I'M ANGRY: Macgregor Speaks Out

I'M ANGRY: Macgregor Speaks Out

Our Country Our Choice

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@andrzejkrzeminski3270 - 18.10.2024 09:02

if USA had real democracy,not some AIPAC-controlled mob-McGregor would be the president. and what a great president he would be...

@katateo328 - 18.10.2024 13:21

hahahah dong chi khong nen tuc gian, hay binh tinh ma tra tien cho tao. tuc gian khong giai quyet duoc chien gi dau. binh tinh lai nao, cuop giut thi phai tra lai cho nguoi ta thoi. lam nguoi dang hoan thoi dong chi oiiii

@GiaZLife888 - 18.10.2024 14:21

We are so sorry Americans. You all are in our thoughts and prayers 🙏❤️

Trump and Harris will not be your answer to a better life

@bettymabe9061 - 18.10.2024 16:32

And remember the current just changed the law now the current administration passes a law saying they can use our military against our people and yet they faint provide hum Atari an help we’re all Bering lied mcgregorbspeaks the truth wake up America your being silent while they rob our country

@UmarWazir - 18.10.2024 20:18

No money.

@Tutan7399 - 18.10.2024 23:18

As a European, once upon a time I believed in American ideals! Today I feel sick just thinking about US!

@AnangaRanga - 19.10.2024 02:03

Macgregor for WORLD PRESIDENT!!! Macgregor is THE MAN!!!

@danidelavega8331 - 19.10.2024 06:18


@ME1970freedom - 19.10.2024 15:20

You are a Hero 👍💪 keep telling the truth

@เยาวลักษณ์แลงทั่น - 19.10.2024 15:55

How much has Putin paid you to start mouth thing off now? I’m quite sure that there are people in the United States that are suffering but you McGregor I wouldn’t trust you an inch. I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could kick you. You are no patriot you are nothing, but a Russian lucky.

@เยาวลักษณ์แลงทั่น - 19.10.2024 15:59

And I’m angry with you, Mr McGregor because you are taking advantage of a time when yes people need help but they don’t need help from someone like you who is just trying to cause discord in the society you want the war in Ukraine lost I just wonder what you’re getting out of it. I do not believe that you are as disturbed about North Carolina as you say I believe the lot that motivate you is just get back and hatred. You’re not an American and I don’t. What are you ever were?

@diduckd - 19.10.2024 18:28

Want to be angrier, have a video if you have a drop box?

@delife_bkk - 19.10.2024 18:41

Americans like other countries, we have less choices. You should accept that we all are controlled by RULES and GAMES for decades and you set them for ALL4legs. No MAN in MONEY, LAW, EDU +++

@sohailagha1803 - 19.10.2024 20:58

Why our Military pentagon remove insane demented president and his officials. I don’t get it what this country is. Blind with reality and not taking care of our people who paid their life time in building communities. America has full corruption and every one knows. Our Forces have the power, why they are waiting

@jabbawakka7286 - 19.10.2024 21:30

I'm not American, but this is the kind of speech a true patriot, or a caring leader would say. I can't agree more with this man. Your once great nation would be a better place with this man at the helm....forget Biden, Harris and Trump....I vote colonel Douglas McGregor.

@davidhur5923 - 19.10.2024 23:32

But how can FEMA help the hurricane victims ???? This government has giving away Billions to comedians and zionists criminals instead of using our money for our own people. If kamala wins, she will be just a flower pot base on top of a table while the zionist will tell her what to do. 🤮🤮🤮

@davidhur5923 - 19.10.2024 23:35

I had to listen to this video again !!!! We need Col MacGregor in office.

@cadakun6498 - 19.10.2024 23:36

You could become the better president 👍👍

@LaurieFloodTeacher - 20.10.2024 02:00

Vote third party. Red and blue are purposely destroying our country.

@R-Cforeverfriends - 20.10.2024 02:19

Sorry, Ukraine is more important

@Karin-tl5pw - 20.10.2024 02:45

Which "President"??? The FAKE B@den or the real one, EXECUTED FOR TREASON back in 2018? Cut the crap general and please STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME! The entire world KNOWS what is going on in your country! I would call it NEMESIS for all the CRIMES your "great" military has committed in more than 160 countries around the world! WE ARE SICK OF THE UNITED SNAKES!

@UmiYogi0205 - 20.10.2024 09:58

I totally agree with you, sir! Please vote Jill Stein.❤❤❤

@itchigokurusaki5768 - 20.10.2024 10:54

i thought americans taught the world that the voice of the people is the voice of God. you know that the government you installed is an inutile government then what would you do next?😂

@itchigokurusaki5768 - 20.10.2024 10:55

Biden doesnt care about carolina, as long as the israeli zionists are safe.😂

@Sunnyfunny99 - 20.10.2024 12:25

Russland exekutiert Kriegsgefangene bombardiert Kinderkrankenhäuser Mafia Land 😢

@st.john_one - 20.10.2024 12:48

i agree completly, btw i'm european living in europe, but colonel is a great man and i support him. Greetings to you all

@carlostome2542 - 20.10.2024 13:21

Send the video to the White House.

@abdulazizsaleh8650 - 20.10.2024 13:28

40,000 subscriber's, 12000 thumbs 👍🏻
You cant Change anything with that.... i respect your Efforts...but without knowledge how to reach to the public..you cannot win...

@vojinprotic8261 - 20.10.2024 19:48

Based on everything that has been said so far in this interview about the obvious lack of concern of the American government, do you feel ashamed of your involvement in the destruction of Iraq and the shameful policies of the base government?

@jjlittle81 - 20.10.2024 19:50

This administration has no concern for our citizens. Not even the misguided people who support this democrat party that is leading us all to the abyss.

@talktruth04 - 21.10.2024 09:38

I don't think Trump will do any better I see war in Trump regime than peace.

@user-lo3tv8so4w - 21.10.2024 15:26

U.S pilots rescyung hurricane victims in North Carolina are being threatened with arrest by local goverment leaders due to flight restrictions placed on all of the areas of North Carolina affected by the hurricane disaster. U.S citizens attempting to rescue, physically help, or financially assist hurricane victims are being threatened with arrest by local goverment leaders including those attempting to allocate legal nationally fundraised funds to hurricane affected families and survivors of the disaster. All helicopters, military and government transportation assets for civilians, regular vehicles and trucks are being redeployed elsewhere in the country during the crisis including some to Israel and Ukraine as North Carolina and U.S citizens are seen as lowest of the low in priority by the Biden Administration and Federal Government of the U.S.

@solswed - 21.10.2024 16:17

Agreed 100%

@wytrose4602 - 21.10.2024 19:17

😢😢 THANK YOU SIR. GEN MACGREGOR I ALWAYS WATCH YOU. 😊. WE WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE around the is realians until after the times of sorrow's of jaushuia.. for our own safety. Found in the Good book original one. KjV 1919..They are in great s in. Didn't listen to the 1st presidents retirement speech.

@grahambird1570 - 22.10.2024 06:07

. . . . And this is Democracy for you

@ksix07 - 22.10.2024 06:48

what a sad sad reality we are living. Where should we go from here!!

@organizer14 - 24.10.2024 05:22

Very articulate and very well stated! Thank you for an excellent and true messsge! It is exactly how millions of Americans feel and we are so glad you can express our feelings so effectively! Thank you very much and may you be abundantly blessed for your wisdom, courage and leadership skills!

@rusreppert - 25.10.2024 07:20

I’m a big fan, I would like this to take off. My advice would be too avoid this pseudoscience stuff and keep with the geopolitical.

@bonnierobbins4230 - 26.10.2024 03:16

Dear Sir
Thanks for your honesty knowledge and comments... Love your channel.
Military Service

@rogblankpage - 26.10.2024 13:14

You are absolutely and completely correct

@tarmux7321 - 01.11.2024 09:25

Now this has proven that Iraq has weapon of mass destruction. This was a big lie but along with your puppies like natio EU and UK you all destroyed Iraq and killed million and million innocent civilian. Same story repeat in lybia Syria and Afghanistan and now in Ukraine. You are part of army and your hand are soaked with the blood of innocent civilian now remember Americans will pay with intrest what this country is still doing to others

@Sean-p3o - 06.11.2024 10:29

If only we had someone like this in Britain

@v.annabonac2913 - 06.11.2024 23:22

So right.

@ThuraiyaMohdGhazali - 08.11.2024 17:00

Sadly am not american citizen ..else he will have my vote for the next POTUS..A.S.AP😢

@SimonSez-g - 10.11.2024 18:04


@fredhill3565 - 21.11.2024 05:02

My God sir what is happening? What is going on in DC? I'm retired Air Force. I've never in my military career have seen this BS!!! The Biden administration has no clue what nuclear weapons and nuclear war is. I'm very concern. Is there anything we can do? Biden is going to dump World War III in Trump's lap and American will pay the price. Any military member knows what would happen in a nuclear war. This is NUTS!!! Sir I'm scared. I don't know if there is a correct answer. Sir please prayer for our nation. I will be. Sir I think your only one the few that have a clue what the hell is going on. Nuclear war, nuclear weapons are not a joke. They have no idea what nuclear weapons will do. I'll get off my soap box. Sir, thank you for listing to me. I will close for now with one word, Why?

@donrondel8240 - 19.01.2025 22:00

Dont worry Col, our great allies are going to help our fellow Americans! UK, France, Germany, Italy and of course Israel and Saudi Arabia are all going to help. Dont hold your breath. IMO EVERY so called ally can take a hike.

@elaineroddy9958 - 29.01.2025 20:28

Thank you Col MacGregor. I so appreciate your bravery, honesty and and integrity. I’m 74 and am so very angered by our government’s dishonesty and failure to help our citizens. The 2008 bank bailouts is another example of helping the elites at the peril of the lower and middle income citizens

@valerietweedie4376 - 07.02.2025 11:17

I wish YOU were our president!
