What Causes a Fatty Liver: 4 Ways to Fix

What Causes a Fatty Liver: 4 Ways to Fix

Thomas DeLauer

6 лет назад

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@ItsAshley08 - 18.09.2021 23:33

YES! I Love Turmeric. I also drink Yogi detox tea, the Honey chia Turmeric Vitality tea AND Organic Green tea just about daily. 💯💕☝️

@shubhangagarwal925 - 29.09.2021 15:32

Is milk okay during fatty liver

@shubhanshujain9827 - 16.10.2021 06:33

1. cut down on alcohol
2. cut down on fruits
3. take glutathione boosting foods or a supplement for it
4. turmeric (curcumin)

@MariamMohamed-ng9rl - 19.10.2021 23:42

Thanx lot dr

@gregoriodecker2692 - 23.10.2021 06:48

Be careful with turmeric! 1.4mg per pound of bodyweight is considered safe. Thomas says 70mg is the amount they used however I don't see it sold in small doses they used and he recommends.. maybe in powder form somewhere.. or obviously actual turmeric but let's be real.. how many people are weighing out 70mg of actual turmeric

@bertieschitz-peas429 - 24.10.2021 21:05

Can't believe the effectiveness of Tumeric, i've been taking the capsules with a black pepper mix for about two months now, i guess i can ease up once i've finished the current supply.

@euphratesjehan - 26.10.2021 21:08

Thank you. I learned a wealth of information in a short space of time. God bless you for making this video.

@runnerbee71 - 27.10.2021 20:08

Turmeric or Curcumin? That part didn't make sense?

@hobanlv - 31.10.2021 08:42

How do you figure out what is a high quality choline, turmeric or glutathione to purchase.?

@MrBaykalcelik - 07.11.2021 23:07

Thanks Sir

@johnr.french6499 - 08.11.2021 21:47

What about nac supplement

@jtnoodle - 18.11.2021 11:04

Yeah, but is Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty? Damn right!

@lindaolivetti1204 - 29.11.2021 18:25

Some good information, but saying carbs aren't bad to someone who has fatty liver is NOT good. Any carb raises insulin and inflammation. Anyone who has fatty liver needs to STOP all carbs, alcohol, and OTC meds. KETO

@Yeon8888 - 13.12.2021 10:58

FORMULAR TO REVERSE FATTY LIVER. i have fatty liver. my dad have cirrhosis and passed away due to it. i spend months after months testing my diet and studying about nutrition. even the dr here have some error. first of all, make sure u do not suffer gallstones from gall bladder disease which all doctors only tell us to remove our gallbladder which does fix fatty liver at all.. while it is true that fatty liver can be due to liver disease mistaken as "Fat", but 99% of doctors who follow books and each other do not consider deeply from an art perspective that it is actually due to prolonged inflammation due to enzymes not being able to pass down the duct because the duct is obstructed on and off by gallstones. there is such cases whereby gallstones pancreatitis is the cause of liver inflammation. this case, first we need to stop eating high cholesterol food as 80% of stones are form by cholesterol. you can do your research about what food are high cholesterol. if cholesterol and gallstones are NOT the underlying caused of your fatty liver. and ofcos not alcohol then we look at the following... (DO NOT DRINK alcohol as they are turned sugar eventually, if u continue then there is no point studying here, just die eventually). HERE, we focus on the real fatty liver as underlying cause, is due to bad diet and inactive meaning no exercise , stop your excuses and do justice to your own life my friends. the number 1 poor habit we have is eating too much carbohydrates (white bread or even whole meal still have carbohydrates by the way, pasta, noodles, RICE, even brown rice red black ... all rice have carbohydrates , corn, potatoes, cakes, biscuits) these carbohydrates are everywhere out there selling to us just to keep us full but served tiny nutritional benefits to our body. it is just a habit. if you dont understand what is carbohydrates, it is another word glucose , which mean SUGAR! they turned into sugar in our body. more than often, we consumed more than enough carbohydrates and the excess are all unhealthy. supposedly if we exercise, our metabolism increase, and "burn" of calories and glucose in a form of energy. that is fine because it is math. but often we do not exercise, even if you are not obese which i am not, i am slim yet i have fatty liver, i do not drink and smoke ever, i wasnt on any medication, i had no other diseases ! it was because of all sugar, i ate lots n lots of rice! sometimes noodles, and extra bread everyday as snacks with kaya. i eat cookies too.. they are all sugar eventually. i did not exercise at all for years. i eat fatty red meat too. i used oil to cook. but it is actually the carbohydrates that is causing the fatty liver. now i exercise and lost 7 kg. but its no use, because it barely able to directly burn off liver fats even after we lost lots of weights from other part of body fat. the right way instead is to cut off all bread, potatoes, starch, corn, sugar drink, refined sugar, and FRUITS!!! apples, watermelon, banana.... they are high in fructose! which is sugar !! im serious here, cut off fruits ! now, we r left with veggies, tofu, carrots, beans, mushrooms, fish, chicken breast, coffee no sugar, tea no sugar. COFFEE AND GREEN TEA IS EXCELLENT for liver. thats it. seriously.... and boil or steam them only... no oil please. boring isnt it? but you need to reverse your fatty liver back to heathy liver isnt it or die. which do u choose? one way to know is ultrasound, but another is simple blood test for AST AND ALT level ! simple! if they fall back to healthy range, you are likely succeed. just 2-3 months and u can have SIGNIFICANT improvement ! also, you can continue to exercise as it works hand in hand with your diet ! no smoking please at all. stop that lame useless "cool" habit. if your friends smoke, then just don't stay beside. lastly, we need to eat on time, after 7pm, do not eat anything until next afternoon 12pm is best, to allow our body to digest, and to burn off fat, when our body do not source from food intake, it will source from our body fat, that is how without exercising, fat can be reduced. that is a superior way to burn off fat from liver just by fasting! again this is temporarily until you reverse fatty liver. I REPEAT as summary, 1) EXERCISE AND SWEAT IT OUT (BUT EVEN IF YOU EXERCISE BUT EAT LOTS OF SUGAR AND CARBS , IT IS USELESS!). 2) EAT NO CARBOHYDRATES, SUGAR AND NO FRUITS 3) SLEEP WELL ON TIME SO WE DONT STRESS OUR ORGANS LETTING THEM REST AND HEAL FROM INFLAMMATION 4) EAT AT THE RIGHT TIME TO PREVENT ORGANS FROM NOT ABLE TO REST AND RECOVER FROM INFLAMMATIONS AND TOXINS. 5) FASTING AFTER DINNER TILL NEXT LUNCH, OR AT LEAST NEXT BREAKFAST (NOTE THAT YOU DO NOT OVEREAT TO MAKE UP FOR THE HUNGER, THAT IS FASTING MISTAKE AND WILL BACK FIRE). YOU ARE ALLOW TO DRINK WATER AND MAKE SURE YOU DO. last tips, whole milk are high in sugar and fat too, FRUITS ARE NOT PROCESS BY INSULIN BUT DIRECTLY PROCESS RIGHT BY OUR LIVER, SO STOP FRUCTOUS AND LET OUR LIVER HEAL ! you think milk sound good, but not for diabetes and fatty liver patient. also no butter ! and i do not eat egg while trying to reverse my fatty liver. IT WORKS! im sharing you and the world, because i lost my father due to liver problem. and i have fatty liver. we were very uninformed and uneducated with our lifestyle. doctors often just see us 5 mins and we FO. they do not explain to us , they just say its fat. its wrong. its sugar and carbohydrates we do not understand at all. doctors like to condescending us. they feel like they r so high to behave like a real human and we r just another animals from part of their job. TRUST ME, you tell whatever i said to any doctors, they cant disagree, BUT THEY DIDNT SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ginger, we must not over consume! while it is good, over consume is too heaty, and liver cant take it! heaty is bad for liver. so dont be theoretical . HERE LETS DO FALL VICTIM TO DOCTORS BUSINESS INTERESTS WHO WANNA PLAY US FOR MONEY. AND PROLONG OUR CHANCE OF SURVIVAL. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO KNOWS HOW TO REVERSE FATTY LIVER ARE THOSE WHO HAD REVERSED THEIR OWN FATTY LIVER. NOT DOCTORS! TAKE 70mg of small turmeric for 3 months, that is my powerful final tips !

@Yeon8888 - 22.12.2021 09:53

I did my blood test yesterday after 5 weeks of 100% no carbohydrates no sugar no fruits no starch no red meat diet. My Liver panel test result shown AST , ALT , GGT level all perfect! Far from its top range. Just 5 weeks. My fatty liver is reversed to healthy normal. I lost 4-5kg just from dieting and stop eating after 7pm till next day lunch. 2 meals a day. Only boiled using water, steam Fish , tofu , cabbage broccoli veggies , chicken breast , black coffee no sugar for afternoon lunch and green tea no sugar during evening dinner not later than 7pm. After 7pm I fast till next day lunch 12pm. The fasting time is extremely important as this time allows digestion and some hunger which makes our body burn the fat within without exercising. Exercising barely able to reach the fat around our liver. So fasting is the effective way. I had No milk (contain high fat and high sugar) . No snacks. No all kind of bread which still are carbohydrates. No cake. No biscuits. No rice. No noodles. No fruits especially as it’s fructose are directly process only by our liver! Just 5 weeks and fatty liver is back to normal with proven liver function blood test compared to my previous test result 5 weeks ago. I feel very lively light and positive. I lost 5kg. Also My cholesterol and sugar level were also extremely good blood test result! I m looking way younger and my body is nicer too. I m 33 years old male. Non smoker non alcoholic. Didn’t work in a toxic environment. I didn’t exercise. But I ate much rice , fatty red meat, and milk and cookies and fruits. I slept late before. Now I kicked those bad habit n bad diet. After recovered from fatty liver, I continue my way of eating n fasting n sleeping time. I reintroduced some healthy carbohydrates back into my diet. Such as some corn carrot , some wheat bread, a little potatoes. Please make sure u do not overdo it. I really mean only some. Lack of discipline and taking it for granted will cause regrets. I’m sharing for mankind and for those who were helpless from useless doctors. And I’m sharing in memory of my late father who passed away due to end stage liver disease.

@johndiaz2853 - 03.01.2022 05:14

That bull shit ! This guy is no scientist! He just researches studies and often important facts can be left out ! I lost 90 lbs on a fruitarian diet! Nothing but fruits every day all day ! And a wide variety too!my liver fat was all gone by next ultrasound!

@dpa108 - 07.01.2022 14:49

Are you able to state the name of the (academic) paper or add a link please. Thankyou. Great vid BTW.

@rhpevert - 10.01.2022 01:39

Life saver! Thank you!

@animated6875 - 21.01.2022 07:44

but how we suppose to use turmeric with and when before meal ..after meal or empty stomach

@IAMREIKI - 07.02.2022 08:11

Thanks for Caring about Us All .

@Fernando-tq8wq - 08.02.2022 00:12

Krill pills help me get rid my fatty liver in 3 months

@nadinenorman1925 - 14.02.2022 03:54

How much fruit should you slow down too? Should I stop eating sugar like snacks?

@matthewelkins2945 - 16.02.2022 05:12

Kim SA, Shin S. Fruit and vegetable consumption and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among Korean adults: a prospective cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2020 Dec;74(12):1035-1042. doi: 10.1136/jech-2020-214568. Epub 2020 Aug 13. PMID: 32796047.

@DJSTOEK - 21.03.2022 10:09


@markgil9249 - 08.04.2022 21:01

I just got diagnosed with a fatty liver, 3 months from my last test which where my liver was normal...I did start dri King cranberry juice and orange juice? I don't drink alcohol..I do take turmeric regular for a 1yr now..I do about 200mg carbs a day and mostly before and after my workouts...I do eat a banana a day and blue Berries daily in my whey protein shake?

@stevenchao6395 - 09.04.2022 14:05

The amazing part is not that participants saw 78% reduction in liver fat by consuming curcumin, rather the participants who reduced liver fat by 28% just by placebo! That is utterly remarkable.

@hausoflandon - 22.04.2022 05:22

If I can’t eat carbs or fruit, what am I supposed to eat…this is absolutely insane

@sillyomonkey7845 - 04.05.2022 00:07

I have a fatty liver and I'm a kid

@sr3v0l - 17.05.2022 02:45

70mg curcumin = 78.9l% improvementj
Does that mean
100 mg = 100% i provement,

@haseebhafeezuddeen100 - 22.05.2022 08:53

Too much jargon thrown in. Please keep it simple. Thanks

@stu3775 - 22.08.2022 05:18


@RealMTBAddict - 19.09.2022 16:02

Why is your head so small?

@lissyquezada2668 - 28.12.2022 04:34

Thomas Im so depresed I devoped fatty liver after following keto :(

@kbbb4227 - 06.02.2023 02:01

Thank You.

@arianarubytemple6008 - 26.03.2023 02:50

Oh dear, I eat LOADS of fruit and have elevated liver enzymes and signs of a stressed liver. Time for low carb!!!!

@user-hr7yk8ns7m - 28.05.2023 07:03

Ian drinking no mo alcohol shit just not worth it

@norain31 - 04.06.2023 04:44

Can you talk about noc please and taking both noc and gludithion .i could hardly move did coline /insostal , gludithion, tumeric .and after a couple months redid my roof at 64 almost 65.all i can say is my heath came back from having trouble pulling on socks to feeling 50 again.

@deniseyounger6004 - 24.06.2023 18:22

Alcohol is actually poison to the body. Only eat berries and don’t take over the counter drugs!

@arth8265 - 27.01.2024 06:00

Thomas, present any clinical human data outcome which shows that high fruits consumption can cause fatty liver disease. Why are you conflating mechanistic data from pure fructose with fruits which are whole foods containing complex matrix of nutrients? It's very irritating when people on social media are doing this kind of fearmongering based on mechanistic speculations. This isn't science. It's scientific fanfiction.

@slee5045 - 20.02.2024 11:43

Single? How is that possible?
