The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW As a MID LANER! - Mid Guide

The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW As a MID LANER! - Mid Guide

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@skillcapped - 23.11.2020 14:18

We've released one of these for Jungle as well. What role is next? Top, ADC or Support?

@mocabe01 - 23.03.2023 13:15

How far can you be from minions to not lose experience points?

@LeKoliasl - 03.04.2022 19:14

The thing is I'm trying to stat pad because I'm chasing S....I'm in desperation yeah

@asassin0735 - 28.03.2022 17:44

for first one I still push and harass cus I mainly paly pyke or zed who can dash away or smth like that

@ether6521 - 17.12.2021 02:50

thank you so much my man

@pepitedechocolat8283 - 11.11.2021 14:58

thanks man :)

@VisionFazed - 07.11.2021 18:28

Talon can push a wave, pick off an overextended low health bot lane and make it back to mid in no time. Only problem is when teammates run it down their lane and go 0/15.

@DarkLepus42 - 14.09.2021 11:54

If you flip the Leblanc vs Lucian match up aroud, what should he do in this case? 3 levels behind and trying to stand under turret to not fall behind in exp, but he gets dived. What should he do?

@pixush - 04.09.2021 05:29

And there is me whenever I splitpush, all 5 of them come to stop me or rather gang up💀

@paddy_it_in - 30.08.2021 11:45

Are you doing your animations to visualize everything in premiere or aftereffects?

@jeysisantana1462 - 25.07.2021 21:19

By watching this, its becomr a chess pieces for me

@connoryancy7606 - 16.03.2021 06:45

Jesus Christ is the only way into heaven

@johnysimps1191 - 12.03.2021 13:53

skillcapped has helped me a lot and i can se visible changes in my gameplay. So far these videos have taught me how to get leads early and come back from a seemingly losing situation or what to do from behind. My biggest problem now is figuring out what to do with my leads in order to carry. I can go 7/1 with decent cs and still not be able to carry the match

@youneskasdi - 28.02.2021 02:09

If the enemy midlaner keeps roaming bot and getting kills you won't even stand a chance against him, i got a level ahead but he got an entire legendary item ahead of me because he got fed of my bot who refuses to fallback, that's why i always take tp to immediately tp down bot and help them no matter the outcome

@xxexexex - 03.02.2021 04:31

I am ALWAYS lower level than my opponents

@yordanbozadzhiyski5655 - 26.01.2021 14:59

Why do i always red skill clapped hahah

@Russel.Idrive - 20.01.2021 19:41

damn I thought its dota guide

@fareswael995 - 13.01.2021 23:20

My team keeps dying in fights that can coast them game so my spliting usually fails

@KTSN94 - 05.01.2021 23:59

One thing I notice in lower ELO; Your "fed" teammates overestimate their champions sometimes. They start trying to make plays and just die. Thus giving up a lot of gold. Also, watching high ELO players made me realize how important cs is. Cs gives the gold and experience needed to get advantages.

@spikewike6075 - 05.01.2021 21:06

Can You please anserw my question: What if im Zoe in that situation, should split or stay teamfighting? Isn't that lose/lose for me? Is there any option to avoid this situations?

@jonhdew3292 - 23.12.2020 06:34

Alright, I've got a question.

I was playing Akali vs Anivia. The Anivia was being very aggressive and pushing hard. I had to concentrate in order to not take too much poke. There was a double wave under my tower, and I was level 2. Anivia was level 3. The enemy jungler invaded my jungler l, but I chose to farm the wave instead of help, plus Anivia was stronger than me and was harrassing me under tower. Ny jungler died to the invade so he started spam pinging me and flaming, and even refused to gank my lane even when it was obviously an easy gank.

I made the right decision to stay with the waves right?

@thehoople1736 - 11.12.2020 16:59

But make it about jungle so laners can learn bout what jungle does to better help the teammmmm

@andelephantscanfly - 05.12.2020 13:54

what is this voice. sounds gay affff

@icefirecloud2868 - 04.12.2020 02:42

Adc next

@vincechiquino8053 - 03.12.2020 02:46

SkillCappedChallenger: Levels are so so important.
Qiyana: *level 7 and kills level 12 Syndra and level 9 Fizz and got the pentakill

I hate that xD. I was playing fizz and i got killed by Qiyana.

@SlipknotRaffi - 30.11.2020 10:03

You are not Roaming in LowElo for having any Impact, you Roam, so youre team doesnt start Trolling and Intentionally Feeding xD

@lmkidd313 - 29.11.2020 00:59

You started as a Diana one trick?

@Szot0 - 28.11.2020 23:53

its called mid lane mentality :D

@Pawe-vu2cp - 28.11.2020 16:06

Very good channel for real!

@louiederegla5231 - 28.11.2020 10:42

I really agreed to tha random fights in low elo

@natesd053 - 28.11.2020 06:39


@scurvysailor165 - 27.11.2020 08:41

QOTD: STFU and listen here. If there isn't a hotfix to gp in the next week then I'll run it down on every one of my accounts and make new accounts so I can keep making your game worse. I really can't wait to see no buff so I can completely waste all of the time in my day just to make your game worse.

@lucavincenzi8596 - 26.11.2020 16:29


@stevenyee850 - 26.11.2020 12:15

Tldr play selfish..

@coolx9357 - 26.11.2020 05:22

as a mid lane main, i love this vid. I am very guilty of the roaming and losing farm and exp

@erikvormala5900 - 25.11.2020 23:00

what if im a split pushing champ like trynd, but im so behind that i cant stay in side lane because of anyone from enemy team could ezly solo me? Just FF?

@jcwong4995 - 24.11.2020 09:00

I wish I could watch my vod in wild rift

@bodyspray4896 - 24.11.2020 08:27

hey who is the best ekko in the world that u was talking about? im really interested since im playing ekko

@jonel3596 - 24.11.2020 07:47

Is there a video or resource for how to get the most out of a self vod review?

@blakebailey2447 - 24.11.2020 07:02

As a diana 1 trick I needed that info from the beginning lol. I die to ganks all the time

@addictnamelon - 24.11.2020 04:09

i feel so tired listening to this. emphatic me!

@automaticcaptions - 24.11.2020 03:25

i swear skill capped is the only good lol yt tips services. They dont beat around the bush or have some weird flashy presentation and edits like pro guides, or outdated useless info like game leap. if i were to pay for a service, it would be skill capped.

@ixyousif1737 - 24.11.2020 02:09

Your videos have teached me alot

@isytadrug7085 - 23.11.2020 23:14

His voice reminds me of Toby from the office

@jqlmanufacturing9129 - 23.11.2020 22:51

3 things
1. Die less win more
2. Wards save lives
3. Only killing the nexus wins the game. The rest is irrelevant

@ed1659 - 23.11.2020 22:06

I wouldn't even able to count in how many games my opponent mid-laner roamed to bot, while waves were neutral. I push and spam ping my team. Roam succeeds, my botlaners spam ping me "WHERE IS SS?". Enemy mid backs and comes mid for 1 wave and back to botlane. And do this on repeat. In the end he has exp and gold lead, because kills give way to much.

@wolfyd9268 - 23.11.2020 21:59

That tip about prioritizing your own level and CS instead of roaming really made me realize that I made this mistake and lost games cause of it. Big thanks

@garretthafeli7499 - 23.11.2020 21:53

Price that levels are the most important thing:

No item veigar >:)
