Highly sensitive people and narcissism

Highly sensitive people and narcissism


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@sergiofilho7845 - 01.01.2025 01:24

I got stucked 6 years with a woman Cover Narcissist and she is psychologist, what makes my senses completely shut down, and i am very romantic, emotional bounded, day dreamer man, it really sucks, im trying get out of this kind of addiction researching about what happened and to keep reinforcing that she is the problem and not me, also just few months before we moved from Brazil to England i did one session of Ayahuasca and that opened my senses i mean i became a bit more innocent and adventurous, i was already under her gasligthing, very confused and lost when i decided get some help with the sacred medicine, i thought i had some issue, or trauma from the past but after breakup with her i realised so many things and every month i have new realisations from the past. Sadly i'm still on this king of automatic behaviour, but maybe bcz im alone in the country, no friends, no family and also the winter is kicking in, along the months like waves coming and going i feel normal, excited and also empty, lost, dead inside. (she reached a point of telling people that i am bipolar, and maybe have some soft schizophrenia, bcz of my mood changes)
Than you so much for share all this knowledge it really help people like me, GOD Bless your life, THANK YOU.

@peterbuckley9731 - 01.01.2025 06:59

I think HSP are often the result of a narcissist parenting… it’s not just genotype. And so, the circle continues… groomed as fuel, to become fuel for an others darkness. It’s as if the devil and demonic are looking for kind souls to destroy, and re-destroy .

@Theantinarc - 01.01.2025 07:52

The difference is that the narcissist will punish you for any perceived criticism and the highly sensitive person will punish themselvesz

@robinmccatty7662 - 01.01.2025 10:55

I’m a HSP and also an 8 on the Enneagram so I would never put up with a Narcissist.

@p.19.0.24 - 01.01.2025 12:06

Can being in a long term relationship with a narcissist cause someone who is highly sensitive and non-confrontational to become avoidant, or potentially amplify avoidance in someone who might have just been sensitive and non-confrontational to begin with? If. so, what if someone who is exhibiting avoidance is only being avoidant in this particular relationship but not others? Say, if said relationship is with a narcissistic partner or parent?

@HouseRavensong - 01.01.2025 14:14

HSP struggling to recover from career burnout due to a severely narcissistic chain of supervisors. Thank you Dr. Ramani for discussing this.

@LisaGeller-d2i - 01.01.2025 14:28

Oh my goodness! That's me. I'm highly sensitive I guess! I was in relationships with narcissistic people.

@Yon1-p4d - 01.01.2025 15:32

And the narcissist sees them coming?

@A.Anne.Aurora - 01.01.2025 22:18

Yes me and my parents put me in psychiatry my dad is a PN more than mum and I always attracted weirdos. 🤷‍♀️ I think my dad is the worst I try to understand him but the bullying is borderline dangerous . And he is so manipulative that they diagnosed me as autistic and it everything was normal because I was the sick one 😣 either way it’s wrong . I will watch you again
Well to everyone it’s hard

@thesocialintrovertchronicles - 01.01.2025 22:32

That moment when you 100% relate to a description 😢

@Seeyatellite - 02.01.2025 07:41

I feel relieved and hopeful after seeing this video. I’ve always been told I’m “too sensitive” or I “can’t take a joke” (from specific, not-so-safe people) and I’ve had eyes sensitive to sunlight, been extremely averse to negative media, blood and gore and violence in film and TV and so on... and I’ve received teasing and bullying from family and men directing me to “man up” or “grow up” and “grow a pair” or get “thicker skin.”

I often feel a tension in my core and spine when dealing with certain people displaying many behavior and communication patterns you’ve referred to around narcissism.

Things are starting to make so much more sense and I’m thankful for each and every gleaned insight. I appreciate you, Doctor Ramani.

@cguzz5763 - 02.01.2025 07:50

I'm the highly sensitive person empath. And want to die because I grew up with my narcissistic family (mom & siblings) and then every coworkers also narcissists.

@mrflaxtv81 - 02.01.2025 12:11

Very helpful. I am the HSP and my brother the narc. Been no contact for 5yrs. Health scare with my mum has "necessiated" opening a channel of communication (by him, of course). Now watching intently as he will, no doubt, try and increase contact. Watching dr Ramani again to retune my narc BS detectors... love to all in the community X

@beanallene - 02.01.2025 15:40

I started this video thinking "I don't think I'm highly sensitive" and ended it with 😬 "Well, maybe I am"

@edwhatshisname3562 - 02.01.2025 17:05

So basically, people who are on the spectrum.

@ovenscor - 02.01.2025 18:09

I'm allergic to narcissists. Hate even being around them. This has been a great filter for friends.

@katecarlisle8383 - 03.01.2025 05:47

Thankyou. 😊🌻

@angelbulldog4934 - 03.01.2025 10:29

I thank my narc mother for the unpleasant childhood. She created an empath of maybe 6 types in one, mostly sigma. I'm sensitive to everything except what others say about me. That's actually none of my business.
Tough like elephant hide, tender like a rosebud.

@KimLangston - 03.01.2025 15:30

Ur talking about me to a T .ike u know me.. 🥺😭💯✝️❤️

@MargaretHerman-nt9sm - 03.01.2025 18:05

Highly Sensitive Person born by a Communal/Covert N in a hyper Religious family where the baby Jesus was who judged me.
Not the abusive nun, not the Cocaine addicted brother and SIL, not the Minister who insisted on marital counseling for my parents while having an affair with my mother.

@consciousobserver629 - 03.01.2025 20:46

And it makes setting boundaries (and keeping them) SO HARD. It took me the better part of 10 years with my husband to even begin to stand my ground when it came to confronting him over things he was doing or not doing that was painful for me. Due to neglect as a child, he can be sensitive and dismissive or defensive when I bring up how much I work without a break while he sleeps in everyday and then takes plenty of breaks to chill while I take care of the kids and household. I just need some quiet time to recharge and to process life. He usually says it’s up to me to make that happen, but it depends entirely on his schedule and willingness to do more. He has plenty of redeeming qualities, but sometimes his lack of sensitivity towards me triggers my own traumas involving the serious neglect and isolation I experienced as a child. I seem to be hardwired to take care of others, but I deeply desire that someone look out for me, too. So to be told I have to be the one to do that as well just seems unfair. Like, who will have my back?? He says “Are you going to punish me later if I watch TV now” Uhhhh, it isn’t punishment to expect you to take care of me the way I take care of you. I go through many dips in mood, and my kids notice. I always had a palpable fear of entering into a relationship with a man as I sensed it would be turbulent (at least for me most of the time), that I would be better off alone. If he ever passed suddenly, I’m not sure I would enter into another relationship. Being thin and somewhat attractive I could find someone else (and younger than me at that), so maybe I would do that. But I would go about it very differently than I did the first time with my husband.

@consciousobserver629 - 03.01.2025 20:57

And it makes setting boundaries (and keeping them) SO HARD. It took me the better part of 10 years with my husband to even begin to stand my ground when it came to confronting him over things he was doing or not doing that was painful for me. Due to neglect as a child, he can be sensitive and dismissive or defensive when I bring up how much I work without a break while he sleeps in everyday and then takes plenty of breaks to chill while I take care of the kids and household. I just need some quiet time to recharge and to process life. He usually says it’s up to me to make that happen, but it depends entirely on his schedule and willingness to do more. He has plenty of redeeming qualities, but sometimes his lack of sensitivity towards me triggers my own traumas involving the serious neglect and isolation I experienced as a child. I seem to be hardwired to take care of others, but I deeply desire that someone look out for me, too. So to be told I have to be the one to do that as well just seems unfair. Like, who will have my back?? He says “Are you going to punish me later if I watch TV now” Uhhhh, it isn’t punishment to expect you to take care of me the way I take care of you. I go through many dips in mood, and my kids notice. And then I end up feeling like I’m the narcissistic one… I guess we both act like that sometimes. It can all be very confusing and exhausting.

@joey67997 - 04.01.2025 01:07

Can hypersensitive people be narcissist, too

@slaws2279 - 04.01.2025 07:03

You’ll never satisfy a narcissist even if you do whatever they want. You have to put yourself first or you’ll waste your life away. That’s what I’ve learned, anyway.

@lesliewoolnough7871 - 04.01.2025 21:40

The covert narcissist conversation almost always gets turned to death unless someone almost actually is dying then avoids the topic completely. Always so confusing, it’s a part of the gaslighting.

@cobaltpterodactyl - 04.01.2025 21:41

Maybe it's confirmation bias on my part but is "highly sensitive person" just a way to say you're autistic but you're a girl so less likely to be diagnosed. Coming from and autistic woman who got told by plenty of therapists I'm highly sensitive, and noticing all these signs in all my autistic friends.

@AngelWest58 - 04.01.2025 22:54

hold my beer

@kevinsweeney2979 - 06.01.2025 08:18

Been rough.

@ea1112 - 06.01.2025 09:11

That describes me and my sensitivity is used against me as evidence of mental instability- so of course, it's all my fault.
Thank you for the validation . You help so much with my self doubt and confusion.
Bless you for the great work you do.

@Myopia2047 - 08.01.2025 01:20

Such an timely video post of HSP versus narcissistic relationship, weaponise HSP by narcs n use this HSP label to blame shift any normal persons response to their abuse or manipulation is crazy .

@aliciasilva4431 - 08.01.2025 19:16

Can someone be a narcissist and an HSP?

@michaelchung3949 - 09.01.2025 22:27

My wife is HSP and I’m a self aware Narcissist. We both have a great life and love each other. I don’t think I would have been aware of my Narcissism without her being HSP. I feel being Narcissism isn’t the problem, the problem lies with lack of awareness of Narcissistic Behavior. I appreciate her and attribute my improved mental heath because of her and who she is. I just wanted to say it’s not the worst relationship combo in that I wouldn’t have come to awareness without her.

@davespotlesscleaning3897 - 10.01.2025 18:35

Yes it's tragic I was trying to fix everything and fixing everything in me for years, it took me so many years to get out of all sociopathic interactions and the crazy part is that I was convinced that I'm a sociopath for a long time

@GrumpyGramps-m2c - 23.01.2025 00:00

Why arent there many highly sensitve males? I feel i am the only one..Every man I meet says mean things and very disrespectful ones.

@GrumpyGramps-m2c - 23.01.2025 00:02

I have stopped pleasing others though. I am not too detail oriented. Noise is what really bothers me.

@Szilvamag100 - 28.01.2025 14:17

I live with HSP and it was a long journey to figure it out "what is wrong" with me while I always felt I have no problems, I am just like I am. People tried to make me beleive that I am "hypersensitive" and it was like a bad thing, a failure or a stigma. Now I know that it is absolutely not true but I agree that a narcisisst can use a person like me very much. Luckily, beside my sensitivity I am also very determined having a healthy self esteem and however my narcisistic ex tried to push me done over the years I could always draw my bounderies (which was absolutely not easy) and finally when I realized that I cannot do anything about making the relationship better, I quit it. It was not a piece of cake because of my saving, emphatical dynamics.

@messymoe2678 - 31.01.2025 22:38

I know a guy who likes to use others to bully people but when that one person snaps back at him his little feelings get hurt sooooo thin skinned 🚴‍♂️

@Private-v7n - 04.02.2025 22:11

Excuse me....could you do 30 minutes on the highly insensitive person? Thanks

@purpleschnee9655 - 11.02.2025 03:43

My exe could be a narcissist and a highly sensitive person at the same time.

@sunshinejenny777 - 12.02.2025 04:29

Very, very, very interesting!!! Thank you so much for this video. I am a HSP and was married for 27 years to a neglectful, covert narcissist! Wow. Now, I understand why I am still hurt to the core from his abuse though I have to say that I am soooo happy living and being alone!! I am free and I love it. I love having choices and time to process and to create art.

@sunshinejenny777 - 12.02.2025 04:32

Can you make more videos on this topic please?

@Kokoloco666 - 14.02.2025 08:20

this is tripping me out cuz i can tell she's reading

@andrewreis-t2h - 18.02.2025 00:08

Thank you for this dr Ramini, I am a HSP and I’ve been part of a documentary called Sensitive Men Rising, which dr Elaine Aron was a big part of along with Alanis Morrisette and Luke Goss. It is about highlighting the fact that as Highly sensitive men we see, hear and feel more than a “normal” man, highly empathetic, and intuitive. I’ve been through a high conflict divorce which sparked a spiritual awakening within myself and I’ve done extensive emotional healing and personal development work on myself.. I have created a level of emotional resilience that scares a lot of people and not many know how to handle my authenticity. It is a vastly different world for me now and I grateful everyday for everything that I have been through to be able to be the man that I am today.

@eveningprimrose3088 - 20.02.2025 20:12

I think that attaching the word "style" to this affliction is ridiculous. Furthermore, the term HSP seems like it explains the epiphenomenon but not the root cause. This happens a lot in the field of mental health--diagnoses that only put a label on how mental illnesses seem to manifest in their appearance to the outside world. This mistake is often unhelpful if not dangerous.

@sevo_az - 21.02.2025 14:14

I'm an HSP and I can't even put into words how unseen, invalidating and hurtful it is to come across a narcissist. It is energy draining and exhausting to even talk to one, cause after all it is all about them.

@deemoneygreen5150 - 24.02.2025 05:56


@pickles9440 - 27.02.2025 17:10

Phew. I almost thought this was going to be telling me that im actually the narcissist.

@jessrandall7932 - 01.03.2025 13:50

I can’t share? Wish people understood this ty!!

@jessrandall7932 - 01.03.2025 13:57

Went to share private and save on my fb and I played again and saw that I couldn’t share so deleted it. Sorry have a tbi (from abuse as a HSP) little delayed🥹💪
