John's Arcade Tour Sept. 2010 - PART 3 of 3 - ALL ACCESS!

John's Arcade Tour Sept. 2010 - PART 3 of 3 - ALL ACCESS!

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@mllarson - 13.09.2010 05:24

I've been waiting for part three all weekend! Thanks for putting it up!!!

@TreasureChestReviews - 13.09.2010 05:51

@Corad4 the mvs was my first cab :D

@tomdotcom88 - 13.09.2010 07:44

You need about 5 more pinballs haha. Pinball rules ;) Great vids as always..

@jupreindeer - 13.09.2010 09:00

Ms. Pac-Man is my first (and currently only) arcade. Alas, electronics are all in pieces. Next step, space. Then, cabinet/monitor.

@sinistermoon - 13.09.2010 15:09

Super amazing collection of games!!!

@Johnsarcade - 13.09.2010 17:41

@henryblazer20 $700 is way too much for a Donkey Kong especially if you are going to MAME it! There is no easy way to mame a DK without completely rewiring it.

@ThunderFist1978 - 13.09.2010 17:55

You are the man, John! I've definitely been wanting to get some arcade cabinets of my own and learning to repair them and whatnot. I enjoyed watching the tour! By the way, the only coin-ops I have right now are a Flim-Flam cabinet from 1974 (needs some wiring work), and an original model Little Caesar's Brain Teaser that works perfectly. I paid $45 and $20 for them respectively.

@VinceLatello - 13.09.2010 20:51

I just need to know what your electric bill is like?

@Gambenoful - 13.09.2010 21:12

Nice Video, I have been searching and searching for a Mrs. Pacman machine but it seems everyone thinks its worth as much as a new car its ridiculous. The search continues.....

@olit1234 - 13.09.2010 21:36

Awesome arcade!

@Nightenstaff - 15.09.2010 02:44

Very nice tour. Seeing that many mint condition cabs makes me want to spruce up what I have. Thanks for sharing!

@Nightenstaff - 15.09.2010 02:47

@henryblazer20 Please don't kill a DK to make a MAME. There are far better cabs out there to MAME. If you're willing to put a decent (read: 2005 or better) PC in it, you can play pretty much any game from 1998 and back. With that in mind, you'll want a six button cab. Look for a nice looking Street Fighter. You can find 'em for less than $200; sell the PCB for $25 and then you can drop a PC in with little hassle.

@Jorbz150 - 19.09.2010 06:16

I've only seen one classical arcade game in a public place, (not counting arcade specialty places,) and that was Ms. Pac-Man. It was VERY exiting. I sometimes wish I had been a kid in the early 80's so that I could have done that.

@JuN0 - 05.12.2010 20:46

damn.. id have a lot of fun in that arcade.

@tdcrooks - 21.12.2010 01:26

I'm guessing it's not possible to hook up a modern flat panel LCD monitor rather than the old tubes? Or are you seeking the tubes for the classic effect?

@Johnsarcade - 29.12.2010 05:10

@tdcrooks It is possible. They make converters to do this. However, I really prefer the original CRTs and will maintain these as long as possible!

@HotRodTypewriter - 20.03.2011 09:26

See all those trophies. Man this guy is a winner.

@Packerscorner - 13.08.2011 22:14

I'm inspired to get, learn, and teach my kids how to do thing also. Thank you for the video tour and letting us into your playland! =)

@computerkid1416 - 09.11.2011 03:49

Have you done much more since this video? If so, do you think you might make another update video?

@Exroth - 30.11.2011 22:02

You should ask for monitor donations, i've an old tv thats fairly big that i need to just get rid of, instead of dumping it. Guys like you might want it. I'm sure i'm not the only one who'd donate.

@Washp25 - 07.12.2011 05:28

hurry up and make that renegade cabinet! at 12:56 people need to know about that game its AMAZING

@KillaKlan513 - 31.12.2011 10:15

You sure can talk alot, are you a salesman?

@ChadQuick270W - 18.04.2012 17:39

Ha ha! Its not weird, its awesome. If I had the room and the money I'd have a couple of games in my living room too.

@Rockulaproductions - 26.04.2012 07:01

You are so lucky I do not live near you. I would be bugging you constantly to let me come over. Here's a quick hint about the camera shake. take the top of a tripod and use it like a stick. It eliminates a lot of shaking

@gozer5454 - 17.07.2012 06:48

weeeeeeeeee are in theeeeeee upstairs!

@22centman36 - 02.08.2012 20:51

john your place is just set up for fun, pure and simple.

@JKproductions184 - 09.11.2012 08:14

Is a Frogger cab in good condition worth $600? I'm wondering if I should get that or make my own Q*Bert cab with an NES and a tv inside.

@thepeternetwork - 24.11.2012 05:10

Your arcade makes me cry. I have a studio apartment in Manhattan, I have no job, and yet I want to have one of these arcade cabinets, even if I have to convert it to a MAME cabinet.

@shamos999 - 25.01.2013 01:25

You have a very impressive collection. Amazing! Our tastes are very similar, you have all my dream games except 2. A missile command 4 in track ball, and a Q*bert would be amazing. I just purchased my first cab. Its a romstar Ghosts'n Goblins, not the original capcom cab but its in decent shape and works, picked it up for $120. Was buying it as not working but got it home and it works great. Was going to convert it to a mame cab, but decided against it. Still in the market for a non working cab.

@Johnsarcade - 25.01.2013 01:37

I do have Missile Command and Q*Bert. Check out my Video #100 Spectacular for a tour of my current setup! Ghosts N Goblins is crazy cool!

@chris_amezquita - 27.03.2013 22:22

Do you have street fighter alpha 3?

@Johnsarcade - 27.03.2013 23:49

No, I have Alpha 2. I had Alpha 3 and didn't like it as much as 2.

@BLACKROSEMF - 28.04.2013 06:08

John , You are the Man bro . Stay Cool ,, B_R

@SandpiperN121PP - 04.06.2013 08:13

Very awesome collection! I didn't see a Gorf... and that my friend is an awesome game! Still, you have a most impressive collection! :)

@wrad45 - 08.08.2013 19:26

I completly ruined my gorf when making it q multicade. But it was already dead becuse it was already repainted and missing parts.

@ed911detroit - 10.08.2013 19:56

Two great Pinball Machines you might want to get for your collection are "The Sopranos, by Stern" and "Goldeneye, by Sega". These are two fun games that company will play again and again. Also, two 80's video games that I like are Dig Dug and Elevator Action. Q. Are you thinking of getting a table top game like Pac Man, a lot of restaurants & arcades had them in the 1980's.

@Johnsarcade - 10.08.2013 22:56

I am not a fan of the cocktail style cabinets. They take up too much space. I used to have a Popeye cocktail. I am interested in

@SummerFunMan - 06.12.2015 15:27

"They don't make monitors anymore." Uh, yeah they do! What do you think goes into the new video game cabinets so you can see what you're playing? Or did you think the new thing was to play blind?

@binkman853 - 06.05.2017 18:08

At work with some older videos playing. What a blast from the past! Thanks for all the content. You are awesome!

@Guns7469 - 28.01.2019 00:10

Absolute classics, the games and the video John!
