite getaway with crimes: their Butlers worship them as if they're demigods and will cover up every major and minor indiscretion they do. You think Mick Jagger works hard?? Lets see him last one week as a secretary in a police station. These guys lives are the stuff of dreams but they have hideous flaws, theyve done the most evil crimes.
But we'll never know their crimes because of Butlers and buttkissers like Richard Norton.
Worked with Cris VD on a movie. He said his father wasnt there for him and you cant IMAGINE the amount of stress he was under. Stress that Van Damme wasnt aware of because he was ....occupied. Let's see the REAL face of these celebrities.
An amazing guy.
Thanks for the interview
Good character on Mr. Norton.