BATTLE! (Greenhorne) - Miitopia [NEW REMIX] | Super Smash Bros.  Ultimate

BATTLE! (Greenhorne) - Miitopia [NEW REMIX] | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


3 года назад

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@LUCKYRiCK - 24.05.2021 16:26

This was my little surprise for you all!

@dragonblade-go6pe - 03.11.2023 02:16

You need to do more miitopia themes

@This-is-a-commentt - 30.08.2023 00:16

I’m so happy rn

@moon3117 - 22.06.2022 04:31

Modders! Do your thing!

@Hell_and_Back - 07.06.2022 18:45


@adriangorski5446 - 30.04.2022 21:09

Miitopia AS A WHOLE should be in smash IF YOU'VE EVER PLAYED IT

@sandwich_bubbles47 - 13.04.2022 03:51

I heard someone say once that an electric guitar would go super well with this song, and ever since then I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it…

@youngmoonwalker1987 - 28.12.2021 04:09

This sounds kinda identical to the OG Greenhorne battle theme

@patricegray1450 - 28.10.2021 00:26

No dislikes this is legandary

@CartoonFan18 - 10.08.2021 05:14


@marcelopaulo446 - 04.08.2021 14:52

Miitopia Will have a pretty good Future now that's on switch

@hammerdeluxe6009 - 04.07.2021 20:33

Miitopia thief moveset
Jab: fast slices with his knife, easily spammable.
Dash attack: an forward flying kick that deals little damage, but does good knockback.
Side tilt: the thief throws his knife forwards, which spins in the air for a bit and then return to his hand. Medium ranged attack.
Down tilt: he spins his knife around him, useful for distancing opponents.
Up tilt: same as the front tilt but he throws the knife up instead of forward.
Side smash: a knife cut forward, that deals below avarage damage and knockback.
Up smash: swings his knife upwards. Deals avarage damage and above avarage knockback. Hits opponents above and next to him.
Down smash: does a little break dance on the floor. Good damage but small knockback.
Neutral air: swings his knife all around his body.
Forward air: does a drop kick with great knockback.
Back air: does an elbow strike behind him.
Up air: Does a bicicle kick upwards.
Down air: Also does a dropkick, but downwards.
Grab and plummel: grabs the opponent with one hand and stabs him with his knife for a plummel.
Forward throw: spins the opponent around his body and throws him forward.
Back throw: same as the forwar throw, but backwards. Turns the thief around.
Up throw: slashes his knife from low-to-high forward, lauching the enemy upwards.
Down throw: sets a trap under the enemy's feet and throws him down, making it hit the trap and launching him upwards. Good damage but small knockback.
Neutral special: Trap
Sets a trap right in front of him. Trap becomes invisible after being set. Works like snake's landmine, but it can't be activated at will. When an opponent steps on it, he will become stunned for a while. Thief isn't affected by his own trap. Trap disapears after 15 seconds, and has a cooldown of 15 seconds before setting another one. Can only set one at a time.
Side special: Phantom Strike
Dashes forward and hits opponents with a flurry of strikes. Works just like Mythra's lightning buster, but it hits less times and it's a bit stronger. Will stop if it's to close to an edge, but keeps going forward if in the air. Puts the thief at a free fall if used in the air.
Down special: Backflip
It's a counter that dogdes attacks with a back flip. slows down oponents for a little while. It's a weaker version of bayonetta's witch time.
Up special: Rock rain/Whirlwind Blades
When used on the ground, it turns Rock Rain. In the air it turns Whirlwind Blades. Rock rain makes the thief throw some rocks up, and hits opponents at a close-to-medium range. It does great damage and knockback, and it has a chance to burry opponents if a rock hits right above them. It has a cooldown of 5 seconds. Whirlwind blades makes the thief use a flury of slashes upward, dealing small damage but great vertical recovery. Puts the thief on a free fall after using it.
Final smash: Thief's Horse Whispering
A cinematic final smash that the thief activates after dashing forward to slash opponents in front of him. Opponents caught on it will go to a miitopia battle stage, where we can see a horse running around with no apparent rider. When the horse gets closer we can ser the thief hiding behind the horse. The horse passes running in front of the opponents and the thief slashes them as he passes. It deals above avarage damage and great knockback, and K.Os opponents above 100%.
Stage entering: the thief falls on the battle field, where he looks at both sides before assuming his fighting stance.
Taunt 1: the thief throws his knife up, spins it and grabs it in the air.
Taunt 2: the theif tighens his head band.
Taunt 3: the thief grabs a hp banana and eats it. It doesn't recover any damage afterwards.
Victory screen 1: the thief makes a naughty grin before grabing a random grub and disappearing in a blur.
Victory screen 2: a horse enters the scene looking for the thief, but he couldn't find him. The thief appears behind the horse, scaring him. The horse jumps up, looks backwards and starts rubbing his cheek at the thief's face. The thief laughs and pets the horse.
Victory screen 3: The thief is seen setting a trap, but as soon as he looks at the camera, he jumps up in suprise and activates his trap on himself in an accident.

@hammerdeluxe6009 - 04.07.2021 16:22

Miitopia Mage Moveset
Jab: 3 hits with his magic staff. Deals small damage and small knockback.
Dash attack: casts fire on himself while running, dealing fire damage for opponents hit by it.
Side tilt: a staff sideways swing.
Up tilt: swings his staff upwards.
Down tilt: casts a small explosion underneath him.
Side smash: uses Enlarge Weapon on his own staff, increasing its range and power. It has a bit of endlag.
Up smash: casts lightning upwards, stunning opponents that get hit by it.
Down smash: uses enlarge weapon on his staff and swings it downwards. Burries oponents hit by the tip of the staff.
Grab and plummel: envelops the opponent in a magical field, and plummels with lightning
Forward throw: casts fire to launch them forward.
Back throw: teleports the opponent behind him and hits it with fire
Up throw: cast explosion under the opponents feet, causing it to fly away very high
Down throw: hits the staff in the opponents head. Deals small damage, but great for combos.
Neutral air: envelops himself in fire, burning oponents to close to him.
Forward air: swings the staff forward. Very small chance to spike.
Back air: casts explosion behind him self.
Up air: casts lightning to stun opponents.
Down air: uses enlarge weapon at his staff, making him fall downwards because of the weight. Deals above avarage damage if hits an opponent, but will fall directly down, so its dangerous to use it near the blast zone.
Neutral special: Explosion/Mega Explosion/Giga explosion
Will cast explosion around him. The longer you hold the B button, the more powerfull will it become, just like the hero.
Side special: Lightning/Mega Lightning/Giga Lightning
Casts lightning right in front of him. It stuns and launches anyone hit by it. The longer you hold the B button, the more powerfull it will become.
Up special: Fire/Mega Fire/ Tower of Flame
Uses fire to proppel itself upwards, hitting any opponent underneath him. Can be charged by holding the B button. When fully charged, it becomes Tower of Flame, which makes a giant fire hurricane that hits anyone to close to it. It also propels the mage upward. All of the variants puts the mage on a free fall.
Down special: Sleep tight
Will put any opponent to close in front of him to sleep. Great combo starter.
Final Smash: The Mage's Horse Whispering
The Mage invokes his mighty horse and gives it wings. It flies on the top on the battlefield and casts Thunderbolt, making lighting bolts to rain all across the battle field. It deals small damage, but has large launch power and it stuns opponents.
Entry Screen: the mage teleports into the battlefield and spins his staff on his hand, and then makes his fighting stance.
Taunt 1: a simple staff spin.
Taunt 2: starts dancing just like when he does when the friendship meter is filled up.
Taunt 3: Grabs a Mp candy and eats it.
Victory screen 1: The Mage spins his staff, and then makes the victory pose he does at the end of battles in miitopia.
Victory screen 2: The Mage appears on screen riding his horse, and when he dismounts it, he starts petting its head.
Victory screen 3: the mage walks around seemingly tired, but then celebrates as he sees an Inn.

@mecha5053 - 07.06.2021 20:03


@multimayo5735 - 25.05.2021 11:41

Ive Recently Played The Miitopia Demo And You ight Of Killed Me With This Music Its TOO GOOD I MEAN LIKE WE DONT DESERVE THIS GLORY!!!!

@IMainLuigiInSmashBros - 25.05.2021 02:46

I’ll still never understand why Greenhorne Battle wasn’t in the game as it was

@GreenHouseTheMinMinSimp - 24.05.2021 18:10

Really wish they added more miitopia music tbh, the soundtrack is an absolute banger

@derpyboii600 - 24.05.2021 16:30


Its just that GOOD!

@douglewisamaanthro383 - 24.05.2021 16:30


@breadbybread - 24.05.2021 16:26

goob job!
